更新时间:2025-01-16 GMT+08:00
- Windows操作系统
obsutil help [command]
- macOS/Linux操作系统
./obsutil help [command]
- 以Windows操作系统为例,运行obsutil help mb,查看创建桶命令的帮助文档。
obsutil help mb Summary: create a bucket with the specified parameters Syntax: obsutil mb obs://bucket [-acl=xxx] [-location=xxx] [-fs] [-az=xxx] [-sc=xxx] [-config=xxx] [-i=xxx] [-k=xxx] [-t=xxx] [-e=xxx] Options: -fs create a bucket that supports POSIX -az=xxx the AZ of the bucket, possible values are [multi-az] -sc=xxx the default storage class of the bucket, possible values are [standard|warm|cold|deep-archive] -acl=xxx the ACL of the bucket, possible values are [private|public-read|public-read-write] -location=xxx the region where the bucket is located -epid=xxx the enterprise project id of the bucket -kms=xxx the encryption id of the bucket -config=xxx the path to the custom config file when running this command -e=xxx endpoint -i=xxx access key ID -k=xxx security key ID -t=xxx security token 摘要: 按照用户指定的桶名和参数创建一个新桶 语法: obsutil mb obs://bucket [-fs] [-az=xxx] [-acl=xxx] [-sc=xxx] [-location=xxx] [-config=xxx] 选项: -fs 创建支持文件接口(POSIX)的桶 -az=xxx 创桶时可指定的可用区。支持的值:[multi-az] -acl=xxx 创桶时可指定的预定义访问策略。支持的值:[private|public-read|public-read-write] -sc=xxx 创桶时可指定的桶的默认存储类型。支持的值:[standard|warm|cold] -location=xxx 桶所在的区域 -config=xxx 运行当前命令时的自定义配置文件
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