Updated on 2024-03-28 GMT+08:00

Monitoring Clusters Using Cloud Eye

This section describes metrics reported by GES to Cloud Eye as well as their namespaces, lists, and dimensions. You can use APIs provided by Cloud Eye to query the metric information generated for GES.



Monitoring Metrics

Table 1 GES metrics

Metric ID



Value Range

Monitored Object


Vertex Capacity Usage

Vertex usage in a graph instance. The value is the ratio of used vertices to the total vertices.

Unit: %


Type: float

GES instance


Edge Capacity Usage

Edge usage of a graph instance. The value is the ratio of the used edges to the total edges.

Unit: %


Type: float

GES instance


Average Import Rate

Average rate of importing vertices or edges to a graph instance

Unit: count/s


Type: float

GES instance


Request Quantity

Number of requests received by a graph instance

Unit: count

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Average Response Time

Average response time of requests received by a graph instance

Unit: ms

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Minimum Response Time

Minimum response time of requests received by a graph instance

Unit: ms

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Maximum Response Time

Maximum response time of requests received by a graph instance

Unit: ms

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Length of the Waiting Queue for Read Tasks

Length of the waiting queue for read requests received by a graph instance. This metric is used to view the number of read requests waiting in the queue.

Unit: count

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Maximum Waiting Duration of Read Tasks

Maximum waiting duration of read requests received by a graph instance

Unit: ms

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance

ges010_pending_max_time_ read_task_type

Type of the Read Task That Waits the Longest

Type of the read request that waits the longest in a graph instance. You can find the corresponding task name in GES documents.

≥ 1

Type: integer

GES instance


Length of the Running Queue for Read Tasks

Length of the running queue for read requests received by a graph instance. This metric is used to view the number of running read requests.

Unit: count

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Maximum Running Duration of Read Tasks

Maximum running duration of read requests received by a graph instance

Unit: ms

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance

ges013_running_max_time_ read_task_type

Type of the Read Task That Runs the Longest

Type of the read request that runs the longest in a graph instance. You can find the corresponding task name in GES documentation.

≥ 1

Type: integer

GES instance


Length of the Waiting Queue for Write Tasks

Length of the waiting queue for write requests received by a graph instance. This metric is used to view the number of write requests waiting in the queue.

Unit: count

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Maximum Waiting Duration of Write Tasks

Maximum waiting duration of write requests received by a graph instance

Unit: ms

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance

ges016_pending_max_time_ write_task_type

Type of the Write Task That Waits the Longest

Type of the write request that waits the longest in a graph instance. You can find the corresponding task name in GES documents.

≥ 1

Type: integer

GES instance


Length of the Running Queue for Write Tasks

Length of the running queue for write requests received by a graph instance. This metric is used to view the number of running write requests.

Unit: count

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Maximum Running Duration of Write Tasks

Maximum running duration of write requests received by a graph instance

Unit: ms

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance

ges019 _running_max_time_ write_task_type

Type of the Write Task That Runs the Longest

Type of the write request that runs the longest in a graph instance. You can find the corresponding task name in GES documentation.

≥ 1

Type: integer

GES instance


Computing Resource Usage

Compute resource usage of each graph instance

Unit: %


Type: float

GES instance


Memory Usage

Memory usage of each graph instance

Unit: %


Type: float

GES instance



Number of I/O requests processed by each graph instance per second

Unit: count/s

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance


Network Input Throughput

Data input to each graph instance per second over the network

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Network Output Throughput

Data sent to the network per second from each graph instance

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Disk Usage

Disk usage of each graph instance

Unit: %


Type: float

GES instance


Total Disk Size

Total data disk space of each graph instance

Unit: GB

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Disk Space Used

Used data disk space of each graph instance

Unit: GB

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Disk Read Throughput

Data volume read from the disk in a graph instance per second

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Disk Write Throughput

Data volume written to the disk in a graph instance per second

Unit: byte/s

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Average Time per Disk Read

Average time per disk read for a graph instance

Unit: second

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Average Time per Disk Write

Average time per disk write for a graph instance

Unit: second

≥ 0

Type: float

GES instance


Average Disk Queue Length

Average I/O queue length of the disk in a graph instance

Unit: count

≥ 0

Type: integer

GES instance





GES instance

Mapping Between Task Types and Names

Table 2 Mapping between task types and names




Querying vertices


Creating a vertex


Deleting a vertex


Modifying a vertex property


Adding a vertex label


Deleting a vertex label


Querying edges


Creating an edge


Deleting an edge


Modifying an edge property


Querying schema details


Adding a label


Modifying a label


Querying a label


Modifying a property


Querying graph details


Clearing graphs


Incrementally importing graph data online


Creating a graph


Deleting a graph


Exporting graphs




Querying path details


Incrementally importing graph data offline


Creating a graph backup


Restoring a graph from a backup


Creating an index


Querying indexes


Updating an index


Deleting an index


Running an algorithm

Viewing Instance Monitoring Information

  1. Log in to the GES management console and choose Graph Management.
  2. In the graph list, locate the row that contains the target graph, choose More, and select View Metric to access the Cloud Eye management console. By default, the graph instance monitoring information is displayed.

