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Configuring a Plan

Updated on 2025-01-17 GMT+08:00

Generally, multiple milestones and release versions are set in project management based on the delivery plan. Each release version can be completed through multiple sprints to deliver project achievements better. R&D requirements, tasks, and bugs of a project can be planned in the release and sprint plans to deliver achievements in an orderly and timely manner, which keeps the project progress under control and manages the allocation of project members.

  • Type M (): Milestone.
  • Type R (): Release plan.
  • Type S (): Sprint plan.


An IPD-standalone software project is available, in which you have permission to create plans.

Creating Milestones

  1. Access the CodeArts Req homepage.
  2. On the project homepage, select Plans.
  3. Click Plan and select Milestone. In the Create Milestone dialog box, set the required parameters.

    Table 1 Creating a milestone




    Name of a milestone. The value can contain a maximum of 30 characters.

    Names of milestones under the same project must be unique.


    Planned completion time of a milestone, which can be selected based on the actual project situation.


    Current owner of a milestone.

  4. Click OK.

    The new milestone is displayed in the plan management list.

Creating Release and Sprint Plans

  1. Access the CodeArts Req homepage.
  2. On the project homepage, select Plans.
  3. Click Plan, select Release Plan, and set the parameters.

    Table 2 Creating a release plan



    Release Name

    Name of a release plan. The value can contain a maximum of 30 characters.

    Names of release plans under the same project must be unique.


    Owner of a release plan.

    Start/End Time

    Start time and end time of a release plan.

    The end time cannot be earlier than the planned start time.

    Planned Capacity (person-day)

    Estimated plan workload within the release plan time range. The value can be accurate to one decimal place.


    Enter release information based on actual conditions. A maximum of 1,000 characters can be entered.

  4. Click OK.

    The new release is displayed in the plan management list.

    By default, a new release plan is in the Planned state. You can manually update the release plan status:

    • Planned: Click Start Release to change the state to Going.
    • Going: Click Set to not yet started to change the state to Planned, or click Complete to change the state to Ended.
    • Ended: Click Restart to change the state to Going.
    • New sprint plans cannot be added for completed release plans.

  5. Click in the row where the release for which you want to add a sprint is located. The Create Sprint window is displayed.
  6. Set the sprint plan information.

    • The names of sprint plans under the same release should be unique.
    • The Start/End Time of a sprint plan can be selected only from the Start/End Time of the release to which the sprint plan belongs.

  7. Click OK.

    You can view the new sprint plan under the release to which the sprint plan belongs.

    By default, a new sprint plan is in the Planned state. You can manually update the sprint plan status:

    • Planned: Click Start Iteration to change the state to Going.
    • Going: Click Reset to change the state to Planned, or click Complete to change the state to Ended.
    • Ended: Click Restart Iteration to change the state to Going.

Related Operations

You can perform the following operations on new milestones, release plans, and sprint plans.

Table 3 Operations related to plan management



Edit release/sprint plans

Click in the Operation column of the release or sprint plan to edit its name and owner. Baselined release/sprint plans cannot be edited.

Baseline release/sprint plans

Choose > Baseline in the Operation column of the release or sprint plan.

  • After a release plan is baselined, the R&D requirements (IRs) under the release are also baselined.
  • After a sprint plan is baselined, the R&D requirements (IPD-system device: SRs and ARs; IPD-standalone software: USs) under the sprint are also baselined.

Cancel baselined release/sprint plans

Only the baseline of a release or sprint plan can be canceled.

Choose > Unbaseline in the Operation column of a baselined release or sprint plan.

  • After a release plan is unbaselined, the R&D requirements (IRs) under the release are also unbaselined.
  • After a sprint plan is unbaselined, the R&D requirements (IPD-system device: SRs and ARs; IPD-standalone software: USs) under the sprint are also unbaselined.

View history of release or sprint plans

Choose > History in the Operation column of a release/sprint plan. Then view the historical records of the release plan/sprint plan on the displayed page.

