- What's New
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- GES Overview
- Preparations
- Permissions Management
- Metadata Operations
- Creating Graphs
Managing Graphs
- Graph Management Overview
- Viewing a Failed Graph
- Backing Up and Restoring Graphs
- Upgrading a Graph
- Rolling Back a Graph
- Exporting a Graph
- Restarting a Graph
- Resizing a Graph
- Expanding a Graph
- Binding and Unbinding an EIP
- Clearing Data
- Deleting a Graph
- Viewing Monitoring Metrics
- Querying Schema
- Connecting GES to LTS
- Changing a Security Group
- Changing the Security Mode
- Data Migration
Accessing and Analyzing Graph Data
- Accessing an Infinite Graph
- Graph Editor
- Accessing the Graph Editor
- Dynamic Graphs
- Graph Exploration
- Multi-Graph Management (Database Edition)
- HyG Graph Management (Database Edition)
- Adding Custom Operations
- Editing Schema
- Hiding Sensitive Information About a Graph
- Visual Query
- Canvas Snapshot
- Gremlin Query
- Cypher Query
- DSL Query
- Analyzing Graphs Using Algorithms
- Managing Indexes
- Analyzing Graphs on the Canvas
- Graph Display in 3D View
- Filter Criteria
- Editing Properties
- Statistics Display
- Check Running Records
- Viewing Query Results
- Viewing Graph Tasks
- Configuring Permissions
- O&M Monitoring
- Package Management
- Algorithms
Developer Guide
- Overview
- Using the Management Plane SDK
Using the Service Plane SDK
- Downloading and Installing the SDK
- Obtaining Initialization Parameters
- Java SDK
- Python SDK
- Using Cypher JDBC Driver to Access GES
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Management Plane APIs (V2)
- System Management
Graph Management
- Listing Graphs (2.1.18)
- Querying Graph Details (1.0.0)
- Creating a Graph (2.2.2)
- Stopping a Graph (1.0.0)
- Starting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Deleting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Incrementally Importing Data to a Graph (2.1.14)
- Exporting a Graph (1.0.5)
- Clearing a Graph(2.1.2)
- Upgrading a Graph (1.0.5)
- Binding an EIP (1.0.6)
- Unbinding an EIP(1.0.6)
- Changing Size (2.2.21)
- Forcibly Restarting a Graph (2.2.21)
- Expanding a Graph (2.2.23)
- Changing the Security Group (2.4.3)
- Backup Management
- Metadata Management
- Task Center
- Plugin Management
Service Plane APIs
Memory Edition
Vertex Operation APIs
- Querying Vertices That Meet Filter Criteria (1.0.0)
- Querying Vertex Details (1.0.0)
- Adding a Vertex (1.0.6)
- Deleting a Vertex (1.0.6)
- Updating Vertex Properties (1.1.6)
- Batch Querying Vertex Data (1.1.9)
- Batch Adding Vertices (2.1.16)
- Batch Deleting Vertices (2.1.9)
- Batch Updating Vertex Properties (2.1.10)
- Adding a Vertex Label (1.1.6)
- Deleting a Vertex Label (1.1.6)
- Exporting Filtered Vertices (2.2.7)
- Deleting Filtered Vertices (2.2.7)
Edge Operation APIs
- Querying Edges That Meet Filter Criteria (1.0.0)
- Querying Edge Details (1.0.0)
- Adding an Edge (2.1.2)
- Deleting an Edge (1.0.6)
- Updating Edge Properties (1.1.6)
- Batch Querying Edge Data (1.1.6)
- Batch Adding Edges (2.1.16)
- Batch Deleting Edges (2.1.9)
- Batch Updating Edge Properties (2.1.10)
- Exporting Filtered Edges (2.2.7)
- Deleting Filtered Edges (2.2.7)
- Metadata Operation APIs
- Index Operation APIs
- Gremlin Operation APIs
Algorithm APIs
- Running Algorithms (1.0.0)
Algorithm API Parameter References
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank (1.0.0)
- PersonalRank (1.0.0)
- K-core (1.0.0)
- K-hop (1.0.0)
- Common Neighbors (1.0.0)
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets (2.2.13)
