Distributed Message Service for Kafka
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
Todos los resultados de "
" dentro de este producto
Todos los resultados de "
" dentro de este producto
Descripción general del servicio
¿Qué es DMS for Kafka?
Ventajas del producto
Escenarios de aplicación
Comparación de Kafka y RabbitMQ
Comparación de DMS for Kafka y Kafka de código abierto
Notas y restricciones
Servicios relacionados
Conceptos básicos
Gestión de permisos
Pasos iniciales
Paso 1: Preparar el entorno
Paso 2: Crear una instancia de Kafka
(Opcional) Paso 3: Crear un tema
Paso 4: Conectarse a una instancia de Kafka para crear y recuperar mensajes
Conexión a una instancia sin SASL
Conexión a una instancia con SASL
Paso 5: Configurar reglas de alarma
Guía del usuario
Gestión de permisos
Cómo crear un usuario y otorgar permisos de DMS for Kafka
Políticas personalizadas de DMS for Kafka
Preparación de los recursos requeridos
Compra de una instancia
Acceso a una instancia de Kafka
Acceso a una instancia de Kafka sin SASL
Acceso a una instancia de Kafka con SASL
Conexión con Kafka Manager y consulta de la información de Kafka
Acceso entre VPC a una instancia de Kafka
Uso de DNAT para acceder a una instancia de Kafka
Gestión de instancias
Modificación de especificaciones de instancia
Consulta de una instancia
Reinicio de una instancia
Eliminación de una instancia
Modificación de la información acerca de una instancia
Configuración del acceso público
Restablecimiento de la contraseña de usuario SASL_SSL
Restablecimiento de la contraseña de Kafka Manager
Reinicio de Kafka Manager
Habilitación de dumping
Gestión de etiquetas de instancia
Consulta de tareas del fondo
Consulta del uso del disco
Gestión de temas
Cómo crear un tema
Eliminación de un tema
Modificación del tiempo de envejecimiento del tema
Cambio de la cantidad de partición
Gestión de mensajes
Consulta de mensajes
Gestión de usuarios
Creación de un usuario SASL_SSL
Concesión de permisos a un usuario SASL_SSL
Gestión de grupos de consumidores
Eliminación de un grupo de consumidores
Consulta de la lista de consumidores
Restablecimiento del offset del consumidor
Consulta de direcciones de conexión del consumidor
Modificación de parámetros de Kafka
Métricas de Kafka
Configuración de reglas de alarma
Consulta de Métricas
Operaciones registradas por CTS
Consulta de registros de auditoría
Referencia de la API
Antes de comenzar
Descripción general
Invocación de la API
Descripción de la API
Llamar a APIs
Realización de una solicitud de API
Valores devueltos
Pasos iniciales
APIs V2 (Recomendado)
Gestión del ciclo de vida
Creación de una instancia
Listado de todas las instancias
Consulta de una instancia
Eliminación de una instancia
Modificación de información de instancia
Reinicio o eliminación de instancias por lotes
Gestión de instancias
Restablecimiento de la contraseña
Restablecimiento de la contraseña de Kafka Manager
Reinicio de Kafka Manager
Configuración de la creación automática de temas
Modificación de la dirección IP privada para el acceso entre VPC
Consulta de metadatos de clúster de Kafka
Consulta de los detalles del grupo de consumidores
Restablecimiento de offset de grupo de consumidores en la posición especificada
Consulta de detalles del coordinador de una instancia de Kafka
Adición de particiones a un tema para una instancia de Kafka
Reasignación de réplicas de un tema para una instancia de Kafka
Consulta del estado de uso del disco de los temas
Consulta de todos los grupos de consumidores
Gestión de volcado
Creación de un conector de volcado para una instancia
Creación de una tarea de volcado
Listado de tareas de volcado
Modificación de cuotas de tareas de volcado
Consulta de una tarea de volcado
Eliminación de una tarea de volcado
Gestión de modificación de especificación
Consulta de información del producto para la Modificación de la Especificación de Instancia
Modificación de especificaciones de instancia
Gestión de temas
Creación de un tema para una instancia de Kafka
Listado de temas de una instancia de Kafka
Modificación de temas de una instancia de Kafka
