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Help Center/ Billing Center/ FAQs/ Renewals/ Can Frozen Resources Be Unsubscribed from, Released, or Deleted?

Can Frozen Resources Be Unsubscribed from, Released, or Deleted?

Updated on 2023-07-20 GMT+08:00

Resources can be frozen because of overdue accounts, violation against regulations, or public security reasons.

  1. You can renew, release, delete, or unsubscribe from the resources frozen due to overdue accounts but cannot unsubscribe from such expired yearly/monthly services.
  2. You can renew, release, delete, or unsubscribe from the resources frozen due to violation against regulations but cannot unsubscribe from such expired yearly/monthly services. Pay-per-use services will not be charged after being frozen.
  3. You can only renew the services frozen due to public security reasons. Pay-per-use services will not be charged after being frozen. Yearly/monthly services frozen due to public security reasons are still displayed on the unsubscription management page but they cannot be unsubscribed from.




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