Sample code of multipart upload using Python:
import base64 import hashlib import os import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import requests from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkvod.v1 import * from huaweicloudsdkvod.v1.region.vod_region import VodRegion class PartUploadDemo: """ Example of multipart upload """ # Set the buffer size as needed, that is, the size of the file part read each time. # 1 MB buffer_size = 1024 * 1024 # Region region_north4 = "cn-north-4" region_north1 = "cn-north-1" region_east2 = "cn-east-2" region = "" # AK/SK, which is used for authentication in this example. ak = "" sk = "" def __init__(self): pass def upload_file(self, file_path): """ Multipart upload :param file_path: local path of the file :type file_path: str :return: """ # Verify the file and its path. if not self.valid_file(file_path): return # Obtain the file name. filename = os.path.basename(file_path) # An MP4 file is used as an example. For details about other formats, see the official website. video_type = "MP4" file_content_type = "video/mp4" print("Start uploading media assets:" + filename) # 1. Initialize authentication and obtain vodClient. client = self.create_vod_client() # 2. Create a VOD media asset. asset_response = self.create_asset(client=client, file_name=filename, video_type=video_type) # 3. Obtain authorization for initializing an upload task. init_auth_response = self.init_part_upload_authority(client=client, asset_response=asset_response, file_content_type=file_content_type) # 4. Initialize the upload task. upload_id = self.init_part_upload(sign_str=init_auth_response.sign_str, file_content_type=file_content_type) # Count the number of file parts. part_number = 1 # 7. Read the file content and repeat steps 5 and 6 to upload all parts. with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): # Generate content_md5 using MD5 and then Base64. md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(chunk) content_md5 = str(base64.b64encode(md5.digest()), 'utf-8') # print(content_md5) # 5. Obtain authorization for multipart upload. upload_auth_response = self.get_part_upload_authority(client=client, asset_response=asset_response, file_content_type=file_content_type, content_md5=content_md5, upload_id=upload_id, part_number=part_number) # 6. Upload parts. self.upload_part_file(sign_str=upload_auth_response.sign_str, chunk=chunk, content_md5=content_md5, part_number=part_number) # The part number automatically increments by one. part_number += 1 # 8. Obtain authorization for obtaining uploaded parts. list_part_upload_authority_response = self.list_uploaded_part_authority(client=client, asset_response=asset_response, upload_id=upload_id) # 9. Obtain uploaded parts. part_info = self.list_uploaded_part(sign_str=list_part_upload_authority_response.sign_str) # 10. Obtain authorization for merging parts. merge_part_upload_authority_response = self.merge_uploaded_part_authority(client=client, asset_response=asset_response, upload_id=upload_id) # 11. Merge uploaded parts. self.merge_uploaded_part(sign_str=merge_part_upload_authority_response.sign_str, part_info=part_info) # 12. Confirm media asset upload. self.confirm_uploaded(client=client, asset_response=asset_response) print("Media asset uploaded. assetId:" + asset_response.asset_id) # Check whether the file exists. def valid_file(self, file_path): valid_result = True if not file_path: print("The path is empty.") valid_result = False elif os.path.isdir(file_path): print("It is a directory.") valid_result = False elif not os.path.isfile(file_path): print("The file does not exist.") valid_result = False return valid_result # 1. Initialize authentication. def create_vod_client(self): print("Initializing authentication...") credentials = BasicCredentials(self.ak, client = VodClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(VodRegion.value_of(self.region)) \ .build() return client def create_asset(self, client, file_name, video_type): """ 2. Create a VOD media asset. :param client :param file_name: audio/video file name :type file_name: str :param video_type: uploaded audio/video file format :type video_type: str """ print("create_asset start; ") create_asset_request = CreateAssetByFileUploadRequest() # Create the minimum set of parameters for media asset creation. For details about other parameters, see documents on the official website. create_asset_request.body = CreateAssetByFileUploadReq( video_type=video_type, video_name=file_name, title=file_name ) # Call the media asset creation method. asset_response = client.create_asset_by_file_upload(create_asset_request) print("create_asset end") return asset_response