Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ obsutil/ Getting Started/ Initializing the Configuration

Initializing the Configuration

Updated on 2025-01-16 GMT+08:00

Before using obsutil, you need to configure the OBS endpoint and AK/SK for obsutil to interconnect with OBS. Then, you can use obsutil to operate OBS buckets and objects.


obsutil Initialization Methods

Method 1: Run the config command (for more information about config, see Updating a Configuration File):

  • In Windows

    Using a permanent AK/SK pair:

    obsutil config -i=ak -k=sk -e=endpoint

    Using a temporary AK/SK pair and a security token:

    obsutil config -i=ak -k=sk -t=token -e=endpoint
  • In Linux or macOS

    Using a permanent AK/SK pair:

    ./obsutil config -i=ak -k=sk -e=endpoint

    Using a temporary AK/SK pair and a security token:

    ./obsutil config -i=ak -k=sk -t=token -e=endpoint
  • After the command is executed, there will be the .obsutilconfig file created in the directory (~ in Linux or macOS or C:\Users\<username> in Windows) where obsutil commands run. This file contains all the configuration information of obsutil.
  • For details about the parameters in the .obsutilconfig file, see Configuration Parameters.
  • The .obsutilconfig file contains the AK/SK information, so it is hidden by default to prevent leakage. To query this file, run the following command in the directory where obsutil commands run.
    • In Windows
    • In Linux or macOS
      ls -a 


      ls -al
  • obsutil encrypts the AK/SK information in the .obsutilconfig file.
  • After you use -i, -k, and -e to configure user authentication, the history command in Linux can query the configured values.

Method 2: Initialize the configuration by automatically obtaining access keys for obsutil.

Method 3: Initialize obsutil in interactive mode.

Below gives an example of initializing obsutil in Linux.

  1. Run the following command:
    ./obsutil config -interactive
  2. Configure the ak, sk, endpoint, and token parameters.

    The following table describes the parameters.

    Table 1


    Optional or Mandatory




    AK in permanent or temporary security credentials



    SK in permanent or temporary security credentials



    Endpoint for accessing OBS, which can contain the protocol type, domain name, and port number (optional), for example, https://your-endpoint:443. (For security purposes, you are advised to use HTTPS. The port number 443 can be omitted.)




    Security token in the temporary security credentials. It is mandatory when temporary security credentials are used.


    For details about config, see Updating a Configuration File.

Checking the Connectivity

After the initial configuration is complete, run the following command to check the connectivity:

  • In Windows
    obsutil ls -s
  • In Linux or macOS
    ./obsutil ls -s

Check the command output:

  • If it contains "Bucket number", the configuration is correct.
  • If it contains "Http status [403]", the access keys are wrong.
  • If it contains "A connection attempt failed", OBS cannot be connected. Then, check the network condition.
  • If it contains "Error: cloud_url [url] is not in well format", the domain name to be accessed is incorrect. Check the domain name in the configuration file.

If the command output contains "Http status [403]", you may not have the required permissions for obtaining the bucket list. A further analysis is required to identify the root cause.





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