Eliminación por lotes de temas de una instancia de Kafka
Consulta de los detalles del tema
Gestión de usuarios
Consulta de la lista de usuarios
Creación de un usuario
Eliminación de usuarios por lotes
Restablecimiento de una contraseña
Consulta de permisos de usuario
Concesión de permisos a los usuarios
Consulta de mensaje
Consulta de mensajes
Consulta de un mensaje con un offset especificado
Consulta de un mensaje con un período de tiempo especificado
Consulta de offset del mensaje más temprano en una partición
Consulta de offset del último mensaje en una partición
Gestión de tareas en segundo plano
Listado de tareas de fondo
Consulta de una tarea de fondo
Eliminación de una tarea de fondo
Gestión de etiquetas
Adición o eliminación de etiquetas por lotes
Listado de etiquetas de una instancia
Listado de etiquetas de un proyecto
Otras API
Listado de ventanas de tiempo de mantenimiento
Listado de Información de AZ
Consulta de la lista de especificaciones del producto
Consulta de dimensiones de supervisión de instancias de Kafka
Políticas de permisos y acciones admitidas
API fuera de fecha
API para gestionar instancias
Creación de una instancia
Consulta de una instancia
Modificación de una instancia
Eliminación de una instancia
Reinicio o eliminación de instancias por lotes
Consulta de todas las instancias
Creación de un tema en una instancia de Kafka
Consulta de un tema en una instancia de Kafka
Eliminación de temas en una instancia de Kafka por lotes
Otras API
Consulta de información de AZ
Consulta de especificaciones de producto
Consulta de ventanas de tiempo de mantenimiento
Código de estado
Códigos de error
Estado de la instancia
Obtención de un ID de proyecto
Obtención del nombre de la cuenta y el ID de la cuenta
Historial de revisiones
Preguntas frecuentes
¿Por qué no puedo seleccionar dos AZ?
¿Por qué no puedo ver la información de subred y de grupo de seguridad al crear una instancia de DMS?
¿Cómo selecciono espacio de almacenamiento para una instancia de Kafka?
¿Cómo puedo elegir entre E/S alta y E/S ultraalta?
¿Qué política de umbral de capacidad debo usar?
¿Cuáles de las versiones de Kafka son compatibles?
¿Qué es la dirección ZooKeeper de una instancia de Kafka?
¿Las instancias de Kafka están en modo de clúster?
¿Puedo modificar el puerto para acceder a una instancia de Kafka?
¿Durante cuánto tiempo son válidos los certificados de SSL de Kafka?
¿Cómo sincronizo datos de una instancia de Kafka a otra?
¿Cómo cambio el ajuste de SASL_SSL de una instancia de Kafka?
¿Cómo modifico el mecanismo de SASL?
¿Se reiniciará una instancia de Kafka después de que se modifique su proyecto de empresa?
¿Se despliegan brokers de Kafka y ZooKeeper en una misma máquina virtual o en las diferentes máquinas virtuales?
¿Puedo eliminar una instancia de Kafka facturada en modo anual/mensual?
¿Qué conjuntos de cifrado son compatibles con Kafka?
¿Puedo cambiar una instancia del despliegue en la AZ única al despliegue en multi-AZ?
¿DMS for Kafka admite la recuperación ante desastres entre las AZ? ¿Dónde puedo ver las AZ configuradas para una instancia existente?
¿Las instancias de Kafka admiten la encriptación de disco?
¿Afecta la modificación de la especificación a los servicios?
¿Puedo cambiar la VPC y la subred después de crear una instancia de Kafka?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar los casos de uso de Kafka Streams?
¿Puedo actualizar instancias de Kafka?
¿Por qué la versión en la consola es diferente de la de Kafka Manager?
¿Cómo puedo vincular una EIP de nuevo?
¿Cómo selecciono y configuro un grupo de seguridad?
¿Puedo acceder a una instancia de Kafka por una red pública?
¿Cuántas direcciones de conexión tiene una instancia de Kafka de forma predeterminada?
¿Las instancias de Kafka admiten el acceso entre regiones?
¿Las instancias de Kafka admiten el acceso entre las VPC?
¿Las instancias de Kafka admiten el acceso entre subredes?
¿DMS for Kafka admite la autenticación con Kerberos?
¿DMS for Kafka admite el acceso sin contraseña?
¿Cómo obtengo la dirección de acceso público después de habilitar el acceso público?
