Help Center/ Cost Center/ User Guide/ Cost Analysis/ Enabling Cost Splitting
Updated on 2024-10-16 GMT+08:00

Enabling Cost Splitting

For cloud services that are used by multiple items (such as domain names and IP addresses), you can enable cost splitting to split the costs by cost tag or enterprise project for a specific domain name or IP address.

Important Notes

Only the shared costs for the following cloud services can be split:

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): CDN expenditures billed by traffic (1024-based), 95 peak bandwidth, or daily average peak bandwidth can be split by domain name. As of May, 2023, in addition to enterprise project for a specific domain name, the costs can also be split by cost tag for the domain name.

    There is a delay in applying cost tags to cost splitting. Expenditure tags can be activated on and after the 4th day of the month following the month when their associated resources generated expenditures. It is a good idea to use predefined tags because they can be activated immediately after being created.

    The domain name-specific usage of CDN and WSA traffic is provided for data analysis only after the cost splitting function is enabled. Therefore, amortization of such costs may not be accurate for the month when the function was enabled.

    For CDN costs billed by traffic, only those using the 1024 conversion rule (for example, 1 GB = 1024 MB) can be split.

  • Whole Site Acceleration (WSA): As of September 2023, WSA expenditures billed by traffic, 95 peak bandwidth, or daily average peak bandwidth, together with value-added service expenditures billed by the number of requests can be split by domain name. In addition to enterprise project for a specific domain name, the costs can also be split by cost tag for the domain name.

Huawei Cloud helps you split costs after the bill is generated on the 3rd of each month. The split costs are included in amortized costs. You can view or export the amortized costs for each month after the 4th day of the following month to obtain the splitting results or details.

In the month you enabled cost splitting, the split usage only reflects the usage starting after the day cost splitting was enabled, so the results may not be accurate for that month.


  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Preferences.
  3. Turn on the toggle for cost splitting.

    • Once enabled, cost splitting cannot be disabled.
    • After you enable cost splitting, you can go to the Cost Analysis page to view the split amortized costs after the 5th day of the following month.

Splitting Rules


  • When you split costs by domain name, the following formula applies: Split costs for each domain name = Usage for each domain name/Total usage for all domain names x Total expenditure
  • When you split costs by enterprise project or tag, monthly-settled costs are split to the most recently associated enterprise project or tag, while real-time costs are split to the enterprise project or tag retrieved in real time.


  • CDN

    In the bill generated on the 3rd day of each month, CDN expenditures billed by traffic, 95th percentile bandwidth, or daily average peak bandwidth are split by domain name, enterprise project, or cost tag. The split costs are included in amortized costs.

    Example 1: Take CDN expenditures billed by 95th percentile bandwidth as an example. Suppose you have three domain names (1, 2, and 3), each with its own bandwidth (1, 2, and 3). The amortized cost for domain name 1 is calculated as follows:

    Amortized cost = Bandwidth 1/(Bandwidth 1 + Bandwidth 2 + Bandwidth 3) x CDN monthly-settled expenditure

    Example 2: Take CDN expenditures billed by traffic as an example. Suppose you have three domain names (1, 2, and 3), each with its own traffic (1, 2, and 3). The amortized cost on the current day for domain name 1 is calculated as follows:

    Amortized cost = Traffic 1/(Traffic 1 + Traffic 2 + Traffic 3) x CDN traffic expenditure on the current day

    Example 3: Suppose you changed the tag value of CDN resources from N to M on April 9, 2023. If you want to split costs on May 4, 2023, the amortized costs for April would be attributed to tag M.

  • WSA

    In the bill generated on the 3rd day of each month, WSA expenditures billed by traffic, 95th percentile bandwidth, daily average peak bandwidth, or the number of requests are split by domain name, enterprise project, or cost tag. The split costs are included in amortized costs.

    Example: Take WSA expenditures billed by the number of requests as an example. Suppose you have three domain names (1, 2, and 3), each with its own number of requests (number 1, number 2, and number 3). The amortized cost for domain name 1 is calculated as follows:

    Amortized cost = Number 1/(Number 1 + Number 2 + Number 3) x WSA monthly-settled expenditure

Viewing CDN Costs Split by Domain Name

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Analysis.
  3. Select Amortized costs (amortized amount due) or Net amortized costs (amortized actual payments) from the Cost Type drop-down list.

  4. View cost data by domain name.

    • Group cost data by domain name.

      Select Split Item from the Grouped By drop-down list and set the filter Service Type to Content Delivery Network (CDN). Amortized CDN costs split by domain name will be displayed.

    • Filter cost data by domain name.

      Select a service type (CDN as an example) and a split item (domain name as an example).

Viewing Costs Split by Enterprise Project or Cost Tag

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Analysis.
  3. Select Amortized costs (amortized amount due) or Net amortized costs (amortized actual payments) from the Cost Type drop-down list.

  4. Set Grouped By to Enterprise Project or Cost Tag.

Viewing Cost Splitting Details

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Details Export.
  3. Set Cost Type to Amortized costs and specify the period and scope, and click Export to export cost details.
  4. Filter cost details by split item in the exported file. Also you can view the cost details by domain name and then zoom in to see the enterprise project and tag associated with each domain name.