Updated on 2024-07-19 GMT+08:00

URL Validation

Referer validation can filter visitors' identities. However, the referer content can be forged, which cannot completely protect your VOD resources. Therefore, VOD provides URL validation. You can configure the key and generate the corresponding playback URL. The URL has a certain validity period, which effectively prevents VOD resources from being illegally stolen.


Referer validation works in a simple way. After a blacklist or whitelist is configured on the VOD console, VOD distributes the blacklist or whitelist to CDN. When receiving a request, CDN checks whether the request is valid based on the list. If the request is valid, CDN accesses the requested resource. If the request is invalid, CDN rejects the request and returns a status code 403.

URL validation is implemented by VOD edge nodes and origin server in VOD. It is a more secure and reliable anti-piracy solution than referer validation. Figure 1 shows how URL validation works.

Figure 1 URL validation working principles

The process is as follows:

  1. You enable URL validation on the VOD console and configure the allowed time difference and algorithm.
  2. VOD delivers the configured key value to CDN nodes.
  3. You obtain the authentication URL of a VOD media file.
  4. Viewers request CDN to play a video through the authentication playback URL.
  5. CDN verifies the request based on authentication information carried in the playback URL. Only requests that pass the verification are allowed.


  • This function is optional and is disabled by default.
  • After this function is enabled, the original URLs cannot be used. New authentication URLs must be generated based on rules.
  • If the authentication URL expires or the signature fails to be authenticated, the video fails to be played and the message "403 Forbidden" is returned.
  • Algorithms A, B, and C do not support HLS and DASH playback scenarios.
  • To disable URL validation, submit a service ticket.


  1. Log in to the VOD console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Domain Name Management.
  3. Click Settings in the row containing your domain name and then click the Hotlink Protection Settings tab.
  4. Click URL Validation and switch on URL Validation.
  5. Configure URL validation parameters. Table 1 describes the parameters.

    Table 1 Parameter description




    Click Generate to generate a key value.

    Maximum Time Difference

    How long an authentication URL remains valid. The default value is 120 minutes.

    For example, if the authentication URL generation time is 1573806090 (Nov. 15, 2019 16:21:30 GMT+08:00) and the allowed time difference is 120 minutes, the authentication URL expires at Nov. 15, 2019 18:21:30 GMT+08:00.

    Expiration Time of the Old Key

    By default, the old key expires 60 minutes later since the new key takes effect.

    For example, if the effective time of the new key is Nov. 15, 2019 16:21:30 GMT+08:00 and Expiration Time of the Old Key is 60 minutes, the old authentication URL expires at Nov. 15, 2019 17:21:30 GMT+08:00.


    Key encryption algorithm. The following algorithms are supported:

    Algorithms A, B, and C: The MD5 digest algorithm is used. For details, see Encryption Algorithm A, Encryption Algorithm B, and Encryption Algorithm C.

    Algorithm D: The symmetric encryption algorithm is used. For details, see Encryption Algorithm D.

    Algorithm E: The SHA-256 algorithm is used. For details, see Encryption Algorithm E (same as the Signing Method C2 of CDN).

    • Algorithms A, B, and C do not support HLS and DASH playback. Algorithm D or E is recommended.
    • Currently, algorithm E supports preview only for HLS and MP4 files. The preview function of MP4 files takes effect only when the packaging format MOOV is in front of MDAT. After the preview function is enabled, the playback URL can be obtained from the VOD console. The default preview duration is 300s.

  6. Click OK.
  7. If you select algorithm D, you need to submit a service ticket for approval after configuring the parameters. The submitted information must contain the configured domain name and information listed in Table 1.

    URL validation settings take effect once your request is approved. If you modify the URL validation settings, you also need to submit a service ticket for approval.

  8. Verify whether the URL validation settings have taken effect.

    Obtain the authentication playback URL and play the content via the URL. If the playback is successful, the URL validation settings have taken effect.

Generating an Authentication URL

From the console
  1. Log in to the VOD console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Audio and Video Management.
  3. Click Details in the row containing your media file and then click the Playback tab.

    URL is your playback address. Click to obtain the authentication URL.

    Figure 2 Obtaining the authentication URL

Encryption Algorithm A

Authentication URL format

Original URL?auth_key={timestamp}-{rand}-{uid}-{auth_key}
Formula for calculating auth_key is:
auth_key = MD5(/asset/{assetId}/{file_name}-{timestamp}-{rand}-{uid}-{private_key})
Table 2 Authentication fields




Time when an authentication URL is generated. The value is a Unix timestamp, which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.

Example: 1564731935 (2019.08.02 15:45)


Random number. The recommended value is a UUID, which cannot contain hyphens (-).

Example: f03cbe7c4a3849bc8d8769e3110e4533


This parameter is not used now. Set it to 0.


Key value set on the console. For details, see Procedure.

