Updated on 2023-03-21 GMT+08:00

Synchronous Download

All commands in this section use the Linux operating system as an example to describe how to perform synchronous download operations.

Assume that bucket bucket-test contains the following objects:


Assume that a local folder is in the following structure:

└── src1
    └── test3.txt

Based on the structure of the preceding local folder and objects in the bucket, different synchronous download scenarios require different commands.

  • To synchronize all files and subfolders in the src1 folder in bucket bucket-test to the local src1 folder, the command is as follows:
    ./obsutil sync obs://bucket-test/src1  /src1

    After the synchronization is successful, the following files are generated in the local src1 folder:

    └── src1
        ├── src2
            ├── test1.txt
            └── test2.txt
        ├── src3
        └── test3.txt