Help Center> Cloud Backup and Recovery> Getting Started> Creating an SFS Turbo Backup
Updated on 2024-07-15 GMT+08:00

Creating an SFS Turbo Backup

Operation Process

Table 1 Operation process of creating an SFS Turbo backup



Making preparations

Register with Huawei Cloud, complete real-name authentication, top up your account, and create an IMA user.

Purchasing an SFS Turbo backup vault

Purchase an SFS Turbo backup vault to store SFS Turbo backups.

Associating SFS Turbo file systems

Associate your SFS Turbo file systems with a vault to back up and replicate data.

Creating an SFS Turbo backup

Create SFS Turbo backups to protect data.

Making Preparations

Registering with Huawei Cloud

If you already have a Huawei Cloud account, skip this part. If you do not have a Huawei Cloud account, perform the following steps to create one:

  1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud official website, and click Sign Up in the upper right corner.
  2. On the displayed page, register an account as prompted.

    After the registration is complete, you will be redirected to your personal information page.

Topping Up Your Account

Ensure that your account has sufficient balance.

To view detailed CBR pricing, see Product Pricing Details.

To top up an account, see Topping Up an Account.

Creating an IAM User

If you want to allow multiple users to manage your resources without sharing your password or private key, you can create IAM users and grant permissions to the users. These users can use specified links and their own accounts to access the public cloud and help you manage resources efficiently. You can also configure account security policies to ensure the security of these accounts.

If you have registered with the public cloud but have not created an IAM user, you can create one on the IAM console. For example, to create a CBR administrator, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter your username and password to log in to the management console.
  2. Hover the mouse over the username in the upper right corner and choose Identity and Access Management from the drop-down list.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Users.
  4. On the Users page, click Create User.
  5. Enter user information on the Create User page.
    • Username: Enter a username, for example, cbr_admin.
    • Email Address: Email address of the IAM user. This parameter is mandatory if the access type is specified as Set by user.
    • (Optional) Mobile Number: Mobile number of the IAM user.
    • (Optional) Description: Enter the description of the user, for example, CBR administrator.
  6. Select Management console access for Access Type and Set now for Password. Enter a password and click Next.

    A CBR administrator can log in to the management console and manage users. You are advised to select Set now for Password Type when you create a CBR administrator for your domain. If you create a CBR administrator for other users, you are advised to select Set by user for Password Type instead so that the users can set their own password.

  7. (Optional) Add the user to the admin user group and click Create.

    User group admin has all the operation permissions. If you want to grant fine-grained permissions to IAM users, see Creating a User and Granting CBR Permissions.

    The user is displayed in the user list. You can click the IAM user login link to log in to the console.

Purchasing an SFS Turbo Backup Vault

This section describes how to purchase an SFS Turbo backup vault.

  1. Log in to the CBR console.

    1. Log in to the management console.
    2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region.
    3. Click and choose Storage > Cloud Backup and Recovery > SFS Turbo Backups.

  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click Buy SFS Turbo Backup Vault.
  3. Select a billing mode.

    • Yearly/monthly is a prepaid billing mode. You are billed based on the subscription duration you specify. This mode is ideal when the resource use duration is predictable. A longer subscription often means a lower cost.
    • Pay-per-use is a postpaid billing mode. You are billed based on your resource usage and you can increase or delete resources anytime. Fees are deducted from your account balance.

  4. Select a protection type.

    • Backup: An SFS Turbo backup vault stores SFS Turbo backups.
    • Replication: An SFS Turbo replication vault stores replicas of SFS Turbo backups. If you select Replication, you do not need to select any SFS Turbo file system.

  5. In the file system list, select the file systems to be backed up. After file systems are selected, they are added to the list of selected file systems. See Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Selecting file systems

    • The selected file systems must have not been associated with any vault and must be in the Available state.
    • You can also associate file systems with the vault you are creating later if you skip this step.

  6. Specify the vault capacity. This capacity indicates the total size of the file systems that you want to associate with this vault. You need to properly plan the vault capacity, which must be at least the same as the size of the file systems you want to back up. The capacity ranges from 10 GB to 10485760 GB.
  7. Configure auto backup.

    • If you select Configure, a backup policy can be applied to this vault and all file systems associated with this vault will be automatically backed up based on the policy. You can select an existing backup policy or create a new one.
    • If you select Skip, file systems associated with this vault will not be automatically backed up until you apply a backup policy to the vault.

  8. If you have subscribed to Enterprise Project, add the vault to an existing enterprise project.

    EPS provides a unified method to manage cloud resources by project, allowing you to manage resources, users, and user groups in your projects. The default enterprise project is default.

    If the CBR FullAccess permissions have been assigned to IAM users, enterprise projects will not be displayed for you to choose from when you create a vault. Go to the Enterprise Project Management console to add the permissions.

  9. (Optional) Add tags to the vault. For details, see managing vault tags.
  10. Specify a name for the vault.

    A name must contain 1 to 64 characters including digits, letters, underscores (_), or hyphens (-), for example, vault-612c.

    You can also use the default name vault_xxxx.

  11. Specify the required duration if you select yearly/monthly billing. The validity period ranges from 1 month to 5 years.

    Determine whether to enable auto renewal. If you select Auto Renewal:

    • Your subscription will be renewed each month for monthly billing.
    • Your subscription will be renewed each year for yearly billing.

  12. Complete the payment as prompted.
  13. Go back to the SFS Turbo Backups page. You can see the created vault in the vault list.

    You can associate file systems to the new vault or perform backup for the file systems. For details, see Vault Management.

Associating SFS Turbo File Systems

If you have associated file systems when purchasing a vault, skip this step.

If no resource is associated, see associating a resource with the vault.

Creating an SFS Turbo Backup

This section describes how to quickly create an SFS Turbo file system backup.

To ensure data integrity, you are advised to back up the file system during off-peak hours when no data is written to the file system.

Peak hours of the backup service are from 22:00 to 08:00, during which there may be delays. So you are advised to evaluate your service types and schedule backups in discrete time periods.


A file system can be backed up only when its status is Available or In-use. If you have performed operations such as expanding, mounting, unmounting, or deleting a file system, refresh the page first to ensure that the operation is complete and then determine whether to back up the file system.


  1. On the SFS Turbo Backups page, click the Vaults tab and find the vault to which the file system is associated.
  2. Perform backup in either of the following ways:

    • Click Perform Backup in the Operation column. In the file system list, select the file system to be backed up. After a file system is selected, it is added to the list of selected file systems. See Figure 2.
      Figure 2 Selecting the file system to be backed up

    • Click the vault name to go to the vault details page. On the Associated File Systems tab page, locate the target file system. Click Perform Backup in the Operation column of the file system. See Figure 3.
      Figure 3 Performing backup

  3. Set Name and Description for the backup. Table 2 describes the parameters.

    Table 2 Parameter description



    Example Value


    Name of the backup you are creating.

    A name must contain 1 to 64 characters including digits, letters, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).


    You can also use the default name manualbk_xxxx.

    If multiple file systems are to be backed up, the system automatically adds suffixes to their backup names, for example, backup-0001 and backup-0002.



    Description of the backup.

    It cannot exceed 255 characters.


  4. Click OK. CBR automatically creates a backup for the file system.

    On the Backups tab page, if the status of the backup is Available, the backup task is successful.

    If you delete data from the file system during the backup, the deleted data may fail to be backed up. Therefore, to ensure data integrity, delete the target data after the backup is complete, and then perform the backup.

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