Authentication URL example:
Original URL: http://1.cdn.myhuaweicloud.com/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4
private_key: myPrivateKey
timestamp: 1547123166
rand: 477b3bbc253f467b8def6711128c7bec
uid: 0
Obtain auth_key based on the calculation formula.
auth_key = md5(/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4-1547123166-477b3bbc253f467b8def6711128c7bec-0-myPrivateKey) = 584883719a3f722bf1a32a3b0a4d25dd

An authentication URL based on algorithm A is:


Encryption Algorithm B

Authentication URL format
Formula for calculating md5sum is:
md5sum = md5({private_key}{date_yyyyMMddHHmm}/asset/{asset_id}/{file_name})
Table 3 Authentication fields




Time when an authentication URL is generated. The format is yyyyMMddHHmm.

Example: 201908051445


Path from the media ID to the end in the original playback URL

Example: play_video/test.mp4


Key value set on the console. For details, see Procedure.

Authentication URL example:
Original URL: http://1.cdn.myhuaweicloud.com/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4
private_key: myPrivateKey
date_yyyyMMddHHmm: 201901102026
file_name: test.mp4

Obtain md5sum based on the calculation formula.

md5sum = md5(myPrivateKey201901102026/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4) = 713ef643de8df076da6ec3c0545968cb

An authentication URL based on algorithm B is:


Encryption Algorithm C

Authentication URL format
Formula for calculating md5hash is:
md5hash = md5({private_key}/asset/{asset_id}/{file_name}{time_hex})
Table 4 Authentication fields




Path from the media ID to the end in the original playback URL

Example: play_video/test.mp4


Time when an authentication URL is generated. The value is a hexadecimal Unix timestamp.

Example: hex(1564987530)=5D47D08A


Key value set on the console. For details, see Procedure.

Authentication URL example:
Original URL: http://1.cdn.myhuaweicloud.com/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4
private_key: myPrivateKey
time_hex: hex(timestamp) = hex(1547123166) = 5C3739DE
file_name: test.mp4
Obtain md5sum based on the calculation formula.
md5hash=md5(myPrivateKey/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp45C3739DE) = afa20c956043fe6d130b16f2704ac870

An authentication URL based on algorithm C is:


Encryption Algorithm D

Authentication URL format

Original URL?auth_info={Encrypted string}.{EncodedIV}
Formulas for calculating the encrypted string and EncodedIV are:
  • Original encrypted string = url_encoding({path}+"$"+{Timestamp}).
  • Encrypted string = aes_cbc_128_pkcs5padding (original encrypted string, key, IV)
  • EncodedIV = hex(IV)
Table 5 Authentication fields




Directory from the domain name to the last level, including the slash (/) behind the domain name and slash (/) behind the last level of directory, excluding the file name

Example: /asset/32237c8f68fcc6071a2d8e3421eee20d/play_video/


Time when an authentication URL is generated. The value is UTC time in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.

Example: 20190805101025


Key value set on the console. For details, see Procedure.


Randomly generated byte array. It can be up to 16 characters long.

hex(): converts the byte array into a hexadecimal string.

Sample code for generating IV is:
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
SecureRandom secureRand = new SecureRandom();
Authentication URL example:
Original URL: https://179.cdn-vod.huaweicloud.com/asset/32237c8f68fcc6071a2d8e3421eee20d/play_video/index.m3u8
path: /asset/32237c8f68fcc6071a2d8e3421eee20d/play_video/
key: 8Ks1qn14XRO28qOa
Timestamp: 20190805102430
The encrypted string and EncodedIV are obtained according to the calculation formula.
Original encrypted string = url_encoding("/asset/32237c8f68fcc6071a2d8e3421eee20d/play_video/") + "$" + "20190805102430"
Encrypted string = aes_cbc_128_pkcs5padding (original encrypted string, key, IV) = 34M%2F6KtYgxuAozdBLIVTe0dUVAZdvXsYQoYAnDmuhRHh1hshYg%2B2Tl0AmSwySDh%2BmkER44qYKpSP%2BgfsLM%2FIZe4F6K4n1Nx6ouGwyKfqdDA%3D
EncodedIV = hex(IV) = 79436d453636364e335941713330534e
An authentication URL based on algorithm D is:

Encryption Algorithm E

Authentication URL format

Original URL?auth_key={authKey}&timestamp={timestamp}&exper={exper}
Formula for calculating authKey: auth_key = sha256({PrivateKey }{fileName}{timestamp}{exper})
Table 6 Authentication fields




Time when an authentication URL is generated. The value is a Unix timestamp, which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. Unit: second.

Example: 1564731935, that is, the time is 2019.08.02 15:45.


Back-to-origin URL. During authentication, the value must start with a slash (/) and does not include the parameters behind ? in the authentication URL.

Example: /asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4


Signing key, which is used to generate a signed URL.

The key contains 6 to 32 characters in only letters and digits.


Video preview duration.

The value is a number, in second.

Authentication URL example:
Original URL: http://1.cdn.myhuaweicloud.com/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4
private_key: 32d6b2d740f10b86
timestamp: 1547123166
fileName: /asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp4
exper: 300
Obtain auth_key based on the calculation formula.
auth_key = sha256(32d6b2d740f10b86/asset/6b2d740f10b8697d8ea6672868ecdb6f/test.mp41547123166300) = 3a935cf1d8299fe63ec8d4e0afb5ef3304883a702a4e760f3c5ae838a4b69768
The authentication URL of algorithm E that supports preview is obtained.