Updated on 2023-07-06 GMT+08:00

Developing an HTTP Function


When developing an HTTP function using a custom image, implement an HTTP server in the image and listen to port 8000 for requests. HTTP functions support only APIG triggers.

Step 1: Prepare the Environment

To perform the operations described in this section, ensure that you have the FunctionGraph FullAccess permissions, that is, all permissions for FunctionGraph. For more information, see Permissions Management.

Step 2: Create an Image

Take the Linux x86 64-bit OS as an example.

  1. Create a folder.
    mkdir custom_container_http_example && cd custom_container_http_example
  1. Implement an HTTP server. Node.js is used as an example. For details about other languages, see Creating an HTTP Function.

    Create the main.js file to introduce the Express framework, receive POST requests, print the request body as standard output, and return "Hello FunctionGraph, method POST" to the client.

    const express = require('express'); 
    const PORT = 8000; 
    const app = express(); 
    app.post('/*', (req, res) => { 
        console.log('receive', req.body); 
        res.send('Hello FunctionGraph, method POST');
    app.listen(PORT, () => { 
      console.log(`Listening on http://localhost:${PORT}`); 
  1. Create the package.json file for npm so that it can identify the project and process project dependencies.
      "name": "custom-container-http-example",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "An example of a custom container http function",
      "main": "main.js",
      "scripts": {},
      "keywords": [],
      "author": "",
      "license": "ISC",
      "dependencies": {
          "express": "^4.17.1"
    • name: project name
    • version: project version
    • main: application entry file
    • dependencies: all available dependencies of the project in npm
  2. Create a Dockerfile.
    FROM node:12.10.0
    ENV HOME=/home/custom_container
    ENV GROUP_ID=1003
    ENV GROUP_NAME=custom_container
    ENV USER_ID=1003
    ENV USER_NAME=custom_container
    RUN mkdir -m 550 ${HOME} && groupadd -g ${GROUP_ID} ${GROUP_NAME} && useradd -u ${USER_ID} -g ${GROUP_ID} ${USER_NAME}
    COPY --chown=${USER_ID}:${GROUP_ID} main.js ${HOME}
    COPY --chown=${USER_ID}:${GROUP_ID} package.json ${HOME}
    RUN cd ${HOME} && npm install
    RUN chown -R ${USER_ID}:${GROUP_ID} ${HOME}
    RUN find ${HOME} -type d | xargs chmod 500
    RUN find ${HOME} -type f | xargs chmod 500
    EXPOSE 8000
    ENTRYPOINT ["node", "main.js"]
    • FROM: Specify base image node:12.10.0. The base image is mandatory and its value can be changed.
    • ENV: Set environment variables HOME (/home/custom_container), GROUP_NAME and USER_NAME (custom_container), USER_ID and GROUP_ID (1003). These environment variables are mandatory and their values can be changed.
    • RUN: Use the format RUN <Command>. For example, RUN mkdir -m 550 ${HOME}, which means to create the home directory for user ${USER_NAME} during container building.
    • USER: Switch to user ${USER_NAME}.
    • WORKDIR: Switch the working directory to the home directory of user ${USER_NAME}.
    • COPY: Copy main.js and package.json to the home directory of user ${USER_NAME} in the container.
    • EXPOSE: Expose port 8000 of the container. Do not change this parameter.
    • ENTRYPOINT: Run the node main.js command to start the container. Do not change this parameter.
    1. You can use any base image.
    2. In the cloud environment, UID 1003 and GID 1003 are used to start the container by default. The two IDs can be modified by choosing Configuration > Basic Settings > Container Image Override on the function details page. They cannot be root or a reserved ID.
  1. Build an image.

    In the following example, the image name is custom_container_http_example, the tag is latest, and the period (.) indicates the directory where the Dockerfile is located. Run the image build command to pack all files in the directory and send the package to a container engine to build an image.

    docker build -t custom_container_http_example:latest .

Step 3: Perform Local Verification

  1. Start the Docker container.
    docker run -u 1003:1003 -p 8000:8000 custom_container_http_example:latest
  1. Open a new Command Prompt, and send a message through port 8000 to access the /invoke directory specified in the template code.
    curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"message":"HelloWorld"}' localhost:8000/helloworld
    The following information is returned based on the module code:
    Hello FunctionGraph, method POST
  1. Check whether the following information is displayed:
    receive {"message":"HelloWorld"}

    Alternatively, run the docker logs command to obtain container logs.

Step 4: Upload the Image

  1. Log in to the SoftWare Repository for Container (SWR) console. In the navigation pane, choose My Images.
  2. Click Upload Through Client or Upload Through SWR in the upper right corner.
  3. Upload the image as prompted.

  4. View the image on the My Images page.

Step 5: Create a Function

  1. Log in to the FunctionGraph console. In the navigation pane, choose Functions > Function List.
  2. Click Create Function in the upper right corner and choose Select template.
  3. Set the basic information.
    • Function Type: Select HTTP Function.
    • Function Name: Enter custom_container_http.
    • Use container image: Select the image uploaded to SWR.
    • Agency: Select an agency with the SWR Admin permission. If no agency is available, create one by referring to Creating an Agency.
  4. After the configuration is complete, click Create Function.

Step 6: Test the Function

  1. On the function details page, click Test. In the displayed dialog box, create a test event.
  2. Select apig-event-template, set Event Name to helloworld, modify the test event as follows, and click Create.
        "body": "{\"message\": \"helloworld\"}",
        "requestContext": {
            "requestId": "11cdcdcf33949dc6d722640a13091c77",
            "stage": "RELEASE"
        "queryStringParameters": {
            "responseType": "html"
        "httpMethod": "POST",
        "pathParameters": {},
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "path": "/helloworld",
        "isBase64Encoded": false

Step 7: View the Execution Result

Click Test and view the execution result on the right.

Figure 1 Execution result
  • Function Output: displays the return result of the function.
  • Log Output: displays the execution logs of the function.
  • Summary: displays key information of the logs.

    A maximum of 2 KB logs can be displayed. For more log information, see Querying Function Logs.

Step 8: View Monitoring Metrics

On the function details page, click the Monitoring tab.

  • On the Monitoring tab page, choose Metrics, and select a time range (such as 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour) to query the function.
  • The following metrics are displayed: invocations, errors, duration (including the maximum, average, and minimum durations), and throttles.

Step 9: Delete the Function

  1. On the function details page, choose Operation > Delete function in the upper right corner.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, click OK to release resources.