¿DMS for Kafka admite la autenticación en los clientes por el servidor?
¿Puedo usar PEM SSL Truststore al conectarme a una instancia de Kafka con SASL_SSL habilitado?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre los certificados de JKS y de CRT?
¿Qué versión de TLS admite DMS for Kafka?
¿Hay un límite en el número de conexiones de cliente a una instancia de Kafka?
¿Cuántas conexiones se permiten desde cada dirección IP?
¿Puedo cambiar las direcciones de red privada de una instancia de Kafka?
¿Se utiliza el mismo certificado de SSL para las diferentes instancias?
Temas y particiones
¿Hay un límite en el número de temas en una instancia de Kafka?
¿Por qué está limitada la cantidad de partición?
¿Puedo cambiar la cantidad de particiones?
¿Por qué no puedo crear temas?
¿Las instancias de Kafka admiten la importación por lotes de temas o la creación automática de temas?
¿Por qué todavía existen los temas eliminados?
¿Puedo ver el espacio en disco utilizado por un tema?
¿Puedo agregar permisos de ACL para temas?
¿Qué debo hacer si se utiliza el espacio de almacenamiento de Kafka porque los mensajes recuperados no se eliminan?
¿Cómo puedo aumentar la cantidad de particiones?
¿Se reiniciará una instancia de Kafka después de que se modifique su configuración automática de creación de temas?
¿Cómo desactivo la creación automática de temas?
¿Puedo eliminar los temas innecesarios en un grupo de consumidores?
¿Qué puedo hacer si un consumidor no puede recuperar mensajes de un tema debido a permisos insuficientes?
¿Por qué una instancia contiene temas predeterminados __trace y __consumer_offsets?
Grupos de consumidores
¿Necesito crear grupos de consumidores, productores y consumidores para instancias de Kafka?
¿Se eliminará automáticamente un grupo de consumidores sin consumidores activos en 14 días?
¿Por qué veo un grupo de consumidores eliminado en Kafka Manager?
¿Cuál es el tamaño máximo de un mensaje que se puede crear?
¿Por qué la encuesta de mensaje siempre falla durante el reequilibrio?
¿Por qué no puedo consultar mensajes en la consola?
¿Qué puedo hacer si se acumulan los mensajes de Kafka?
¿Por qué todavía existen mensajes después de que transcurra el período de retención?
¿Las instancias de Kafka admiten la entrega retardada de mensajes?
¿Cómo puedo ver el número de mensajes acumulados?
¿Por qué se muestra el tiempo de creación del mensaje como el año 1970?
Kafka Manager
¿Puedo configurar una cuenta de Kafka Manager para que sea de solo lectura?
¿Por qué no puedo ver la información del broker después de iniciar sesión en Kafka Manager?
Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
¿Puedo consultar el cuerpo de un mensaje usando Kafka Manager?
¿Puedo cambiar el puerto de la interfaz de usuario de web de Kafka Manager?
¿Qué configuraciones de tema se pueden modificar en Kafka Manager?
¿Por qué la información mostrada en Kafka Manager es incompatible con los datos de monitoreo de Cloud Eye?
¿Cómo cambio un líder de partición para un tema en Kafka Manager?
Monitoreo y Alarma
¿Por qué no puedo ver los datos de monitoreo?
¿Por qué el número monitorizado de mensajes acumulados es incompatible con la cantidad de mensajes que se muestra en la consola de Kafka?
¿Por qué un grupo de consumidores sigue en la página de supervisión después de ser eliminado?
What's New
Function Overview
Product Bulletin
Product Bulletin
Distributed Message Service for Kafka v2.3.0 Will Be Discontinued
Vulnerability Notices
Vulnerability Fixing Policies
Version Notes
Version Support Notes
Release Notes
Billing Overview of DMS for Kafka
Billing Modes
Billing Modes of DMS for Kafka
Billing Items
Billing Examples
Billing Mode Changes
Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly
Yearly/Monthly to Pay-per-Use
Manual Renewal
Auto Renewal
Stopping Billing
Cost Management
Best Practices
Kafka Best Practices
Improving Kafka Message Processing Efficiency
Optimizing Consumer Polling
Interconnecting Logstash to Kafka to Produce and Consume Messages
Using MirrorMaker to Synchronize Data Across Clusters
Handling Message Accumulation
Handling Service Overload
Handling Uneven Service Data
Configuring Message Accumulation Monitoring
Suggestions on Using DMS for Kafka Securely
Developer Guide
Collecting Connection Information
Configuring Kafka Clients in Java
Setting Up the Java Development Environment
Obtaining an Open-Source Kafka Client
Using spring-kafka
SDK Reference
SDK Overview
Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
Flink 1.15 Consumption Progress Submission Failure
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Service Overview
What Is DMS for Kafka?
