Updated on 2025-02-24 GMT+08:00

Analyzing RI Utilization and Coverage

Cost Center allows you to view the actual utilization or coverage of reserved instances (RIs) in a specific period so that you can learn about the costs optimized by using RIs, and determine whether the RIs are fully used or whether you have purchased enough RIs.


Log in to Cost Center, and choose Cost Optimization > Reserved Instances. For details, see Reserved Instances.

Analyzing RI Utilization

Suppose you want to view the usage of ECS RIs in the period from November 26, 2021 to November 29, 2021.

As shown in this figure:

  • Pay-per-Use Cost Equivalent is $33.24 USD, that is, the cost of ECSs billed on a pay-per-use basis is $33.24 USD (calculated based on the list price) during this period.
  • RI Cost is $48.54 USD, that is, the total amortized costs of RIs during this period is $48.54 USD.
  • Total Net Savings is $-15.30 USD, a negative amount, indicating no savings. In the bar chart, the daily RI utilization is less than 50%. To locate the cause, check whether the pay-per-use instance matches the RIs you purchased or whether you have purchased too many RIs.
  • Total Potential Savings is $44.53 USD, indicating that the potential saving is $44.53 USD if all the RIs in this period are used up.

Analyzing RI Coverage

Suppose you want to view the RI coverage of ECSs in the last six months.

As shown in this figure:

  • In the AP-Singapore region, Total Running Hours of the pay-per-use resource is 10.63, and RI Covered Hours of the resource is 0.00. In this case, RI Coverage = RI Covered Hours/Total Running Hours x 100% = 0.00/10.63 x 100% = 0.00%. It indicates that the resource in this region has not been covered by the RIs. You can determine whether to purchase more RIs based on Total Running Hours and Pay-per-Use Hours. In this example, there is a small number of running hours for the resource in the last six months, and no RIs are needed.
  • In the UAE-Abu Dhabi region, Total Running Hours of the pay-per-use resource is 2,739.89, and RI Covered Hours of the resource is 2,739.89. In this case, RI coverage = 2739.89/2739.89 x 100% = 100.00%. It indicates that the resource in this region has been fully covered by RIs.