Help Center/ Cloud Backup and Recovery/ FAQs/ Backup/ How Do I Migrate Server Data Across Regions Using Server Backups?
Updated on 2024-02-01 GMT+08:00

How Do I Migrate Server Data Across Regions Using Server Backups?


A user has an ECS in the LA-Mexico City1 region, and the ECS has one system disk. To implement cross-region disaster recovery and fast service deployment in a different region, the user needs to create a same ECS with the same data in that region. In this case, CBR cloud server backup would be an ideal choice.

To replicate the ECS from LA-Mexico City1 to AP-Bangkok, the user needs to back up the ECS in LA-Mexico City1, replicates the backup to AP-Bangkok, uses the backup replica to create a full-ECS image, and then uses the image to create an ECS in AP-Bangkok. In this way, data on the ECS can be migrated to AP-Bangkok.


  1. Log in to the ECS console, switch to the LA-Mexico City1 region, and locate the target ECS in the server list. See Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Target ECS information

  2. Choose More > Create Backup in the Operation column to go to the CBR console and purchase a vault. Make sure that the target ECS is selected when purchasing a vault.
  3. After the vault is created and associated with the ECS, back up the ECS. See Figure 2.

    Figure 2 Perform Backup

  4. Go to the cloud server backup page on the CBR console and confirm that the backup has been created in the vault. Then, choose More > Create Replica in the Operation column to replicate the backup to AP-Bangkok. See Figure 3.

    If the destination vault does not exist, go to the destination region to create a replication vault first.
    Figure 3 Creating a replica

  5. Go to the AP-Bangkok region. Choose Cloud Server Backups, find the replicated backup replica_001 in the backup list. An R icon is displayed next to the backup name. In the Operation column, click Create Image.

    Create an image using the backup. See Figure 4. This backup can be deleted only after the image is deleted.

    Figure 4 Creating an image

  6. On the IMS console in AP-Bangkok, find the created image and click Apply for Server in the Operation column to create a server. See Figure 5. Configure other parameters based on service requirements.

    Figure 5 Creating a server

  7. View the server details page. You can see that the ECS data has been migrated from LA-Mexico City1 to AP-Bangkok. See Figure 6.

    Figure 6 Successful cross-region ECS data migration