- Link Prediction (1.0.0)
- Shortest Path (2.1.5)
- All Shortest Paths (1.0.12)
- Filtered Shortest Path (2.2.4)
- SSSP (1.0.0)
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets (2.1.5)
- n-Paths (1.1.2)
- Filtered n-Paths (2.2.22)
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets (2.2.15)
- Filtered All Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- Connected Component (1.0.0)
- Label Propagation (2.1.8)
- Louvain (2.2.1)
- Node2vec (1.0.5)
- Real-time Recommendation (2.2.21)
- Degree Correlation (1.0.0)
- Triangle Count (1.0.0)
- Cluster Coefficient (1.0.0)
- Closeness Centrality (1.0.0)
- Betweenness Centrality (2.2.4)
- Edge Betweenness Centrality (2.2.4)
- Origin-Destination Betweenness Centrality (2.2.4)
- Circle Detection with a Single Vertex (2.2.4)
- Filtered Circle Detection (2.2.15)
- Subgraph Matching (2.2.16)
- Topicrank (2.2.20)
- Temporal Graph APIs
- Path APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Graph Operation APIs
- Subgraph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Custom Operations APIs
- Cypher Queries (2.2.16)
- Filtered Query (2.2.13)
- Filtered Query V2 (2.3.6)
- Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Query APIs (2.3.14)
- Updating Specified Properties of Vertices and Edges by Importing a File (2.2.13)
- Deleting Vertices and Edges by Files (2.2.15)
- O&M Monitoring APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
Database Edition
- Specification Description
- Vertex Operation APIs
- Edge Operation APIs
- Metadata Operation APIs
- Index Operation APIs
- HyG Graph Management APIs
HyG Algorithm APIs
- Running Algorithms
Algorithm API Parameter Reference
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-Hop
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Connected Component
- Triangle Count
- Closeness Centrality
- Betweenness Centrality
- Edge Betweenness Centrality
- Origin-Destination Betweenness Centrality
- Circle Detection with a Single Vertex
- TopicRank
- Louvain
- Bigclam
- Cesna
- Infomap
- Label Propagation
- Subgraph Matching
- Link Prediction
- n Paths
- Cluster Coefficient
- Maximum Common Connected Induced Subgraph (MCCIS)
- Algorithm Results in TXT Format
- Executing the DSL Algorithm
- DSL Syntax
- HyG Job Management APIs
- Native Algorithm APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Graph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Cypher Operation APIs
- Interactive Transaction APIs
- O&M Monitoring APIs
Memory Edition
- Application Examples
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- GES Metrics on Cloud Eye
Out-of-Date APIs
Management Plane APIs (V1)
- System Management APIs
Graph Management APIs
- Querying the Graph List (2.1.18)
- Querying Graph Details (1.0.0)
- Creating a Graph (2.2.2)
- Stopping a Graph (1.0.0)
- Starting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Deleting a Graph (1.0.0)
- Incrementally Importing Data to Graphs (2.1.14)
- Exporting a Graph (1.0.5)
- Clearing a Graph(2.1.2)
- Upgrading a Graph (1.0.5)
- Binding an EIP (1.0.6)
- Unbinding an EIP(1.0.6)
- Resizing a Graph (2.2.21)
- Forcibly Restarting a Graph (2.2.21)
- Expanding a Graph (2.2.23)
- Backup Management APIs
- Metadata Management APIs
- Task Center APIs
- Service Plane APIs
Management Plane APIs (V1)
- Appendix
- Customer Consultation
- How Do I Import Data to GES?
- When Binding an EIP to an Existing Instance or an Instance Being Created, What Should I Do to Deal with Insufficient Permissions for Creating Agencies?
