Updated on 2024-03-26 GMT+08:00

Changing EVS Disk Name


Disk names are used to identify disks. After a disk is created, you can perform operations in this section to change the disk name if needed.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Under Storage, click Elastic Volume Service.

    The disk list page is displayed.

  3. Change the disk name in either of the following ways:

    • Perform the following steps to change the disk name in the disk list:
      1. In the disk list, locate the target disk in the Disk Name column and click to the right of the disk name.

        The Edit Disk Name dialog box is displayed.

      2. Enter a new name.
      3. Click OK.

        After the change is successful, the new disk name is displayed in the disk list.

    • Perform the following steps to change the disk name on the disk details page:
      1. In the disk list, locate the desired disk and click the disk name.

        The disk details page is displayed.

      2. Click next to the disk name.
      3. Enter a new name.
      4. Click .

        After the change is successful, the new disk name is displayed on the disk details page.