Updated on 2024-04-15 GMT+08:00

EVS Snapshot Status

An EVS snapshot has several statuses. Table 1 lists the EVS snapshot statuses, the meaning of each status, and the operations a snapshot in each status allows.
Table 1 Snapshot status details

Snapshot Status


Allowed Operation


The snapshot is being created.

No operations are allowed.


The snapshot is successfully created.

  • Creating EVS disks using snapshots
  • Deleting snapshots
  • Rolling back snapshots to source EVS disks


The snapshot is being deleted.

No operations are allowed.


An error occurs when you try to create a snapshot.


Deletion failed

An error occurs when you try to delete a snapshot.

No operations are allowed.

Rolling back

The snapshot is rolling back data.

  • When you roll back from a snapshot, you can only roll back data to the source EVS disk. Rollback to a specified disk is not supported.
  • A snapshot can only be used for rollback when its source disk is in the Available or Rollback failed state.

No operations are allowed.