Updated on 2024-05-21 GMT+08:00

Configuring Work Item Settings

Project administrators can customize field templates, status flows, description templates, and navigation bars for different types of requirements and work items.

This section describes how to configure RRs.

Accessing Work Item Settings

  1. Go to the project details page.
  2. Choose Settings > Work > Work Items, and the Work Item Settings page is displayed.

    By default, the Raw Requirement (RR) field template is displayed on the Work Item Setting page.

Field Templates

By default, the field template displays all field information in the system, including Field Name, Added By, Added At, Field Type, Display During Creation, Required, Option, Default Value, and Operation. If the fields in the system cannot meet the requirements, you can create customized fields based on actual conditions.

  • Adding fields to a work item
    Work items include RRs, SFs, IRs, SRs, ARs, tasks, and bugs. Select the work item for which you want to add a field, and then perform the following steps:
    1. On the Field Templates page, click Add Field.

    2. Click the Field Name drop-down list box. The field name value information is displayed.

      The value added to the Common Field will be displayed in this parameter. If no value meets the requirements, perform the following steps to customize the field information.

    3. Click Add Field. The Add Field window is displayed.

    4. Enter the field information.
      Table 1 Parameters for creating a field



      Field name

      Custom field name.

      Field type

      Field type.

      The options are Single-choice list, Multi-choice list, Single-line text, Multi-line text, Date, Date and time, Integer, Decimal, Single-choice user, Multi-choice user, and Level field.


      This parameter is displayed only when Field Type is set to Single-choice list, Multi-choice list, or Level field.

      • Click Add Option. You can add one option at a time. To add multiple options at a time, click Multiple.

        When there are multiple options, you can drag to adjust their positions.

      • Click to delete options. There is a default option, which cannot be deleted.
      • If Field Type is set to Level field, you need to click Edit Options and then add options. A maximum of four levels can be added.

      Default value

      This parameter is displayed only when Field Type is set to Single-line text, Multi-line text, Date, Date and time, Integer, Decimal, Level field, single-choice list, or multi-choice list.

      Set this parameter as required.

      Display during creation

      This parameter is toggled on by default. If this parameter is toggled off, the new field will not display when a work item is created.


      This parameter is toggled off by default. If this parameter is toggled on, the new field is mandatory for work item creation and work item transfer.


      Only features and R&D requirements (IR, SR, and AR) support baseline locking.

      This parameter is toggled off by default. If this parameter is toggled on, new fields will be locked and cannot be modified after work items (such as features and R&D requirements) are baselined. If the modification is mandatory, the change process will be initiated.

    5. Click OK to create a field.

      New field information will be displayed at the bottom of the field template list and in Common Field.

    6. (Optional) Edit or delete fields.
      The default fields in the system cannot be edited or deleted.
      • Click in the row where the field to be edited is located to modify the field information.
      • Click located in the row of information field to be edited to delete information.
        • After a tenant-level field is deleted from Field Templates, it will not be deleted from the tenant field page.
        • After a customized field is deleted, it will not be deleted from the common field page.
      • You can drag before a field to adjust the position of the field.
  • Adding fields to Common Field
    1. Click Common Field in the navigation on the left. The Fields page is displayed.

      The field information added to the work item is displayed in the Fields page.

    2. Click Create Field and the Create Field dialog box is displayed.

    3. Enter the field information.
      • The Field Name should be unique in the system.
      • For details about the Field Type values, see Table 1.
    4. Click OK to create a field.

      The new field is displayed in the Fields list.

      When a new field is used by a work item, the specific work item will be displayed under Statuses.

    5. (Optional) Edit or delete fields.
      • Click in the row where the field to be edited is located to modify the field information.
      • Click located in the information field to be edited to delete field information.
  • Adding status to Common Status
    1. Click Common Status in the navigation on the left. The Statuses page is displayed.
    2. Click Add Status, and a dialog box is displayed.

    3. Click the Name drop-down list box. The status name value information is displayed.
    4. Click Create Status, and the Create Status window is displayed.

    5. Enter the status information.
      • The Name should be unique in the system.
      • Category includes To Do, Doing, and Done.
    6. Click OK to create a state.

      The new state is displayed in the Statuses list.

      When a new status is used by a work item, the specific work item will be displayed under Statuses.

    7. (Optional) Edit or delete states.
      The default state in the system cannot be deleted. Only the Description information can be edited.
      • Click in the row where the state to be edited is located to modify the state information.
      • Click located in the row of the state to be edited to delete information.

Status Flows

You can adjust the order of states, which are originally displayed as default status names and attributes.

You can custom status flows only for R&D requirements, SFs, tasks, and bugs. The following shows how to custom status flows of bugs as an example.

System status flows cannot be edited but can only be viewed. You can copy system status flows to create custom ones. Custom status flows can be edited or executed. You can switch to and execute different status flows based on service requirements.

If the R&D requirement is switched to the custom status flow, the rollup rule will automatically become invalid. Only when all types of work items of the R&D requirement are executed in the system status flow, the rollup rule will be valid.

  1. Choose Bug > Status Flows.
  2. Click Edit. The Bug status flow configuration canvas page is displayed, showing the default system status flow.

  3. Copy a system status flow to create a custom one, which can be executed and edited.

  4. After clicking Edit of a custom status flow, double-click any state or transition line to display its rule information.

  5. Click Edit of the custom state flow to add a state.
    1. Expand the status drawer. You can drag and drop the highlighted state on the canvas or click to add a state.

    2. Select Create Status from the Name drop-down list, and the Create Status dialog box is displayed.

      You can also select an existing tenant-level custom status.

    3. Enter Name and Category.

      Category includes To Do, Doing, and Done.

    4. Click OK.

      The created status is displayed in the bug status flow canvas.

  6. Drag and drop the new status to a proper position, draw a connection line with the mouse, and enter the transition line name.

  7. Double-click the new transition line. The transition information configuration page is displayed.

  8. Enter a Transition Line Name and configure other information.
  9. After the configuration is complete, click to collapse the page for configuring transfer line information.

    An added state should have at least one incoming transition line and one outgoing transition line. Repeat step 5 to 8 to add transitions.

  10. Click Execute in the upper right corner to customize the main navigation bar.

  11. Click OK. The bug fixing process state is added successfully.

    You can view added status flows on the bug Status Flows page.

    This state is applied to the bug fixing process.

Description Templates

This section describes how to fill in the description based on the template when creating a work item.

Select the work item for which you want to add a description template, and then perform the following steps:
  1. On the Description Templates page, click Edit.

  2. Enter the content of the description field.

    You can upload images, enter links, and insert code blocks.

  3. Click Save.

    When you create a work item, the description template is the edited and saved template by default.

Navigation Bar

By default, a main route in the transfer state displays in each work item, and the main route is selected by default.

When you create a work item or view work item details, the displayed status bar is consistent with the main route selected on the navigation page.