- When Binding an EIP to an Existing Instance or an Instance Being Created, What Should I Do to Deal with Insufficient Quotas for Creating Agencies?
- Can I Run Several Gremlin/Cypher Commands At a Time?
- If a Vertex Is Deleted, What Will Happen to Edges Formed Based on the Vertex?
- What Do I Do If an Error Message Indicating a Vertex Does Not Exist Is Displayed When Properties of the Vertex Whose ID Contains Chinese Characters Are Modified?
- Others
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- GES Overview
- Permissions Management
- Metadata Operations
- Creating Graphs
- Managing Graphs
Accessing and Analyzing Graph Data
- Graph Editor
- Accessing the GES Graph Editor
- Dynamic Graphs
- Graph Exploration
- Multi-Graph Management (Database Edition)
- Adding Custom Operations
- Editing Schema
- Visual Query
- Gremlin Query
- Cypher Query
- DSL Query
- Analyzing Graphs Using Algorithms
- Analyzing Graphs on the Canvas
- Graph Display in 3D View
- Filter Criteria
- Editing Properties
- Statistics Display
- View Running Records
- Viewing Query Results
- Viewing Graph Tasks
- Configuring Permissions
- O&M Monitoring and Alarm Reporting
- Algorithm List
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Filtered Shortest Path
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Clustering Coefficient
- Betweenness Centrality
- Edge Betweenness Centrality
- Origin-Destination Betweenness Centrality
- Circle Detection with a Single Vertex
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Filtered Circle Detection
- Subgraph Matching
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Filtered All Shortest Paths
- TopicRank
- Filtered n-Paths
- Temporal Paths
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Management Plane APIs (V2)
Service Plane APIs
Memory Edition
Vertex Operation APIs
- Querying Vertices Based on Filter Criteria
- Querying Vertex Details
- Adding a Vertex
- Deleting a Vertex
- Updating a Vertex Property
- Querying Vertices in Batches
- Adding Vertices in Batches
- Deleting Vertices in Batches
- Updating Vertex Properties in Batches
- Adding a Vertex Label
- Deleting a Vertex Label
- Exporting Filtered Vertices
- Deleting Filtered Vertices
- Edge Operation APIs
- Metadata Operation APIs
- Index Operation APIs
- Gremlin Operation APIs
Algorithm APIs
- Executing an Algorithm
Algorithm API Parameter References
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-Hop
- Common Neighbors
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- Link Prediction
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Filtered Shortest Path
- Shortest Path of Vertex Set
- n-Paths
- Filtered n-Paths
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Filtered All Shortest Paths
- Connected Component
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Cluster Coefficient
- Closeness Centrality
- Filtered Circle Detection
- Subgraph Matching
- Topicrank
- Temporal Graph APIs
- Path APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Graph Operation APIs
- Subgraph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Custom Operations APIs
- Cypher Operation APIs
- Filtered-query API
- Filtered-query V2
- Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Query APIs
- Updating Specified Properties of Vertices and Edges by Importing a File
- Deleting Vertices and Edges by Reading Files
- Granular Permission Control APIs
- O&M Monitoring APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
Database Edition
- Specification Description
- Vertex Operation APIs
- Edge Operation APIs
- Metadata Operation APIs
- Index Operation APIs
- HyG Graph Management APIs
- HyG Algorithm APIs
- HyG Job Management APIs
- Native Algorithm APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Graph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Cypher Operation APIs
Memory Edition
- Application Examples
- Monitoring Metrics
- Out-of-Date APIs
- Appendix
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- GES Overview
- Permissions Management
- Importing Metadata
- Creating Graphs
- Managing Graphs
Accessing and Analyzing Graph Data
- Graph Editor
- Accessing the GES Graph Editor
- Exploring Graphs
- Adding Custom Operations
- Editing Schema
- Gremlin Query
- Cypher Query
- Analyzing Graphs Using Algorithms
- Analyzing Graphs on the Canvas
- Graph Display in 3D View
