Updated on 2024-12-27 GMT+08:00

Intelligent Cold Storage Policies

An intelligent cold storage policy can be created to specify the media asset upload time or storage duration, media asset category, and media asset storage class, and batch perform cold storage on media assets. You need to enable the intelligent cold storage policy after creating it.


  • The storage class of media assets can be batch changed from Standard to Infrequent Access or Archive.
  • The minimum storage period is 30 days for objects of the Infrequent Access storage class, and 90 days for those of the Archive storage class. If media files are retrieved or deleted before the storage period expires, you will still be charged based on the minimum storage period.

    Infrequent Access is used as an example. If the actual storage period is shorter than 30 days, you will be charged based on the minimum storage period (30 days). If the actual storage period is at least 30 days, you will be charged based on the actual storage period.

  • Each tenant can execute a maximum of 50,000 cold storage tasks every day.


  1. Log in to the VOD console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Management > Asset cooling.
  3. Choose the Intelligent cooling policy tab and click Create an intelligent cooling policy.

    On the page displayed, configure a policy, as shown in Table 1. The policy is executed only for audio/video files that meet all filter criteria.
    Table 1 Parameters




    Basic Information and Triggering Conditions

    Policy name

    Intelligent cold storage policy name.

    Only letters, digits, and underscores (_) are allowed.

    Media time condition

    Conditions for media asset cold storage.


    • Specified upload time: If this option is selected, you need to set the time range for uploading a media asset, including the start time and end time. Media assets uploaded within the time range will adopt cold storage in batches.

      If only the start time is specified, all media assets uploaded after the start time will adopt cold storage. If only the end time is specified, all media assets uploaded before the end time will adopt cold storage.

    • Specified storage duration: If this option is selected, you need to set the number of days after media file upload. The policy will be executed after this period.

    Media classification condition

    (Optional) Select the media asset category for batch cold storage from the drop-down list box.

    Storage Type

    Select the media asset storage class for batch cold storage from the drop-down list box.

    Execute Configuration

    Target storage type

    Storage class after batch media asset cold storage.

    Start Date

    Date when the policy takes effect.

    The date takes effect only after the policy is enabled. Batch cold storage is started at 00:00 (UTC time) on the next day of the effective date.

  4. Click Submit. The intelligent cold storage policy has been created.

    The new intelligent cold storage policy is displayed on the Intelligent cooling policy tab under Management > Asset cooling.

  5. Click the icon in the Enable/Disable column of the new intelligent cold storage policy to enable the policy.

    After the policy is enabled, media files will batch adopt cold storage at 00:00 (UTC time) on the next day of the effective date.

    Return to the Management > Audio and Video Management page and check whether the storage class of the media files has been changed to Infrequent Access or Archive.