Product Advantages
Application Scenarios
Comparing Kafka, RabbitMQ, and RocketMQ
Comparing DMS for Kafka and Open-Source Kafka
Notes and Constraints
Related Services
Basic Concepts
Permissions Management
Getting Started
Step 1: Prepare the Environment
Step 2: Create a Kafka Instance
(Optional) Step 3: Create a Topic
Step 4: Connect to a Kafka Instance to Create and Retrieve Messages
Connecting to an Instance Without SASL
Connecting to an Instance with SASL
Step 5: Configure Alarm Rules
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting DMS for Kafka Permissions
DMS for Kafka Custom Policies
DMS for Kafka Resources
DMS for Kafka Request Conditions
Preparing Required Resources
Buying an Instance
Accessing a Kafka Instance
Accessing a Kafka Instance Without SASL
Accessing a Kafka Instance with SASL
Connecting to Kafka Manager and Viewing Kafka Information
Managing Instances
Modifying Instance Specifications
Viewing an Instance
Restarting an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Modifying the Information About an Instance
Configuring Public Access
Resetting Kafka Manager Password
Restarting Kafka Manager
Managing Instance Tags
Viewing Background Tasks
Viewing Disk Usage
Managing Topics
Creating a Topic
Deleting a Topic
Modifying Topic Aging Time
Changing Partition Quantity
Modifying Synchronous Replication and Flushing Settings
Partition Reassignment
Viewing Sample Code
Exporting Topics
Configuring Topic Permissions
Managing Messages
Querying Messages
Managing Users
Creating a SASL_SSL User
Resetting the SASL_SSL Password
Deleting a SASL_SSL User
Managing Consumer Groups
Querying Consumer Group Details
Deleting a Consumer Group
Resetting the Consumer Offset
Viewing Consumer Connection Addresses
Managing Kafka Quotas
Creating a Quota
Modifying a Quota
Deleting a Quota
Modifying Kafka Parameters
Viewing Metrics
Kafka Metrics
Configuring Alarm Rules
Operations Logged by CTS
Viewing Audit Logs
Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?
How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?
How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?
Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?
Which Kafka Versions Are Supported?
What Is the ZooKeeper Address of a Kafka Instance?
Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?
Can I Modify the Port for Accessing a Kafka Instance?
How Long Are Kafka SSL Certificates Valid for?
How Do I Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?
How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?
How Do I Modify the SASL Mechanism?
Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Enterprise Project Is Modified?
Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on Different VMs?
Which Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?
Can I Change an Instance from Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I View the AZs Configured for an Existing Instance?
Do Kafka Instances Support Disk Encryption?
Does Specification Modification Affect Services?
Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?
Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?
Can I Upgrade Kafka Instances?
Why Is the Version on the Console Different from That in Kafka Manager?
How Do I Bind an EIP Again?
How Do I Select and Configure a Security Group?
Can I Access a Kafka Instance Over a Public Network?
How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication with Kerberos?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?
How Do I Obtain the Public Access Address After Public Access Is Enabled?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?
Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?
What Are the Differences Between JKS and CRT Certificates?
Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support?
Is There a Limit on the Number of Client Connections to a Kafka Instance?
How Many Connections Are Allowed from Each IP Address?
Can I Change the Private Network Addresses of a Kafka Instance?
Is the Same SSL Certificate Used for Different Instances?
Topics and Partitions
Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?
Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?
Can I Change the Partition Quantity?
Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?
Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?
Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?
Can I View the Disk Space Used by a Topic?
Can I Add ACL Permissions for Topics?
What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
How Do I Increase the Partition Quantity?
Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modified?
How Do I Disable Automatic Topic Creation?
Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?
What Can I Do If a Consumer Fails to Retrieve Messages from a Topic Due to Insufficient Permissions?
Why Does an Instance Contain Default Topics __trace and __consumer_offsets?
