更新时间:2024-11-13 GMT+08:00

加密示例(Node.js SDK)




// 引入obs库
// 使用npm安装
const ObsClient = require("esdk-obs-nodejs");
// 使用源码安装
// var ObsClient = require('./lib/obs');

// 创建ObsClient实例
const obsClient = new ObsClient({
  // 推荐通过环境变量获取AKSK,这里也可以使用其他外部引入方式传入,如果使用硬编码可能会存在泄露风险
  // 您可以登录访问管理控制台获取访问密钥AK/SK,获取方式请参见https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn/usermanual-ca/ca_01_0003.html
  access_key_id: process.env.ACCESS_KEY_ID,
  secret_access_key: process.env.SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
  // 【可选】如果使用临时AK/SK和SecurityToken访问OBS,同样建议您尽量避免使用硬编码,以降低信息泄露风险。您可以通过环境变量获取访问密钥AK/SK,也可以使用其他外部引入方式传入
  // security_token: process.env.SECURITY_TOKEN,
  // endpoint填写Bucket对应的Endpoint, 这里以中国-香港为例,其他地区请按实际情况填写
  server: "https://obs.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com"

async function putObject() {
  try {
    const params = {
      // 指定存储桶名称
      Bucket: "examplebucket",
      // 指定对象名,此处以 example/objectname 为例
      Key: "example/objectname",
      // 指定文本对象
      Body : 'Hello OBS',
      // 设置SSE-C算法加密对象 
      SseC: 'AES256',
      SseCKey: 'your sse-c key generated by AES-256 algorithm'
    // 加密上传对象
    const result = await obsClient.putObject(params);
    if (result.CommonMsg.Status <= 300) {
      console.log("Put object(%s) under the bucket(%s) successful!", params.Bucket);
      console.log("RequestId: %s", result.CommonMsg.RequestId);
    console.log("An ObsError was found, which means your request sent to OBS was rejected with an error response.");
    console.log("Status: %d", result.CommonMsg.Status);
    console.log("Code: %s", result.CommonMsg.Code);
    console.log("Message: %s", result.CommonMsg.Message);
    console.log("RequestId: %s", result.CommonMsg.RequestId);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("An Exception was found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.");




// 引入obs库
// 使用npm安装
const ObsClient = require("esdk-obs-nodejs");
// 使用源码安装
// var ObsClient = require('./lib/obs');

// 创建ObsClient实例
const obsClient = new ObsClient({
  // 推荐通过环境变量获取AKSK,这里也可以使用其他外部引入方式传入,如果使用硬编码可能会存在泄露风险
  // 您可以登录访问管理控制台获取访问密钥AK/SK,获取方式请参见https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/zh-cn/usermanual-ca/ca_01_0003.html
  access_key_id: process.env.ACCESS_KEY_ID,
  secret_access_key: process.env.SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
  // 【可选】如果使用临时AK/SK和SecurityToken访问OBS,同样建议您尽量避免使用硬编码,以降低信息泄露风险。您可以通过环境变量获取访问密钥AK/SK,也可以使用其他外部引入方式传入
  // security_token: process.env.SECURITY_TOKEN,
  // endpoint填写Bucket对应的Endpoint, 这里以中国-香港为例,其他地区请按实际情况填写
  server: "https://obs.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com"

async function getObject() {
  try {
    const params = {
      // 指定存储桶名称
      Bucket: "examplebucket",
      // 指定对象名,此处以 example/objectname 为例
      Key: 'example/objectname',
      // 设置SSE-C算法解密对象  
      SseC: 'AES256',
      // 此处的密钥必须和上传对象加密时使用的密钥一致
      SseCKey: 'your sse-c key generated by AES-256 algorithm'
    // 下载加密对象
    const result = await obsClient.getObject(params);
    if (result.CommonMsg.Status <= 300) {
      console.log("Get object(%s) under the bucket(%s) successful!", params.Key, params.Bucket);
      console.log("RequestId: %s", result.CommonMsg.RequestId);
      console.log('Object Content: %s', result.InterfaceResult.Content); 
    console.log("An ObsError was found, which means your request sent to OBS was rejected with an error response.");
    console.log("Status: %d", result.CommonMsg.Status);
    console.log("Code: %s", result.CommonMsg.Code);
    console.log("Message: %s", result.CommonMsg.Message);
    console.log("RequestId: %s", result.CommonMsg.RequestId);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("An Exception was found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.");
