Updated on 2023-07-27 GMT+08:00

What Is VOD?

Video on Demand (VOD) is a one-stop media service that uploads, transcodes, and manages media files and distributes them to your users.

You do not need to care about the underlying infrastructure on which services depend. You only need to use Video on Demand (VOD) to quickly build a secure and scalable VOD platform.

VOD provides a web-based management console, APIs, and software development kits (SDKs), through which you can use and manage VOD resources.

VOD billing is usage-based.

Application Scenarios

Audio and video websites: Huawei Cloud VOD helps you quickly build a secure and reliable VOD application regardless of your video resource size.

Video replay: Live recordings stored in OBS buckets are hosted to VOD for replay. Functions such as media file management, media processing, and CDN distribution acceleration are also supported.

Online education: Teaching videos can be uploaded through the console or by calling APIs. Videos can be transcoded for quick publish. Edge nodes around the world ensure a smooth viewing experience for students. Hotlink protection and copyright protection prevent courseware and educational videos from being stolen.