Consumer Groups
Do I Need to Create Consumer Groups, Producers, and Consumers for Kafka Instances?
Will a Consumer Group Without Active Consumers Be Automatically Deleted in 14 Days?
Why Do I See a Deleted Consumer Group on Kafka Manager?
What Is the Maximum Size of a Message that Can be Created?
Why Does Message Poll Often Fail During Rebalancing?
Why Can't I Query Messages on the Console?
What Can I Do If Kafka Messages Are Accumulated?
Why Do Messages Still Exist After the Retention Period Elapses?
Do Kafka Instances Support Delayed Message Delivery?
How Do I View the Number of Accumulated Messages?
Why Is the Message Creation Time Displayed as Year 1970?
Kafka Manager
Can I Configure a Kafka Manager Account to Be Read-Only?
Why Can't I See Broker Information After Logging In to Kafka Manager?
Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
Can I Query the Body of a Message by Using Kafka Manager?
Can I Change the Port of the Kafka Manager Web UI?
Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?
Why Is Information Displayed on Kafka Manager Inconsistent with Cloud Eye Monitoring Data?
How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?
Monitoring & Alarm
Why Can't I View the Monitoring Data?
Why Is the Monitored Number of Accumulated Messages Inconsistent with the Message Quantity Displayed on the Kafka Console?
Why Is a Consumer Group Still on the Monitoring Page After Being Deleted?
Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Getting Started
APIs for Managing Instances
Creating an Instance
Querying an Instance
Modifying an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Restarting or Deleting Instances in Batches
Querying All Instances
Creating a Topic in a Kafka Instance
Querying a Topic in a Kafka Instance
Deleting Topics in a Kafka Instance in Batches
Other APIs
Querying AZ Information
Querying Product Specifications
Querying Maintenance Time Windows
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Status Code
Error Codes
Instance Status
Obtaining a Project ID
Obtaining the Account Name and Account ID
Change History
User Guide (Paris Region)
Service Overview
What Is DMS for Kafka?
Product Advantages
Application Scenarios
Comparing Kafka Instances and DMS Advanced Queues
Comparing Kafka and RocketMQ
Comparing DMS for Kafka and Open-Source Kafka
Notes and Constraints
Related Services
Basic Concepts
Permissions Management
Getting Started
Step 1: Prepare the Environment
Step 2: Create a Kafka Instance
(Optional) Step 3: Create a Topic
Step 4: Connect to a Kafka Instance to Create and Retrieve Messages
Step 5: Configure Alarm Rules
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting DMS for Kafka Permissions
DMS for Kafka Custom Policies
DMS for Kafka Resources
DMS for Kafka Request Conditions
Preparing Required Resources
Creating an Instance
Accessing a Kafka Instance
Accessing a Kafka Instance Without SASL
Accessing a Kafka Instance with SASL
Kafka Manager
Cross-VPC Access to a Kafka Instance
Using DNAT to Access a Kafka Instance
Generating and Replacing a Certificate
Configuring Mutual SSL Authentication
Managing Instances
Modifying Instance Specifications
Viewing an Instance
Restarting an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Modifying the Information About an Instance
Configuring Public Access
Resetting Kafka Password
Resetting Kafka Manager Password
Managing Instance Tags
Viewing Background Tasks
Viewing Disk Usage
Managing Topics
Creating a Topic
Deleting a Topic
Modifying Topic Aging Time
Changing Partition Quantity
Modifying Synchronous Replication and Flushing Settings
Reassigning Partitions
Viewing Sample Code
Exporting the Topic List
Configuring Topic Permissions
Managing Messages
Querying Messages
Managing Users
Creating a SASL_SSL User
Resetting the SASL_SSL Password
Deleting a SASL_SSL User
Managing Consumer Groups
Querying Consumer Group Details
Deleting a Consumer Group
Resetting the Consumer Offset
Viewing Consumer Connection Addresses
Managing Kafka Quotas
Creating a Quota
Modifying a Quota
Deleting a Quota
Viewing Quota Monitoring
Modifying Kafka Parameters
Viewing Metrics
Kafka Metrics
Configuring Alarm Rules
Operations Logged by CTS
Querying Real-Time Traces
Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?
How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?
How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?
Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?
Which Kafka Versions Are Supported?