- Filtering Conditions
- Editing Properties
- Statistics Display
- View Running Records
- Viewing Query Results
- Viewing Graph Tasks
- Configuring Permissions
- Algorithm List
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Clustering Coefficient
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- Subgraph Matching
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Filtered All Shortest Paths
- TopicRank
- Filtered n-Paths
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- Management Plane APIs
Service Plane APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
- Querying Vertices That Meet Filter Criteria
- Querying Vertex Details
- Adding a Vertex
- Deleting a Vertex
- Updating Vertex Properties
- Querying Vertex Data in Batches
- Adding Vertices in Batches
- Deleting Vertices in Batches
- Updating Vertex Properties in Batches
- Adding a Vertex Label
- Deleting a Vertex Label
- Exporting Filtered Vertices
- Deleting Filtered Vertices
- Edge Operation APIs
Metadata Operation APIs
- Adding a Label
- Updating a Label
- Query Labels (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Querying Graph Metadata Details
- Changing Property Names in Batches
- Deleting a Label
- Adding Labels in Batches
- Adding Properties (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Query Properties (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Querying the Property List (for 100-billion-edge graphs only)
- Querying Schema Structure
- Generating a Schema Structure
- Index Operation APIs
- Gremlin Operation APIs
Algorithm APIs
- Running Algorithms
Algorithm API Parameter References
- Common Algorithm Parameters
- PageRank
- PersonalRank
- K-core
- K-hop
- Shortest Path
- All Shortest Paths
- Filtered Shortest Path
- Shortest Path of Vertex Sets
- n-Paths
- Closeness Centrality
- Label Propagation
- Louvain
- Link Prediction
- Node2vec
- Real-time Recommendation
- Common Neighbors
- Connected Component
- Degree Correlation
- Triangle Count
- Cluster Coefficient
- Common Neighbors of Vertex Sets
- All Shortest Paths of Vertex Sets
- Filtered Circle Detection (2.2.15)
- Subgraph Matching (2.2.16)
- Filtered All Pairs Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- Filtered All Shortest Paths (2.2.17)
- Topicrank (2.2.20)
- Filtered n-Paths (2.2.22)
- Path APIs
- Graph Statistics APIs
- Subgraph Operation APIs
- Job Management APIs
- Querying K Hop Vertices or Edges Using a Filter
- Updating Specified Properties of Vertices and Edges by Importing a File
- Deleting Vertices and Edges by Files
- Performing Cypher Queries
- Granular Permission Control APIs
Vertex Operation APIs
- GES Metrics
- Appendix
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Show all
Visual Query
In the graph editor, you can create graph query statements by dragging and dropping vertices and edges, and preview the query results without writing any code.
- In the left pane of the graph editor, click the Visual Query tab.
Figure 1 Visual query
- Add a vertex to the canvas.
- In the Add Vertex Pattern tab, all vertex labels and edge labels of the graph are displayed. Each label is displayed as a card that can be dragged to the canvas. Select a vertex label and drag it to the canvas.
The Cypher query statement below changes with your operations.
These vertex labels and edge labels are the same as those in the metadata list in Editing Schema.
- Drag the labels you want to use for the query to the canvas and click Execute Query. The graph result is displayed on the right of the canvas.
You can view the running records of the Cypher query statement in the Running Record tab below the canvas. Click Query Result to view the result.Figure 2 Query result
Query results can be displayed only when there is only one submap pattern on the canvas. If there are multiple disconnected submaps or isolated vertices, you must add edges to connect the submaps or isolated vertices. You can also set multiple labels to reconstruct your query mode. Otherwise, when you click Query, the system displays a message indicating that there are multiple submap patterns.Figure 3 Multiple submap patterns
- In the Add Vertex Pattern tab, all vertex labels and edge labels of the graph are displayed. Each label is displayed as a card that can be dragged to the canvas. Select a vertex label and drag it to the canvas.
- Add a vertex filter.