    You can select a monitoring metric name and time range to check the performance curve.

Creating an Alarm Rule

By setting alarm rules for GES, you can customize monitoring objects and notification policies to promptly understand the operational status of GES and serve as an early warning.

Alarm rule settings for GES include parameters such as alarm rule name, monitoring object, monitoring metrics, alarm threshold, monitoring cycle, and notification sending.

This part describes how to set an alarm rule for GES.

  1. Log in to the GES management console and choose Graph Management from the navigation pane on the left.
  2. Locate the row containing the target instance, choose More in the Operation column, and select View Metric to access the Cloud Eye management console and check the GES monitoring information.
    Figure 1 Selecting View Metrics

    Ensure that the status of the instance whose monitoring information you want to view is Running. Otherwise, you cannot create an alarm.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left of the Cloud Eye management console, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Rules. On the page displayed, click Create Alarm Rule in the upper right corner or in the middle.

  4. On the Create Alarm Rule page, set parameters as prompted.
    1. Setting alarm parameters
      Figure 2 Setting parameters
      Table 3 Alarm parameters



      Example Value

      Alarm Type

      Alarm type the alarm rule applies to. The value can be Metric or Event.


      Resource Type

      Name of the cloud service the alarm rule is created for

      Graph Engine Service


      Metric dimension of the selected resource type. Select Graph Instance.

      Graph Instance

      Monitoring Scope

      Resource scope the alarm rule applies to. Select Specified resources and select one or more monitored objects. Click Select Specific Resources and select the cluster instance you have created.

      Specific resources


      You can create an alarm rule by using the template or manually creating it.

      • If no alarm template is available, set Method to Create manually and configure related parameters to create an alarm rule.
      • If you have available alarm rule templates, set Method to Use template, so that you can use a template to quickly create alarm rules.

      Create manually


      There are three options: Associate template, Use existing template, and Configure manually.

      Associate template


      This parameter is available only when Use template is selected.

      Select the template to be used. If no alarm template is available, click Create Custom Template to create one that meets your requirements.


      Alarm Policy

      This parameter is available only when Configure manually is selected for Method.

      Set the policy that triggers an alarm. For example, trigger an alarm if the CPU usage equals to or is greater than 80% for 3 consecutive periods.

      For details about GES monitoring metrics, see Monitoring Metrics.


      Alarm Severity

      Alarm severity, which can be Critical, Major, Minor, or Informational.


    2. Configure the alarm notification parameters as prompted.
      Figure 3 Setting alarm notification parameters
      Table 4 Alarm notification parameters



      Example Value

      Alarm Notification

      Whether to send email, SMS, HTTP, or HTTPS notifications to users when an alarm is triggered

      You can enable (recommended) or disable this function.

      Enable this function

      Notification Recipient

      You can select Notification group or Topic subscription.

      Topic subscription

      Notification Object

      This parameter is mandatory when Notification Recipient is set to Topic subscription.

      Name of the topic the alarm notification is to be sent to. If you have enabled Alarm Notification, select a topic. If no desirable topics are available, create one first, whereupon the SMN service is invoked.

      For details about how to create a topic, see Creating a Topic.

      SMN topic

      Notification Group

      This parameter is mandatory when Notification Recipient is set to Notification group.

      You can select or create a notification group. After creating a notification group, you need to click Add Notification Recipient in the Operation column of the notification group list to add group members and notification methods.

      Notification group name

      Notification Template

      You can select a system template or create a custom notification template.

      System template

      Notification Window

      Notifications are sent only within the notification window specified in the alarm rule.

      For example, if Notification Window is set to 00:00–08:00, Cloud Eye sends notifications only within this period.


      Trigger Condition

      Condition for triggering the alarm notification. You can select Generated alarm (when an alarm is generated), Cleared alarm (when an alarm is cleared), or both.


  5. Click Create. After the alarm rule is created, if the metric data reaches the specified threshold, Cloud Eye will immediately inform you that an exception has occurred.

Transferring Data to OBS

On Cloud Eye, raw metric data is only stored for two days. However, if you subscribe to OBS, you can synchronize the raw data and extend the storage period.