Updated on 2024-05-23 GMT+08:00

Unsubscription Rules

Unsubscription Rules for Yearly/Monthly Subscriptions

  1. When unsubscribing from resource instances, you will be billed handling fees. If the instances are in use, the consumption amount will also be billed.
    • Handling fees and the consumption amount are both paid from the cash account.
  2. Unsubscription fees:
    • Refund amount = Actual payment – Consumption amount – Handling fee. The coupons are not returned. The actual refund amount is displayed on the unsubscription page. (If the calculated refund amount is less than 0, there will be no refund.)
    • Actual payment

      This is the actually paid amount excluding the applicable coupons.

    • Consumption amount = Actual payment x (Actual usage duration/Subscribed period) (The unsubscription calculation formula is for reference only. The actual consumption duration is measured in days, and the actual amount is subject to the amount in the bill and expenditure details.)
    • Handling fee: There is a handling fee for unsubscription, unless the free handling fee is specified in the effective framework contract for the customer.
      Table 1 describes the unsubscription handling fee in detail.
      Table 1 Unsubscription handling fee

      Service Type

      Actual Usage Duration ≤ 1 Year

      1 Year < Actual Usage Duration ≤ 2 Years

      2 Years < Actual Usage Duration ≤ 3 Years

      3-year subscription

      Handling fee = 15% of your actual payment

      Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment

      Handling fee = 5% of your actual payment

      2-year subscription

      Handling fee = 15% of your actual payment

      Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment


      1-year subscription

      Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment



      Monthly subscription

      Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment



      Example 1: The refund is shown in Figure 1.

      A customer placed and paid a monthly order for EVS at the price of $110.00 USD on August 19, 2022. The total subscription period is 32 days and the EVS would expire on September 19, 2022.

      On September 2, 2022, the customer unsubscribed from the EVS after using it for 14 days.

      Handling fee: Actual payment x 10% = $110.00 USD x 10% = $11 USD

      Consumption amount = Actual payment x (Actual usage duration/Subscribed period) = $110.00 USD x (14 days/32 days) = $48.13 USD

      Refund amount = Actual paymentConsumption amountHandling fee = $110.00 USD – $48.13 USD – $11.00 USD = $50.87 USD. (If coupons were used for the order, the coupons will not be refunded.)

      Figure 1 Refund amount example


  1. Go to the Unsubscriptions page in the Billing Center.
  2. Choose Unsubscribe from In-Use Resources > Unsubscription Allowed.
  3. Unsubscribe from a single instance or multiple instances in a batch based on the actual requirements.

    1. You can search for instances by instance name, order number, or ID, or filter instances by product type, region, or enterprise project. Only when the enterprise project management function is enabled, you can filter instances by enterprise project.
    2. If you unsubscribe from instances in a batch, a combined transaction order is generated. On the combined order details page, click the order number of an instance to view the detailed unsubscription and refund of the instance.
    • Single unsubscription: Click Unsubscribe in the Operation column for the instance which you want to unsubscribe from.

    • Batch unsubscription: Select the target instances from the list and click Batch Unsubscribe on top of the list.

  4. Click Expand to view the unsubscription details, specify the unsubscription reason, select the confirmation check boxes, and then click Confirm.