Updated on 2024-07-15 GMT+08:00

Purchasing a Desktop Backup Vault

This section describes how to create a desktop backup vault.


  1. Log in to the CBR console.

    1. Log in to the management console.
    2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region.
    3. Click and choose Storage > Cloud Backup and Recovery > Desktop Backups.

  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click Buy Desktop Backup Vault.
  3. Select a billing mode.

    • Yearly/monthly is a prepaid billing mode. You are billed based on the subscription duration you specify. This mode is ideal when the resource use duration is predictable. A longer subscription often means a lower cost.
    • Pay-per-use is a postpaid billing mode. You are billed based on your resource usage and you can increase or delete resources any time.

  4. Determine whether to enable backup locking.

    If enabled, backups in the vault will not be deleted maliciously or by mistake, improving data reliability.

    Backup locking cannot be disabled after it is enabled.

  5. (Optional) In the desktop list, select the Workspace desktops you want to back up. After desktops are selected, they are added to the list of selected desktops. See Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Selecting desktops
    • The selected desktops must have not been associated with any vault and must be in the Available or In-use state.
    • You can also associate desktops with the vault you are creating later if you skip this step.

  6. Specify a vault capacity ranging from 10 GB to 10,485,760 GB. Properly plan the vault capacity, which must be at least the same as the size of the desktops you want to back up.

    As the vault's used space grows, you can expand the vault capacity if it becomes insufficient.

  7. Configure auto backup.

    • If you select Configure, you must then select an existing backup policy or create a new policy. After the vault is created, CBR will apply the policy to this vault, and all desktops associated with this vault will be automatically backed up based on this policy.
    • If you select Skip, desktops associated with this vault will not be automatically backed up until you apply a backup policy to the vault.

  8. If you have subscribed to the EPS service, add the vault to an existing enterprise project.

    EPS provides a unified method to manage cloud resources by project, allowing you to manage resources, users, and user groups in your projects. The default enterprise project is default.

    If the CBR FullAccess permissions have been assigned to IAM users, enterprise projects will not be displayed for you to choose from when you create a vault. Go to the Enterprise Project Management console and assign the CBR FullAccess permissions to the target user group.

  9. (Optional) Add tags to the vault.

    Tags are key-value pairs, which are used to identify, classify, and search for vaults. You can add a maximum of 10 tags for a vault, and vault tags are only used for vault search and management.

    If your organization has enabled the tag policy type for CBR and has a tag policy attached, you must comply with the tag policy rules when creating vaults, otherwise vaults may fail to be created. Contact the organization administrator to learn more about tag policies.

    Table 1 describes the parameters of a tag.
    Table 1 Tag parameter description



    Example Value


    Each tag has a unique key. You can customize a key or select the key of an existing tag created in TMS.

    A tag key:

    • Can contain 1 to 36 Unicode characters.
    • Can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).



    A tag value can be repetitive or left blank.

    A tag value:

    • Can contain 0 to 43 Unicode characters.
    • Can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).


  10. Specify a name for the vault.

    The name must contain 1 to 64 characters including digits, letters, underscores (_), or hyphens (-), for example, vault-612c.

    You can also use the default name vault_xxxx.

  11. Specify the required duration if you select yearly/monthly billing. The validity period ranges from 1 month to 5 years.

    Determine whether to enable auto renewal. If you select Auto Renewal:

    • Your subscription will be renewed each month for monthly billing.
    • Your subscription will be renewed each year for yearly billing.

  12. Complete the payment as prompted.
  13. Return to the Desktop Backups page. You can see the created vault in the vault list.

    You can associate Workspace desktops to the new vault or perform backup for the desktops. For details, see Vault Management.