def init_part_upload_authority(self, client, asset_response, file_content_type): """ 3. Obtain authorization for initializing an upload task. :param client: :param asset_response: returned media asset creation result :param file_content_type: content-type of a file type, such as video/mp4 for MP4 :type file_content_type: str :return: """ print("Obtain authorization for initializing an upload task. init_part_upload_authority start") init_auth_request = ShowAssetTempAuthorityRequest() # Configure initialization parameters. init_auth_request.http_verb = "POST" init_auth_request.bucket = init_auth_request.object_key = init_auth_request.content_type = file_content_type # Send an initialization request. init_auth_response = client.show_asset_temp_authority(init_auth_request) print("Obtain authorization for initializing an upload task. init_part_upload_authority end") return init_auth_response def init_part_upload(self, sign_str, file_content_type): """ 4. Initialize the upload task. :param sign_str: sign_str in the result returned in step 3, which is the URL for initializing the upload task :type sign_str: str :param file_content_type: content-type of a file type, such as video/mp4 for MP4 :type file_content_type: str :return: returns upload_id """ print("Initialize multipart upload. init_part_upload start") # Send an initialization request. init_response = requests.request(method="POST", url=sign_str, headers={"Content-Type": file_content_type}) print(init_response.text) # Parse the response to obtain the uploadId. root = ET.fromstring(init_response.text) namespace_str = root.tag match ='\{(.*?)}', namespace_str) namespace_uri = upload_id = root.find("{" + namespace_uri + "}UploadId").text print("Initialize multipart upload. init_part_upload end; UploadId:" + upload_id) return upload_id def get_part_upload_authority(self, client, asset_response, file_content_type, content_md5, upload_id, part_number): """ 5. Obtain authorization for multipart upload. :param client: :param asset_response: returned media asset creation result :param file_content_type: content-type of a file type, such as video/mp4 for MP4 :type file_content_type: str :param content_md5: content-md5 value of the current file part :type content_md5: str :param upload_id: :type upload_id: str :param part_number: part number :type part_number: int :return: """ print("Obtain authorization for multipart upload. get_part_upload_authority start; partNumber:", part_number) upload_auth_request = ShowAssetTempAuthorityRequest() # Configure upload authorization parameters. upload_auth_request.http_verb = "PUT" upload_auth_request.bucket = upload_auth_request.object_key = upload_auth_request.content_type = file_content_type upload_auth_request.content_md5 = content_md5 upload_auth_request.upload_id = upload_id upload_auth_request.part_number = part_number upload_auth_response = client.show_asset_temp_authority(upload_auth_request) print(upload_auth_response) print("Obtain authorization for multipart upload. get_part_upload_authority end; partNumber:", part_number) return upload_auth_response def upload_part_file(self, sign_str, chunk, content_md5, part_number): """ 6. Upload parts. :param sign_str: sign_str in the result returned in step 5, which is the URL for upload :type sign_str: str :param chunk: binary data of the current file part :type chunk: bytes :param content_md5: content-md5 value of the current file part :type content_md5: str :param part_number: number of the current file part :type part_number: int :return: """ print("Upload parts. upload_part_file start; partNumber:", part_number) # Send a multipart upload request. upload_response = requests.request(method="PUT", url=sign_str, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "Content-MD5": content_md5 }, data=chunk) if upload_response.status_code != 200: print("Multipart upload end; upload failed! partNumber:", part_number) raise Exception("Multipart upload end; upload failed! partNumber:", part_number) print("Upload parts. upload_part_file end! partNumber:", part_number) def list_uploaded_part_authority(self, client, asset_response, upload_id): """ 8. Obtain authorization for obtaining uploaded parts. :param client: :param asset_response: returned media asset creation result :param upload_id: :return: """ print("Obtain authorization for listing uploaded parts. list_uploaded_part_authority start") # Configure parameters. list_upload_part_auth_request = ShowAssetTempAuthorityRequest() list_upload_part_auth_request.http_verb = "GET" list_upload_part_auth_request.bucket = list_upload_part_auth_request.object_key = list_upload_part_auth_request.upload_id = upload_id