Updated on 2022-10-24 GMT+08:00

Review Message Body

Sample Review Success Message

	"event_type": "reviewComplete",
	"review_info": {
		"asset_id": "793636b27b961fb5e35de6580203951b",
		"status": "SUCCEED",
		"suggestion": "BLOCK",
		"text": {
			"suggestion": "PASS"
		"cover": [{
			"suggestion": "BLOCK",
			"offset": 0,
			"url": "https://179.cdn-vod.huaweicloud.com/asset/793636b27b961fb5e35de6580203951b/cover/Cover0.jpg",
			"politics": [],
			"terrorism": [{
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "bloody"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "fire"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "gun"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "knife"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "flag"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "symbol"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "dress"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.9984",
				"label": "crowd"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0",
				"label": "tiananmen"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.0016",
				"label": "normal"
			"porn": [{
				"confidence": "0.6997",
				"label": "normal"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.00040",
				"label": "porn"
			}, {
				"confidence": "0.2999",
				"label": "sexy"
		"video": [{
					"suggestion": "BLOCK",
					"offset": 0,
					"url": "https://179.cdn-vod.huaweicloud.com/asset/793636b27b961fb5e35de6580203951b/snapshot/sample0/0.jpg",
					"politics": [],
					"terrorism": [{
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "bloody"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "fire"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "gun"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "knife"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "flag"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "symbol"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "dress"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.9984",
						"label": "crowd"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "tiananmen"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0016",
						"label": "normal"
					"porn": [{
						"confidence": "0.6997",
						"label": "normal"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.00040",
						"label": "porn"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.2999",
						"label": "sexy"
				}, {
					"suggestion": "BLOCK",
					"offset": 1,
					"url": "https://179.cdn-vod.huaweicloud.com/asset/793636b27b961fb5e35de6580203951b/snapshot/sample0/1.jpg",
					"politics": [],
					"terrorism": [{
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "bloody"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "fire"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "gun"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "knife"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "flag"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "symbol"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "dress"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.9958",
						"label": "crowd"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0",
						"label": "tiananmen"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.0042",
						"label": "normal"
					"porn": [{
						"confidence": "0.6993",
						"label": "normal"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.001",
						"label": "porn"
					}, {
						"confidence": "0.2997",
						"label": "sexy"

Review Message Body Description

Table 1 ReviewInfo structure




Media ID


Event status



Whether the check is passed.

block: Sensitive information is detected and the information fails to pass the check.

pass: No sensitive information is detected and the information passes the check.

review: Manual review is required.

When multiple scenarios are detected at the same time, the value of suggestion is subject to the scenario where sensitive information is most likely to be included. That is, if a block occurs in any scenario, the value of suggestion is block. If all scenarios pass the check, the value of suggestion is pass. In addition, if manual review is required in any scenario, the value of suggestion is review. This parameter is used only when status is SUCCEED.


Text detection results. This parameter is used only when status is SUCCEED.

  • suggestion: whether the check is passed
    • block: Sensitive information is detected and the information fails to pass the check.
    • pass: No sensitive information is detected and the information passes the check.
    • review: Manual review is required.
  • politics: A list of politically sensitive words are involved.
  • porn: A list of pornography-related words are involved.
  • abuse: A list of offensive words are involved.


Thumbnail detection results. This parameter is used only when status is SUCCEED.

For details, see Table 2.


Video detection results. This parameter is used only when status is SUCCEED.

For details, see Table 2.


Error code. This parameter is used only when status is FAILED.


Error description. This parameter is used only when status is FAILED.

Table 2 PictureReviewRet structure




Whether the check is passed.

block: Sensitive information is detected and the information fails to pass the check.

pass: No sensitive information is detected and the information passes the check.

review: Manual review is required.


URL for accessing the snapshot or thumbnail


Time offset of a snapshot in the video, in seconds. This parameter is unavailable for thumbnailing.


Review results of political factors.

  • confidence: The value ranges from 0 to 1.
  • label: information about the corresponding political figure


Review results of terrorism-related content.

  • confidence: The value ranges from 0 to 1.
  • label: information about terrorism-related content (guns, knives, and fire)


Review results of pornographic content.

  • confidence: The value ranges from 0 to 1.
  • label: information about pornographic content