Storage Class

Updated on 2023-11-09 GMT+08:00

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OBS allows you to set storage classes for buckets. The storage class of an object defaults to be that of its residing bucket. Different storage classes meet different needs for storage performance and costs. There are three types of storage class for buckets, as described in the following table:

Storage Class


Value in OBS PHP SDK

OBS Standard

Features low access latency and high throughput and is applicable to storing frequently-accessed (multiple times per month) hotspot or small objects (< 1 MB) requiring quick response.


OBS Infrequent Access

Is applicable to storing semi-frequently accessed (less than 12 times a year) data requiring quick response.


OBS Archive

Is applicable to archiving rarely-accessed (once a year) data.


For more information, see Bucket Storage Classes.

Setting the Storage Class for a Bucket

You can call ObsClient->setBucketStoragePolicy to set the storage class for a bucket. Sample code is as follows:

// Import the dependency library.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Import the SDK code library during the installation with source code.
// require 'obs-autoloader.php';
// Declare the namespace.
use Obs\ObsClient;
// Create an ObsClient instance.
$obsClient = new ObsClient ( [ 
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair using environment variables or import the AK/SK pair in other ways. Using hard coding may result in leakage.
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see
      'key' => getenv('ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
      'secret' => getenv('SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
      'endpoint' => 'https://your-endpoint'
] );

$resp = $obsClient->setBucketStoragePolicy([
       'Bucket' => 'bucketname',
       'StorageClass' => ObsClient::StorageClassWarm


Use the StorageClass parameter to set the storage class for a bucket.

Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket

You can call ObsClient->getBucketStoragePolicy to obtain the storage class of a bucket. Sample code is as follows:

// Import the dependency library.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Import the SDK code library during the installation with source code.
// require 'obs-autoloader.php';
// Declare the namespace.
use Obs\ObsClient;
// Create an ObsClient instance.
$obsClient = new ObsClient ( [ 
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair using environment variables or import the AK/SK pair in other ways. Using hard coding may result in leakage.
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see
      'key' => getenv('ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
      'secret' => getenv('SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
      'endpoint' => 'https://your-endpoint'
] );

$resp = $obsClient->getBucketStoragePolicy([
       'Bucket' => 'bucketname'





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