Delete release/sprint plans

Click Delete under in the Operation column of the release or sprint plan. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

  • Baselined release/sprint plans cannot be deleted.
  • Deleted release/sprint plans cannot be restored.

Edit milestone

Click in the Operation column of a milestone to edit it.

Delete milestone

Click in the Operation column of a milestone to delete it. Deleted milestones cannot be restored.

Batch operations

Select the check boxes on the left of the plans to manage the plan data in batches.

Baseline: You can baseline multiple release or sprint plans separately.

Cancel baseline: You can cancel multiple baselined release or sprint plans separately.

Export: You can export selected data in batches.

Delete: You can delete selected data in batches. Deleted plans cannot be restored.

Arranging Release and Sprint Plans

  1. Access the CodeArts Req homepage.
  2. On the project homepage, select Plans.
  3. Click the title of a release or sprint plan to go to the details page.

    The plan's basic information, work item scope, and statistics are displayed. You can arrange the plan and change its status.

    Figure 1 Plan details page

  4. Click Plan release scope.

    • This operation is unavailable for baselined release plans.
    • This operation is unavailable for completed release plans.

  5. Select the work items to be added to the current release plan, and click OK.


    This procedure uses a release plan as an example. Sprint plans can be configured in the same way.

Checking Statistics of Release and Sprint Plans

  1. On the project homepage, select Plans.
  2. Click the title of a release or sprint plan to go to the details page, and click Statistics.

    Figure 2 Plan details page - Statistics
    The following types of charts are supported.
    Table 4 Release charts

    Chart Name

    Data Description

    Work item overview

    Counts the total, processing, completed, and overdue work items of each type in the current release.

    Burndown chart

    Uses a line chart to display the daily trend of changes in the number and planned workloads of all work items in the current release.

    • Total workload: The system runs a scheduled task daily to calculate the total workloads (planned workloads and work items) of all work items in the current release.
    • Left workload: The system runs a scheduled task daily to calculate the workloads (planned workloads and work items) of all uncompleted work items in the current release.
    • Expected line: The line connecting the total workload from the first day to the last day. The total workload of the last day is 0 person-days.

    This chart helps you identity risks in the release progress.

    Release load capacity

    Uses a grouped column chart to compare the planned and release workloads of each work item type in the current release. This chart helps you check whether the actual workloads exceed the planned ones.

    Bug trend

    Uses a line chart to display the numbers of daily discovered and resolved bugs as well as the remaining defect index (DI). This chart helps you understand the bug trend in the current release.

    Work items by priority

    Uses a grouped column chart to display the numbers of different work item types under each member by priority. This chart helps you understand the priorities of work items under each member.

    Work item completion

    Uses a line chart to display the numbers of completed and total work items of each type in the current release. This chart helps you learn about the release's daily completion status.

    Work items by status

    Uses a ring chart to display the number and proportion of work items of each type in different statuses under the current release. This chart helps you learn about the release's work items in different statuses.

    Work item breakdown

    Uses a column chart to display the numbers of broken-down and total work items of each type under the current release. This chart helps you learn about the work item breakdown progress of the current release.

    Work item completion rate

    Uses a column chart to display the numbers of completed and total work items of each type in the current release. This chart helps you learn about the release's completion status by work item or planned workload.

    Work item stay days

    Uses a column chart to display the average number of days that work items of each type stay in each status (except for a Done status) in the current release. This chart helps you identify the delivery bottlenecks in your team.

    Work item statistics for project members (by status)

    Uses a grouped column chart to display the numbers of different work item types in different statuses under each member. This chart helps you learn about the work item progress of each member.

    Unfinished work items by member

    Uses a grouped column chart to display the number of uncompleted work items of each member under the current release. This chart helps you check whether the work item assignment of each member is appropriate.

    Requirement TTM

    Uses a column chart to display the average time that each requirement type takes to complete since it is created or submitted. This chart helps you understand the delivery rate of each work item type.


    The description uses a release plan as an example. Sprint plans have the same statistical charts.

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