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Updated on 2025-01-16 GMT+08:00

All commands in this section use the Linux operating system as an example to describe how to download files.

Assume that bucket bucket-test contains the following objects:


Based on the structure of objects in the bucket, different download scenarios require different commands.

  • To download the test1.txt file from bucket bucket-test to the local src1 folder, the command is as follows:
    ./obsutil cp obs://bucket-test/test1.txt  /src1

    After the download is complete, the following file is generated on the local PC:

    └── src1
        └── test1.txt
  • Run the following command to download the test1.txt file to your local PC. If there is no test.txt on the local PC, the test1.txt file is directly downloaded and you can rename it to test.txt. If test.txt already exists, test1.txt is downloaded and overwrites the original local test.txt file after renaming.
    ./obsutil cp obs://bucket-test/test1.txt  /test.txt

    After the download is complete, the following file is generated on the local PC:

    └── test.txt
  • To recursively download the entire src2 folder from bucket bucket-test to the local src1 folder in force mode, the command is as follows:
    ./obsutil cp obs://bucket-test/src2  /src1 -r -f

    After the download is complete, the following files are generated on the local PC:

    └── src1
        └── src2
            ├── src3
                └── test9.txt
            └── test8.txt
  • To recursively download all files and subfolders in the src2 folder from bucket bucket-test to the local src1 folder in force mode, the command is as follows:
    ./obsutil cp obs://bucket-test/src2  /src1 -r -f -flat

    After the download is complete, the following files are generated on the local PC:

    └── src1
        ├── src3
            └── test9.txt
        └── test8.txt
  • To recursively download the all objects in bucket bucket-test to the local src0 folder in force mode, the command is as follows:
    ./obsutil cp obs://bucket-test  /src0 -r -f

    After the download is complete, the following files are generated on the local PC:

    └── src0
        ├── test1.txt
        ├── test2.txt
        ├── test3.txt
        ├── test4.txt
        ├── test5.txt
        ├── test6.txt
        ├── src1
            └── test7.txt
        └── src2
            ├── src3
                └── test9.txt
            └── test8.txt
  • Run the following command to exclude the src2 folder (including all files and folders contained) when downloading the src1 folder from the bucket-test bucket:
    ./obsutil cp obs://bucket-test/src1/ src1 -exclude "*src1/src2*" -r -f -mf

    Four objects are successfully downloaded, and the download information contains exclude and the specific content.

    ./obsutil cp obs://bucket-test/src1/ src1 -exclude "*src1/src2*" -r -f -mf
    Parallel:      5                   Jobs:          5
    Threshold:     50.00MB             PartSize:      auto
    VerifyLength:  false               VerifyMd5:     false
    Exclude:       *src1/src2*
    CheckpointDir: xxxx
    OutputDir: xxxx
    TempFileDir: xxxx
    [====================================================] 100.00% tps:87.78 ?/s 4/4 2.39KB/2.39KB 223ms
    Succeed count:   4         Failed count:    0
    Succeed bytes:   2.39KB
    Metrics [max cost:147 ms, min cost:77 ms, average cost:56.00 ms, average tps:8.85, transferred size:2.39KB]

    After the download is complete, the following files are generated on the local PC:

    └── src1
        ├── src3
            └── test9.txt
        └── test7.txt




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