What Is the ZooKeeper Address of a Kafka Instance?
Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?
Can I Modify the Port for Accessing a Kafka Instance?
How Long Are Kafka SSL Certificates Valid for?
How Do I Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?
How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?
How Do I Modify the SASL Mechanism?
Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Enterprise Project Is Modified?
Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on Different VMs?
Which Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?
Can I Change an Instance from Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I View the AZs Configured for an Existing Instance?
Do Kafka Instances Support Disk Encryption?
Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?
Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?
Can I Upgrade Kafka Instances?
Why Is the Version on the Console Different from That in Kafka Manager?
How Do I Bind an EIP Again?
Specification Modification
Does Specification Modification Affect Services?
Will Data Migration Be Involved When I Increase Specifications?
Why Does Message Production Fail During Scaling?
What Can I Do When I Fail to Increase Specifications Due to Insufficient Resources?
How Do I Select and Configure a Security Group?
Can I Access a Kafka Instance Over a Public Network?
How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication with Kerberos?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?
How Do I Obtain the Public Access Address After Public Access Is Enabled?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?
Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?
What Are the Differences Between JKS and CRT Certificates?
Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support?
Is There a Limit on the Number of Client Connections to a Kafka Instance?
How Many Connections Are Allowed from Each IP Address?
Can I Change the Private Network Addresses of a Kafka Instance?
Is the Same SSL Certificate Used for Different Instances?
Why Is It Not Recommended to Use a Sarama Client for Messaging?
Topics and Partitions
Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?
Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?
Can I Reduce the Partition Quantity?
Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?
Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?
Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?
Can I View the Disk Space Used by a Topic?
Can I Add ACL Permissions for Topics?
What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
How Do I Increase the Partition Quantity?
Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modified?
How Do I Disable Automatic Topic Creation?
Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?
What Can I Do If a Consumer Fails to Retrieve Messages from a Topic Due to Insufficient Permissions?
Why Does an Instance Contain Default Topics __trace and __consumer_offsets?
Consumer Groups
Do I Need to Create Consumer Groups, Producers, and Consumers for Kafka Instances?
Will a Consumer Group Without Active Consumers Be Automatically Deleted in 14 Days?
Why Do I See a Deleted Consumer Group on Kafka Manager?
Why Can't I View Consumers When Instance Consumption Is Normal?
What Is the Maximum Size of a Message that Can be Created?
Why Does Message Poll Often Fail During Rebalancing?
Why Can't I Query Messages on the Console?
What Can I Do If Kafka Messages Are Accumulated?
Why Do Messages Still Exist After the Retention Period Elapses?
Do Kafka Instances Support Delayed Message Delivery?
How Do I View the Number of Accumulated Messages?
Why Is the Message Creation Time Displayed as Year 1970?
Kafka Manager
Can I Configure a Kafka Manager Account to Be Read-Only?
Why Can't I See Broker Information After Logging In to Kafka Manager?
Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
Can I Query the Body of a Message by Using Kafka Manager?
Can I Change the Port of the Kafka Manager Web UI?
Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?
How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?
Monitoring & Alarm
Why Can't I View the Monitoring Data?
Why Is the Monitored Number of Accumulated Messages Inconsistent with the Message Quantity Displayed on the Kafka Console?
Why Is a Consumer Group Still on the Monitoring Page After Being Deleted?
Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
Change History
API Reference (Paris Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Returned Values
Getting Started
APIs V2 (Recommended)
Lifecycle Management
Creating an Instance
Listing All Instances
Querying an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Modifying Instance Information
Batch Restarting or Deleting Instances
Instance Management
Resetting the Password
Resetting Kafka Manager Password
Configuring Automatic Topic Creation
Modifying the Private IP Address for Cross-VPC Access
Querying Kafka Cluster Metadata
Querying Consumer Group Details
Resetting Consumer Group Offset to the Specified Position
Querying Coordinator Details of a Kafka Instance
Adding Partitions to a Topic for a Kafka Instance
Reassigning Replicas of a Topic for a Kafka Instance
Querying the Disk Usage Status of Topics
Querying All Consumer Groups
Querying a Specific Consumer Group
Deleting a Consumer Group from a Kafka Instance
Batch Deleting Consumer Groups of a Kafka Instance
Initiating Partition Reassigning for a Kafka Instance
Specification Modification Management
Modifying Instance Specifications
Querying Product Information for Instance Specification Modification
Topic Management
Creating a Topic for a Kafka Instance
Listing Topics of a Kafka Instance
Modifying Topics of a Kafka Instance
Batch Deleting Topics of a Kafka Instance
Querying the Partition List of a Topic
Querying the Current Producer List of a Topic
Querying Topic Details
User Management
Querying the User List
Creating a User
Deleting Users in Batches
Resetting a User Password
Querying User Permissions
Granting User Permissions
Message Query
Querying Messages
Querying a Message with a Specified Offset
Querying a Message with a Specified Time Period
Querying Offset of the Earliest Message in a Partition
Querying Offset of the Latest Message in a Partition
Background Task Management
Listing Background Tasks
Querying a Background Task
Deleting a Background Task
Tag Management
Batch Adding or Deleting Tags
Listing Tags of an Instance
Listing Tags of a Project
Other APIs
Listing Maintenance Time Windows
Listing AZ Information
Querying Product Specifications List
Querying Kafka Instance Monitoring Dimensions
Permissions and Supported Actions
Out-of-Date APIs
APIs for Managing Instances
Creating an Instance
Querying an Instance
Modifying an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Restarting or Deleting Instances in Batches
Querying All Instances
Creating a Topic in a Kafka Instance
Querying a Topic in a Kafka Instance
Deleting Topics in a Kafka Instance in Batches
Other APIs
Querying AZ Information
Querying Product Specifications
Querying Maintenance Time Windows
Status Code
Error Codes
Instance Status
Obtaining a Project ID
Obtaining the Account Name and Account ID
Change History
Developer Guide (Paris Region)
Collecting Connection Information
Configuring Kafka Clients in Java
Setting Up the Java Development Environment
Obtaining an Open-Source Kafka Client
Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Service Overview
What Is DMS for Kafka?
Product Advantages
Application Scenarios
Comparing Kafka, RabbitMQ, and RocketMQ
Comparing DMS for Kafka and Open-Source Kafka
Notes and Constraints
Related Services
Basic Concepts
Permissions Management
Getting Started
Getting Started with Kafka to Produce and Consume Messages
Process of Using Kafka
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting DMS for Kafka Permissions
Buying a Kafka Instance
Configuring Topics
Creating a Kafka Topic
Configuring Kafka Topic Permissions
Managing Topics
Viewing Kafka Topic Details
Modifying Kafka Topic Configurations
Changing Kafka Partition Quantity
Exporting the Kafka Topic List
Reassigning Kafka Partitions
Configuring Automatic Topic Creation
Deleting a Kafka Topic
Connecting to an Instance
Configuring Kafka Network Connections
Kafka Network Connection Conditions
Configuring Kafka Access Control
Configuring Kafka Users
Configuring the Kafka Client
Setting Parameters for Kafka Clients
Suggestions on Using the Kafka Client
Connecting to Kafka Using the Client (SASL Disabled)
Connecting to Kafka Using the Client (SASL Enabled)
Connecting to Kafka on the Console
Managing Messages
Viewing Kafka Messages
Changing Kafka Message Retention Period
Deleting Kafka Messages
Managing Consumer Groups
Creating a Kafka Consumer Group
Querying the Kafka Consumer Group List
Viewing Kafka Consumer Details
Viewing and Resetting Kafka Consumption Offsets
Exporting Kafka Consumer Groups
Deleting a Kafka Consumer Group
Managing Quotas
Configuring Kafka Quotas
Monitoring Kafka Quotas
Managing Instances
Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a Kafka Instance
Viewing Kafka Disk Usage
Viewing Kafka Background Tasks
Viewing Sample Code of Kafka Production and Consumption
Modifying Kafka Instance Configuration Parameters
Configuring Kafka Instance Tags
Exporting the Kafka Instance List
Restarting a Kafka Instance
Deleting Kafka Instances
Using Kafka Manager
Kafka Manager Overview
Resetting Kafka Manager Password
Restarting Kafka Manager
Modifying Kafka Instance Specifications
Migrating Data
Kafka Data Migration Overview
Applying for Increasing Kafka Quotas
Monitoring and Alarms
Viewing Kafka Monitoring Metrics
Kafka Metrics
Configuring a Kafka Alarm Rule
Viewing Kafka Audit Logs
Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?
