Help Center> Billing Center> FAQs> Bills> Customers Using Monthly Settlement> Why Is Part of the Usage of One Month Included in the Usage of the Next Month?
Updated on 2022-09-27 GMT+08:00

Why Is Part of the Usage of One Month Included in the Usage of the Next Month?

If the expenditures of a pay-per-use resource are updated by hour or day, the resource usage for the final settlement period of one month is updated on the first day of the next month and settled in the next month.

  • Example: The expenditures of pay-per-use resources are updated by hour.

    The usage of pay-per-use VPC (2021/11/30 23:00:00-2021/12/01 00:00:00) was reported to the billing system at 2021/12/01 00:00:00, and the billing system updated the expenditures for such usage at 2021/12/01 00:36:00. The usage duration was from 2021/11/30 23:00:00 to 2021/12/01 00:00:00, and the transaction time was 2021/12/01 00:36:00. Therefore, the corresponding expenditures were included in the bill for the billing cycle of December 2021.

  • Example: The expenditures of pay-per-use resources are updated by day.

    After the usage of pay-per-use cloud backup resources was reported to the billing system on November 30, 2021, the billing system started scheduled accumulation, and then updated the expenditures for such usage at 2021/12/01 03:02:00. The usage duration was from 2021/11/30 00:00:00-2021/12/01 00:00:00, and the transaction time was 2021/12/01 03:02:00. Therefore, the corresponding expenditures were included in the bill for the billing cycle of December 2021.

Customers Using Monthly Settlement FAQs
