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Help Center/ CodeArts Req/ Best Practices/ Using IPD-System Device Projects to Manage RRs of a Smart Watch R&D Project

Using IPD-System Device Projects to Manage RRs of a Smart Watch R&D Project

Updated on 2024-10-30 GMT+08:00


A successful product must meet customer needs, which are the driving force of enterprise development. Unlike traditional requirement management tools that only play a role in the R&D phase, CodeArts Req covers both customer and market requirements by providing a complete process from customer requirement collection, high-value requirement decision-making, to delivery and acceptance. It makes real-time requirement progress transparent and improves market requirement flow by 70%.

In CodeArts Req's raw requirement (RR) management, you can submit customer requirements to the target organization. This organization can then make decisions, conduct analysis, and manage delivery and acceptance of these requirements in real time. This process accelerates the delivery of customer requirements and enhances the market competitiveness of your products. This sector describes how to use an IPD-system device project to simulate the smart watch R&D project for RR management.


The basic operation process of the simulation case is as follows.

Figure 1 Basic operation process
Table 1 CodeArts Req RR management process



Step 1: Create an RR

Convert customer requirements into an RR to be traced in the project.

Step 2: Make Decisions on the RR

The analysis owner of the RR analyzes and makes decisions on the requirement.

Step 3: Develop and Deliver the RR

The development and delivery of child requirements equals to that of the RR.

Step 4: Accept the RR

After the RR is delivered, the requirement proposer accepts the requirement.


Before performing a specific task, you need to complete the following preparations:

  • The project owner has registered a HUAWEI ID and enabled Huawei Cloud services. For details, see My Account - Signing up for a HUAWEI ID and Enabling Huawei Cloud Services.
  • The project owner has created IAM users for project members. For details, see Creating an IAM User.
  • You can purchase either CodeArts or CodeArts Req.
    • Purchasing CodeArts

      To complete all operations in this practice, you need to purchase CodeArts Pro Edition.

      1. Go to the Buy CodeArts page.
      2. Select CodeArts Pro, retain the default value for Users, set Required Duration to 1 month, agree to the statement, and click Next.
      3. Confirm the order and click Pay.
      4. Follow the prompts to complete the payment.
      5. Check the subscription record on the CodeArts page.
  • Creating an IPD-System Device Project

    Before starting the baseline review (BR), the product owner Sarah creates a project.

    1. Click Access Service on the CodeArts console.
    2. Click Create Project and select IPD-System Device.
    3. Enter the project name Smart Watch and click OK. The project is created.
  • Adding Project Members

    Sarah creates accounts for team members and adds them to the project.

    This practice involves the following project roles, as shown in Table 2.
    Table 2 Project roles





    Project creator (product owner)

    Creates a project and sets up a team.


    Product manager

    Analyzes and makes decisions on RRs.


    System engineer

    Analyzes and breaks down R&D requirements.



    Develops and releases the broken-down R&D requirements.


    Product sales person

    Submits and accepts RRs.

    1. Access the smart watch project. Choose Settings > General > Service Permissions > Member.
    2. Click Add Members above the project member list and choose Users from My Enterprise from the drop-down list.
      Figure 2 Adding members
    3. In the displayed dialog box, click Create User. The Users page is displayed.
    4. Click Create User, and create users Maggie, Chris, Frank, and Lily in sequence.
    5. Return to the CodeArts page, refresh the browser, click Add Members above the member list, and choose Users from My Enterprise. Select members Maggie, Chris, Frank, and Lily, and click Next.
    6. Click the Role drop-down list in each row, select Project manager for Maggie, Developer for Chris, Test manager for Frank, and Product sales personnel for Lily, and then click Save.

Step 1: Create an RR

Lily (product salesperson) discovered the customer's new requirements for smart watches during a conversation. Lily recorded these requirements in the smart watch project.

  1. Go to the smart watch project and choose Work > Req > Raw Requirements.
  2. Click Create RR. On the Create RR page, set the following parameters.

    Table 3 Creating an RR



    Example Value


    RR title.

    • The value can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (()), and spaces.
    • The value can contain 1 to 256 characters.

    Using a Smart Watch to Control iPhones for Photo Shooting


    RR description.

    • The value can contain images, links, letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (()), and spaces.
    • Enter a maximum of 500,000 characters.

    Background: The customer hopes to use a smart watch to control iPhones for photo shooting.

    Value: Meet customer requirements and improve product competitiveness.

    Details: Currently, the smart watch supports only Android and HarmonyOS phones.

    Expected Completion

    Time when the RR is due to be completed and delivered.



    Analyzer and decision maker of an RR.

    • Generally, this parameter is set to the product manager of the project.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.



