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Viewing Website Hosting Settings

Updated on 2023-11-09 GMT+08:00

If you have any questions during development, post them on the Issues page of GitHub. For details about parameters and usage of each API, see API Reference.

You can call ObsClient->getBucketWebsite to view the hosting settings of a bucket. Sample code is as follows:

// Import the dependency library.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Import the SDK code library during source code installation.
// require 'obs-autoloader.php';
// Declare the namespace.
use Obs\ObsClient;
// Create an instance of ObsClient.
$obsClient = new ObsClient ( [ 
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair using environment variables or import the AK/SK pair in other ways. Using hard coding may result in leakage.
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see https://support.huaweicloud.com/eu/usermanual-ca/ca_01_0003.html.
      'key' => getenv('ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
      'secret' => getenv('SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
      'endpoint' => 'https://your-endpoint'
] );

$resp = $obsClient->getBucketWebsite ( [ 
       'Bucket' => 'bucketname' 
] );
printf ( "RequestId:%s\n", $resp ['RequestId'] );
printf ( "IndexDocument[Suffix]:%s\n", $resp ['IndexDocument'] ['Suffix'] );
printf ( "ErrorDocument[Key]:%s\n", $resp ['ErrorDocument'] ['Key'] );
foreach ( $resp ['RoutingRules'] as $index => $routingRule ) {
       printf ( "RoutingRules[%d]\n", $index + 1 );
       printf ( "Condition[HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals]:%s\n", $routingRule ['Condition'] ['HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals'] );
       printf ( "Condition[KeyPrefixEquals]:%s\n", $routingRule ['Condition'] ['KeyPrefixEquals'] );
       printf ( "Redirect[HostName]:%s\n", $routingRule ['Redirect'] ['HostName'] );
       printf ( "Redirect[Protocol]:%s\n", $routingRule ['Redirect'] ['Protocol'] );
       printf ( "Redirect[HttpRedirectCode]:%s\n", $routingRule ['Redirect'] ['HttpRedirectCode'] );
       printf ( "Redirect[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith]:%s\n", $routingRule ['Redirect'] ['ReplaceKeyPrefixWith'] );
       printf ( "Redirect[ReplaceKeyWith]:%s\n", $routingRule ['Redirect'] ['ReplaceKeyWith'] );




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