1 |
Auto-renewal Fee Deduction Date Is Optimized |
- Two options are added to Auto-renewal Deduction Date so that customers can choose to enable the system to renew resources 1 day before they expire or on the day when they expire. Resources can be automatically renewed on their expiration dates or 1 to 7 days before they expire.
- The position of the Auto-renewal Deduction Date button is moved to the upper right corner of the tab page, and the current fee deduction date for auto-renewal is displayed.
Commercial use |
Deduction Date for Auto-Renewal |
2 |
Export Function on Renewals Is Optimized |
The export function on the Renewals page is optimized, and prompts are added to introduce the functions in brief.
- One-click Export is changed to Export Renewal Prices. All resources that meet the filter criteria on the current tab page can be exported. The exported file contains the current list prices and discounted prices, which can be used to estimate the renewal fees. A maximum of 10,000 records can be exported.
- Batch Export is changed to Export Pending Renewals. The selected resources to be renewed can be exported. On the Export page, customers can adjust the renewal duration as required, view the available discounts and discounted prices, and estimate the renewal fees. A maximum of 200 records can be exported.
Commercial use |
Exporting the Renewal List |
3 |
Rules of Calculating the Billing Cycle Are Changed |
In accordance with the Huawei Cloud User Agreement, Huawei Cloud will change how the billing cycle is calculated.
Starting at 00:00:00 (GMT+08:00) on September 1, 2024, Huawei Cloud will use the month when an expenditure occurs to calculate the billing cycle. The specific rules are as follows:
- If the expenditure occurred in the previous month, and the bill was generated in the previous month, the expenditure is counted as part of the previous billing cycle.
- If the expenditure occurred in the previous month, and the bill was generated between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 on 1st day of the current month, the expenditure is counted as part of the previous billing cycle.
- If the expenditure occurred in the previous month, and the bill was generated after 23:59:59 on 1st dat of the current month, the expenditure is counted as part of the current billing cycle.
- If the expenditure occurred during the current month, and the bill was generated in the current month, the expenditure is counted as part of the current billing cycle.
Commercial use |
How Does Huawei Cloud Calculate the Billing Cycle? |
4 |
Prompt for Card Adding Is Optimized |
- The following prompt is deleted:
The country/region where your credit card is issued must be the same as the country/region where your HUAWEI CLOUD account is registered.
- The following prompt is modified:
Original: The country/region to which the card belongs is different from that registered with your account. Try again with another credit card.
New: The card verification failed. Please try again with another credit card or submit a service ticket if the problem persists.
Commercial use |
Adding a Payment Method |
5 |
Last 36 Months Can Be Selected for the Billing Cycle on the Bill Details Page |
On the Bill Details page of the Billing Center, customers can select the last 36 months in Billing Cycle to view their expenditures.
- If the customer selects the last 18 months, the page displays the expenditures of the selected months.
- If the customer selects the last 18 months, the page displays the expenditures of the selected months.
Commercial use |
Bill Details |
6 |
Default Items in Customized Column on the Bill Details Page Are Adjusted |
On the Bill Details page of the Billing Center, Package Usage is not selected and Package Usage (Pricing Unit) is selected. |
Commercial use |
Bill Details |
7 |
Flexi-Purchase Coupon Balance Is Added to the Expenditure Quota Page |
Flexi-purchase Coupon Balance is added to Used Quota. |
Commercial use |
Expenditure Quota |