How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?
How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?
Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?
Which Kafka Versions Are Supported?
What Is the ZooKeeper Address of a Kafka Instance?
Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?
Can I Modify the Port for Accessing a Kafka Instance?
How Long Are Kafka SSL Certificates Valid for?
How Do I Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?
How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?
How Do I Modify the SASL Mechanism?
Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Enterprise Project Is Modified?
Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on Different VMs?
Which Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?
Can I Change an Instance from Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I View the AZs Configured for an Existing Instance?
Do Kafka Instances Support Disk Encryption?
Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?
Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?
Can I Upgrade Kafka Instances?
Why Is the Version on the Console Different from That in Kafka Manager?
Specification Modification
Does Specification Modification Affect Services?
Will Data Migration Be Involved When I Increase Specifications?
What Can I Do When I Fail to Increase Specifications Due to Insufficient Resources?
How Do I Select and Configure a Security Group?
Can I Access a Kafka Instance Over a Public Network?
How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication with Kerberos?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?
Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?
Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?
What Are the Differences Between JKS and CRT Certificates?
Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support?
Is There a Limit on the Number of Client Connections to a Kafka Instance?
How Many Connections Are Allowed from Each IP Address?
Can I Change the Private Network Addresses of a Kafka Instance?
Is the Same SSL Certificate Used for Different Instances?
Why Is It Not Recommended to Use a Sarama Client for Messaging?
Topics and Partitions
Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?
Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?
Can I Reduce the Partition Quantity?
Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?
Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?
Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?
Can I View the Disk Space Used by a Topic?
Can I Add ACL Permissions for Topics?
What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
How Do I Increase the Partition Quantity?
Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modified?
Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?
What Can I Do If a Consumer Fails to Retrieve Messages from a Topic Due to Insufficient Permissions?
Why Does an Instance Contain Default Topics __trace and __consumer_offsets?
Consumer Groups
Do I Need to Create Consumer Groups, Producers, and Consumers for Kafka Instances?
Will a Consumer Group Without Active Consumers Be Automatically Deleted in 14 Days?
Why Do I See a Deleted Consumer Group on Kafka Manager?
Why Can't I View Consumers When Instance Consumption Is Normal?
What Is the Maximum Size of a Message that Can be Created?
Why Does Message Poll Often Fail During Rebalancing?
Why Can't I Query Messages on the Console?
What Can I Do If Kafka Messages Are Accumulated?
Why Do Messages Still Exist After the Retention Period Elapses?
Do Kafka Instances Support Delayed Message Delivery?
How Do I View the Number of Accumulated Messages?
Why Is the Message Creation Time Displayed as Year 1970?
Kafka Manager
Can I Configure a Kafka Manager Account to Be Read-Only?
Why Can't I See Broker Information After Logging In to Kafka Manager?
Yikes! Insufficient partition balance when creating topic : projectman_project_enterprise_project Try again.
Can I Query the Body of a Message by Using Kafka Manager?
Can I Change the Port of the Kafka Manager Web UI?
Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?
Why Is Information Displayed on Kafka Manager Inconsistent with Cloud Eye Monitoring Data?
How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?
Monitoring & Alarm
Why Can't I View the Monitoring Data?
Why Is the Monitored Number of Accumulated Messages Inconsistent with the Message Quantity Displayed on the Kafka Console?
Why Is a Consumer Group Still on the Monitoring Page After Being Deleted?
Troubleshooting Kafka Connection Exceptions
Troubleshooting 6-Min Latency Between Message Creation and Retrieval
Troubleshooting Message Creation Failures
Troubleshooting Topic Deletion Failures
Troubleshooting Failure to Log In to Kafka Manager in Windows
Troubleshooting Error "Topic {{topic_name}} not present in metadata after 60000 ms" During Message Production or Consumption
Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Getting Started
APIs for Managing Instances
Creating an Instance
Querying an Instance
Modifying an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Restarting or Deleting Instances in Batches
Querying All Instances
Creating a Topic in a Kafka Instance
Querying a Topic in a Kafka Instance
Deleting Topics in a Kafka Instance in Batches
Other APIs
Querying AZ Information
Querying Product Specifications
Querying Maintenance Time Windows
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Status Code
Error Codes
Instance Status
Obtaining a Project ID
Obtaining the Domain Name and Domain ID
Change History