list_upload_part_auth_response = client.show_asset_temp_authority(list_upload_part_auth_request) print(list_upload_part_auth_response) print("Obtain authorization for listing uploaded parts. list_uploaded_part_authority end") return list_upload_part_auth_response def list_uploaded_part(self, sign_str): """ 9. Obtain uploaded parts. :param sign_str: authorized URL returned in step 8 :type sign_str: str :return: """ print("Query uploaded parts. list_uploaded_part start") # Query the start number of file parts. part_number_marker = 0 # Assemble the root nodes for merging parts. merger_root = ET.Element("CompleteMultipartUpload") # Information about a maximum of 1,000 parts can be returned each time. If there are more than 1,000 parts, call the API for listing parts multiple times. while True: # List parts. list_upload_part_auth_response = requests.request(method="GET", url=sign_str + "&part-number-marker=" + str( part_number_marker)) print(list_upload_part_auth_response) # Format the response using XML. response_document = ET.fromstring(list_upload_part_auth_response.text) # Parse the XML content and obtain the XMLNS information. namespace_str_m = response_document.tag match_m ='\{(.*?)}', namespace_str_m) namespace_uri_m = # Check all Part nodes. for part in response_document.findall("{" + namespace_uri_m + "}Part"): # Obtain PartNumber and ETag. part_number_value = part.find("{" + namespace_uri_m + "}PartNumber").text e_tag_value = part.find("{" + namespace_uri_m + "}ETag").text # Assemble information about merging. # Create a Part node under the root node. part_node = ET.SubElement(merger_root, "Part") # Create PartNumber under the Part node and set PartNumber. part_number_node = ET.SubElement(part_node, "PartNumber") part_number_node.text = part_number_value # Create ETag under the Part node and set ETag. e_tag_node = ET.SubElement(part_node, "ETag") e_tag_node.text = e_tag_value # Find and set the start number of the next list. part_number_marker_element = response_document.find("{" + namespace_uri_m + "}NextPartNumberMarker") part_number_marker = int(part_number_marker_element.text) # If the part number is not an integer multiple of 1,000, all parts have been obtained. if part_number_marker % 1000 != 0: break part_info = ET.tostring(merger_root, encoding='utf8') print(part_info) print("Query uploaded parts. list_uploaded_part end") return part_info def merge_uploaded_part_authority(self, client, asset_response, upload_id): """ 10. Obtain authorization for merging parts. :param client: :param asset_response: returned media asset creation result :param upload_id: upload_id :type upload_id: str :return: """ print("Obtain authorization for merging parts. merge_uploaded_part_authority start") # Configure parameters. merger_part_upload_auth_request = ShowAssetTempAuthorityRequest() merger_part_upload_auth_request.http_verb = "POST" merger_part_upload_auth_request.bucket = merger_part_upload_auth_request.object_key = merger_part_upload_auth_request.upload_id = upload_id merger_part_upload_auth_response = client.show_asset_temp_authority(merger_part_upload_auth_request) print(merger_part_upload_auth_response) print("Obtain authorization for merging parts. merge_uploaded_part_authority end") return merger_part_upload_auth_response def merge_uploaded_part(self, sign_str, part_info): """ 11. Merge uploaded parts. :param sign_str: URL for authorized merging returned in step 10 :type sign_str: str :param part_info: information about merged parts :type part_info: str :return: """ print("Merge parts. start") # Add Content-Type to the request header and set the value to application/xml. merger_part_upload_response = requests.request(method="POST", url=sign_str, headers={"Content-Type": "application/xml"}, data=part_info) print(merger_part_upload_response) if merger_part_upload_response.status_code != 200: print("Part merging end; merging parts failed.") print("Part merging end") # 12. Confirm media asset upload. def confirm_uploaded(self, client, asset_response): print("Confirm the upload completion. Start") confirm_asset_upload_request = ConfirmAssetUploadRequest() confirm_asset_upload_request.body = ConfirmAssetUploadReq(status="CREATED", asset_id=asset_response.asset_id) confirm_asset_upload_response = client.confirm_asset_upload(confirm_asset_upload_request) print(confirm_asset_upload_response) if __name__ == '__main__': # Path of the local media asset to be uploaded filePath = "" partUploadDemo = PartUploadDemo() partUploadDemo.ak = "" = "" partUploadDemo.region = partUploadDemo.region_north4 # Upload the media asset. partUploadDemo.upload_file(file_path=filePath)
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