    RR priority. The options are as follows:

    • High
    • Medium
    • Low


  3. Click Submit.

Step 2: Make Decisions on the RR

After receiving the notification of Lily's RR, Maggie (product manager) accessed the requirement details page through the notification card to view and analyze the requirement.

  1. Go to the service homepage, click Messages in the upper right corner, or go to the smart watch project and choose Work > Req > Raw Requirements. On the Raw Requirements page, select Assigned to me from the drop-down list to view the RRs that you need to make decisions on.
  2. Click an RR title. On the RR details page, view the RR information. Click Accepted in the upper right corner. In the displayed dialog box, set parameters by referring to the following table.

    Figure 3 Accepted dialog box
    Table 4 Parameters for accepting RRs



    Example Value


    Owner after RR acceptance.

    • Generally, this parameter is set to the product manager of the project.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.


    Planned Completion

    Planned delivery time of the current RR.



    Whether the planned completion time is promised. This parameter is used together with Planned Completion.


    Planned Workload

    Estimated number of person-days required to complete the current RR.



    RR priority. The options are as follows:

    • High
    • Medium
    • Low


  3. Click OK. Maggie has accepted the RR.
  4. Click in the upper right corner of the accepted RR details page and set parameters as follows.

    Table 5 Parameters for requirement breakdown



    Example Value


    Title of a child requirement.

    • The value can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (()), and spaces.
    • The value can contain 1 to 256 characters.

    Using a Smart Watch to Control iPhones for Photo Shooting

    Raised By

    Person who raises a child requirement. The default value is the requirement creator and can be changed.


    Responsible Project

    Project to which the child requirement belongs.

    Smart Watch


    Owner of a child requirement.

    • Generally, this parameter is set to a system engineer of a project.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.


  5. Click OK. Maggie has broken down the RR.

Step 3: Develop and Deliver the RR

After receiving the notification of the initial requirement (IR) created by Maggie, Chris (system engineer) accessed the requirement details page through the notification card to develop and deliver the requirement.

  1. Go to the service homepage, click Messages in the upper right corner, or go to the smart watch project and choose Work > Req > R&D Requirements. On the R&D Requirements page, select Assigned to me from the drop-down list to view the R&D requirements that you need to make decisions on.
  2. Click the title of an R&D requirement. On the R&D requirement details page, set parameters based on the current delivery pace. For details, see the following table.

    Table 6 Description of R&D IR parameters



    Example Value


    Status of an IR, indicating the current phase of the requirement. The options are as follows:

    • Initial
    • Analyzing
    • Testing
    • Developing
    • Completed


    Planned Completion

    Planned completion time of the IR, indicating the time when the IR is expected to be completed.


  3. On the Related Items tab page of the IR details page, click next to Subrequirement and configure parameters by referring to the following table.

    Table 7 Parameters for child requirement breakdown



    Example Value


    Title of a child requirement.

    • The value can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (()), and spaces.
    • The value can contain 1 to 256 characters.

    Using a Smart Watch to Control iPhones for Photo Shooting


    Owner of a child requirement.

    • Generally, this parameter is set to a developer of the project.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.



    Priority of a child requirement. The options are as follows:

    • High
    • Medium
    • Low


  4. Click OK. Chris has updated the IR progress and broken down the child requirement.
  5. After receiving the notification of the system requirement created by Chris, Frank (developer) accessed the requirement details page through the notification card.
  6. After Frank analyzed the system requirement and completed the R&D and delivery of the requirement, the system requirement status was changed to Completed. At the same time, the IR status was updated to Completed and the RR status automatically transited to Delivering.
  7. Maggie (also RR owner) accessed the details page of the delivered RR and evaluated the delivery quality in each dimension. After the evaluation was complete, click Submit in the upper right corner and set parameters by referring to the following table.

    Table 8 Parameters for submitting acceptance applications



    Example Value


    RR acceptance owner, also the RR proposer.





  8. Click OK to submit the delivered RR to the applicant for acceptance.

Step 4: Accept the RR

After receiving the notification of RR acceptance submitted by Maggie, Lily (requirement proposer) accessed the requirement details page through the notification card to view and accept the requirement.

  1. Go to the service homepage, click Messages in the upper right corner, or go to the smart watch project and choose Work > Req > Raw Requirements. On the Raw Requirements page, select Assigned to me from the drop-down list to view the RRs that you need to accept.
  2. Click the RR title to go to the RR details page. View the comments, attachments, and associated items of the RR, and go to the product test environment to experience product functions. After confirming that the functions meet your expectations, click Accepted in the upper right corner. In the Accepted dialog box, set parameters by referring to the following table.

    Table 9 Parameters for passing the acceptance



    Example Value

    Acceptance Conclusion

    Information entered when the requirement is accepted.

    The function has been accepted.

  3. Click OK. Lily has accepted the RR, and the RR status has transited to Closed.

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