Elastic IP
An EIP is a public IP address that can be accessed directly over the Internet. An EIP consists of a public IP address and some amount of public network egress bandwidth. EIPs can be bound to or unbound from ECSs, BMSs, virtual IP addresses, NAT gateways, and load balancers.
Progressive Knowledge
EIP knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level
EIP application scenarios and functions are provided to help you select your desired type to match services.
Service Overview
You can allow your ECS to access the Internet by binding to an EIP.
Getting Started
You can use the EIP service to work together with other cloud services to connect to the Internet.
Accessing the Internet
EIP APIs and calling examples help you use and manage EIPs and bandwidths.
API Reference
EIP bandwidth billing modes and configurations are available for you to select. You can also choose to use the shared bandwidth, shared data package, or bandwidth add-on package based on service requirements.
Assigning an EIP
Be a Power User
You can configure your EIP and modify its bandwidth based on your service requirements and view monitoring metrics in real time to determine the EIP health status.
Common Operations
O&M and Monitoring
Learn more about common issues and solutions.
Typical Cases
How Do I Change the Billing Mode?
How Do I Change the Bandwidth Billing Option from Bandwidth to Traffic or from Traffic to Bandwidth?
What Are the Differences Between an EIP, a Private IP Address, a Floating IP Address, and a Virtual IP Address?
How Do I Assign or Retrieve a Specific EIP?
How Do I Check Whether the Bandwidth Exceeds the Limit?
Technical Topics
Technologies, expert opinions, and courses