Updated on 2024-05-23 GMT+08:00

Offline Asynchronous Task


In an offline asynchronous application scenario, a workload has one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Long execution time

    Service processing takes minutes to hours, and the response time is insensitive.

  • Immediate return after submission

    The system provides an immediate response upon receiving the call, ensuring that the lengthy processing does not obstruct the execution of the primary service logic.

  • Real-time task status monitoring


  • Parallel processing

    To handle large amounts of data and meet high GPU resource demands, offline GPU tasks require parallel processing through APIs to accelerate processing.

  • Data source integration

    An offline GPU task has various requirements on data sources, and needs to frequently interact with multiple storage products (for example, OBS) and multiple message products (for example, message queue) during processing.


FunctionGraph offers the following benefits for offline asynchronous application workloads:

  • Simplified service architecture

    Asynchronous processing improves system response, resource utilization, and availability.

  • Sufficient GPU resources

    FunctionGraph provides sufficient GPU resources for any offline services that are always idle or have unpredictable traffic.

  • Data source integration

    FunctionGraph supports multiple data source triggering modes, such as OBS and message queue.