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Help Center/ CodeArts Req/ Best Practices/ Using IPD-System Device Projects to Manage Defects of a Smart Watch R&D Project

Using IPD-System Device Projects to Manage Defects of a Smart Watch R&D Project

Updated on 2024-10-30 GMT+08:00


Defect management is a critical part in product lifecycle management. Both hardware and software development will encounter countless defects. Poor defect management will affect the product quality. Based on years of experience in quality and operation management, Huawei has developed a set of effective defect best practices. It provides a unified, efficient, and visualized defect tracking platform to ensure that each defect can be closed with high quality and efficiency.

A company plans to launch a smart watch. However, the R&D will take a long period, and requires collaboration of multiple departments and teams. How can the company transfer defects among organizations and ensure that the defects can be finally closed? This sector describes how to use an IPD-system device project to simulate the smart watch R&D project for defect management.


The basic operation process of the simulation case is as follows.

Figure 1 Basic operation process
Table 1 CodeArts Req defect management process



Step 1: Submit a Bug

After detecting a bug in the environment, the tester needs to create and submit a bug in the project.

Step 2: Locate the Root Cause and Schedule the Rectification

After receiving a bug, the developer needs to locate the root cause and schedule the rectification.

Step 3: Perform the Regression Test and Bug Acceptance

After the developer fixes the bug, the tester needs to perform a regression test and the bug creator needs to perform acceptance.


Before performing a specific task, you need to complete the following preparations:

  • The project owner has registered a HUAWEI ID and enabled Huawei Cloud services. For details, see My Account - Signing up for a HUAWEI ID and Enabling Huawei Cloud Services.
  • The project owner has created IAM users for project members. For details, see Creating an IAM User.
  • You can purchase either CodeArts or CodeArts Req.
    • Purchasing CodeArts

      To complete all operations in this practice, you need to purchase CodeArts Pro Edition.

      1. Go to the Buy CodeArts page.
      2. Select CodeArts Pro, retain the default value for Users, set Required Duration to 1 month, agree to the statement, and click Next.
      3. Confirm the order and click Pay.
      4. Follow the prompts to complete the payment.
      5. Check the subscription record on the CodeArts page.
  • Creating an IPD-System Device Project

    Before starting the BR, the product owner Sarah creates a project.

    1. Click Access Service on the CodeArts console.
    2. Click Create Project and select IPD-System Device.
    3. Enter the project name Smart Watch and click OK. The project is created.
  • Adding Project Members

    Sarah creates accounts for team members and adds them to the project.

    This practice involves the following project roles, as shown in Table 2.
    Table 2 Project roles





    Project creator (product owner)

    Creates a project and sets up a team.



    Analyzes the root cause of a bug and rectifies the bug.



    Identifies and submits bugs, and check whether the bugs are rectified.

    1. Access the smart watch project. Choose Settings > General > Service Permissions > Member.
    2. Click Add Members above the project member list and choose Users from My Enterprise from the drop-down list.
      Figure 2 Adding members
    3. In the displayed dialog box, click Create User. The Users page is displayed.
    4. Click Create User and create users Frank and Lily in sequence.
    5. Return to the CodeArts page, refresh the browser, click Add Members above the member list, and choose Users from My Enterprise. Select members Frank and Lily, and click Next.
    6. Click the Role drop-down list in each row, select Test manager for Frank and Product sales personnel for Lily, and then click Save.

Step 1: Submit a Bug

Lily (project tester), found a function bug during a product function test. Therefore, Lily recorded the bug in the smart watch project.

  1. Go to the smart watch project and choose Work > Req > Defects.
  2. Click Bug. On the Bug page, set the following parameters.

    Table 3 Creating a bug



    Example Value


    Bug title.

    • The value can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (()), and spaces.
    • The value can contain 1 to 256 characters.

    Smart Watch - Incomplete Information Display in Settings


    Bug description.

    • The value can contain images, links, letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dots (.), slashes (/), parentheses (()), and spaces.
    • Enter a maximum of 500,000 characters.

    Test environment: large beta;

    Problem description: There are 10 functions in the setting center, but only 8 are displayed;

    Suggestion: Supplement the functions.

    Expected Rectification

    Time when the bug is expected to be rectified.



    Bug analyzer.

    • The parameter refers to the person who is responsible for bug analysis and locating. Generally, it is set to a project developer.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.



    Bug severity, which is set based on the impact scope. The options are as follows:

    • Critical
    • Major
    • Minor
    • Info


  3. Click Submit.

Step 2: Locate the Root Cause and Schedule the Rectification

After receiving the notification of the bug submitted by Lily, Frank (developer) accessed the defect details page through the notification card, located the root cause, and scheduled the rectification.

  1. Go to the service homepage, click Messages in the upper right corner, or go to the smart watch project and choose Work > Req > Defects. On the Defects page, select Assigned to me from the drop-down list to view the bugs that you need to handle.
  2. Click a bug title. On the bug details page, view the bug information. After the confirmation, click Submit to Fix in the upper right corner. In the displayed dialog box, set parameters by referring to the following table.

    Figure 3 Submit to Fix dialog box
    Table 4 Parameters for submitting bugs for rectification



    Example Value


    Owner of the bug rectification node.

    • The parameter refers to the person who is responsible for bug rectification. Generally, it is set to a project developer.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.



    Root cause analysis made by the bug analyzer. You can enter the analysis conclusion here.

    It is preliminarily estimated that a bug occurs in the background database and needs to be resolved.

  3. Click OK. Frank has analyzed the bug. Then, developers write code in the development environment for bug rectification.
  4. After the fault was rectified, Frank opened the bug and goes to the details page. Click Submit to Test in the upper right corner. In the Submit to test dialog box, configure parameters by referring to the following table.

    Table 5 Parameters for submitting bugs for testing



    Example Value


    Owner of the bug test node.

    • The parameter refers to the person who is responsible for the bug regression test. Generally, it is set to a project tester.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.



    Bug rectification solution in the form of texts or pictures.

    The database bug has been rectified, as shown in the following screenshot.

  5. Click OK. Frank has rectified the defect.

Step 3: Perform the Regression Test and Bug Acceptance

After receiving the bug rectification notification from Frank, Lily accesses the bug details page through the notification card and performs the regression test and acceptance.

  1. Go to the service homepage, click Messages in the upper right corner, or go to the smart watch project and choose Work > Req > Defects. On the Defects page, select Assigned to me from the drop-down list to view the bugs that you need to handle.
  2. Click the bug title. On the bug details page, view the cause and solution, and perform verification in the beta environment to check whether the bug has been rectified. Click Passed in the upper right corner of the details page. The Passed dialog box is displayed. Configure parameters by referring to the following table.

    Table 6 Parameters for passing the test



    Example Value


    Owner of the bug acceptance node.

    • The parameter refers to the person who is responsible for bug acceptance. Generally, it is set to the bug creator.
    • You can add project members by referring to Adding CodeArts Project Members.


    Test Report

    Bug rectification description in the form of texts or pictures.

    The bug has been rectified.

  3. Click OK. Lily has completed the bug regression test.
  4. The bug is in the Accepting state and needs to be accepted by the creator. In this example, the bug creator is the bug tester. Therefore, this process can be simplified. Lily clicked Accepted in the upper right corner of the details page. In the displayed dialog box, click OK. The Accepted dialog box is displayed. Configure parameters by referring to the following table.

    Table 7 Parameters for passing the acceptance



    Example Value

    Closure Type

    Bug closure type. You can choose Resolved or Non-bug.


  5. Click OK. The bug creator Lily has accepted the bug. The bug is in the Closed state.

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