Click a vertex in the canvas. The Filter tab page is displayed in the left pane. On the Filter tab, specify labels, vertex ID, and property search criteria to search for the vertex labels you want to view on the canvas.Figure 4 Adding a vertex search criterion
- Vertex V1: Cypher variable ID (vertex identifier in the Cypher query statement below the canvas), which is named based on the sequence in which vertices are dragged to the canvas, for example, V1, V2, and more alike.
- Label: Set one or more labels to search for target vertices. The logical operator between each two labels is OR.
- Vertex ID: It is equivalent to a filter criterion. After adding a vertex ID to a vertex label, you can click Query to query the vertex labels with the same vertex ID.
- Constraints: Specify a property contained in the vertex label. Currently, a property with multiple values is not supported.
- Property: Property contained in the label.
- Operator: Comparison operators (>,>=,<,<=,=,<>), null judgment operators (is null, is not null), and string comparison operators (starts with, ends with, contains) are supported.
starts with searches for a property that starts with a specified string; ends with searches for a property that ends with a specified string; contains searches for a property that contains a specified string.
- Value: Property value. The attribute value type must be the same as that in the metadata. If the attribute value is of the character type, you need to use single quotation marks ('').
: Delete the constraint.
- + button: Add a criterion.
- Delete: Delete the added criterion.
Click Execute Query in the canvas again. The query result is displayed on the right of the canvas.
- Add an edge (connect two vertices on the canvas):
Double-click a vertex. After the border of the vertex turns gray (do not move the cursor out of the gray border), click and drag a line from the vertex to another vertex.
The Cypher query statement below changes with your operations.
Figure 5 Gray border of a vertexFigure 6 Adding an edge - Add an edge filter.
Click an edge in the canvas. The Filter tab page is displayed in the left pane. On the Filter tab, specify labels, direction, hops, and property search criteria to search for the edge labels you want to view on the canvas.
Figure 7 Adding an edge filter- Edge e2: Cypher variable ID, which is named based on the sequence in which edges are added to the canvas, for example, e1, e2, and more alike.
- Label: Set one or more labels to search for target edges. The logical operator between each two labels is OR.
- Direction: Select the direction contained in the edge label.
When the slider is toggled on, the edge is a directed one. When the slider is toggled off, the edge is undirected (or called bidirectional).
If the edge is directed, the arrow on the canvas indicates the direction of the edge. You can click Change Direction to change the direction of the selected edge on the canvas.
- Hops: The default value is 1. The value range is [0, 20). You can specify a number or a range.
- If you enter an integer, it will be used as the number of hops in the edge pattern.
- If you enter two integers in the format of minHops..maxHops, for example, 2..3, the number of hops in the edge pattern is within the range of [2,3].
- Constraints: Specify a property contained in the edge label. Currently, a property with multiple values is not supported.
- Property: Property contained in the label.
- Operator: Comparison operators (>,>=,<,<=,=,<>), null judgment operators (is null, is not null), and string comparison operators (starts with, ends with, contains) are supported.
starts with searches for a property that starts with a specified string; ends with searches for a property that ends with a specified string; contains searches for a property that contains a specified string.
- Value: Property value. The attribute value type must be the same as that in the metadata. If the attribute value is of the character type, you need to use single quotation marks ('').
: Delete the constraint.
- + button: Add a criterion.
If there is more than one criterion, click
next to AND to set the logical operator (AND or OR).
Figure 8 Selecting a logical operatorNOTE:
The priority of AND is higher than OR. The suggested calculation sequence is as follows:
- Arrange all AND operations first.
- Then, perform all OR operations.
In the following example, the edge search criterion is userid < 100 AND gender = 'male' OR userid > 50 AND age = '18-24'.
The operation sequence is:
(userid < 100 AND gender = 'male') and (userid > 50 AND age = '18-24') are operated first, and result1 and result2 are recorded respectively.
Then, result1 OR result2 is operated.
- Delete: Delete the added criterion.
Click Execute Query in the canvas again. The query result is displayed on the right of the canvas.
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