更新时间:2022-04-20 GMT+08:00
- 请求时遇到1010002非法请求错误如何处理?
- 解绑时出现1011004/1012001错误如何处理?
- 收到的disconnect呼叫事件中statecode为8014如何处理?
- 调用获取录音文件下载地址接口无法正常接收平台响应如何处理?
- 请求时遇到“1010029:The subscriber status is frozen”如何处理(隐私号码状态为“冻结”)?
- 绑定号码时遇到1012008/1011002:Insufficient number of resources,提示号码资源不足如何处理?
- 调用接口获取录音文件下载地址时遇到“1012007:The record does not exist”如何处理?
- 调用AXB模式接口时遇到“1012007:The record does not exist”如何处理?
- 调用绑定接口时遇到“1011005:Resources have been allocated/Resource has been applied.”(提示X号码被占用了/配额使用完)如何处理?
- 调用接口时遇到“1010040:The app_key is not allowed to invoke the API.”如何处理?
- 调用接口时遇到“1010010:The flow control upper limit is reached on the platform.”如何处理?
- 调用接口时遇到“1011001:Account does not exist.”如何处理?
- 调用接口时遇到“1012102:The number is contained in the blacklist.”(号码处于黑名单中)如何处理?
- 调用接口时遇到“1016001:The record does not exist.”(记录不存在)如何处理?
- 调用AX模式绑定接口时遇到“1011003:Exceeded the upper limit of resources that can be applied for.”如何处理?
- 调用AXB模式接口时遇到“1012010:The relation number has been bound.”如何处理?
- 调用接口时遇到“1010003:Invalid app_key.”或“Failed to connect to https://rtcpns.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com: Timed out”如何处理?