Help Center/ Elastic Volume Service/ User Guide/ Purchasing and Using an EVS Disk/ Initializing EVS Data Disks/ Initializing a Linux Data Disk (Less Than or Equal to 2 TiB)
Updated on 2024-09-24 GMT+08:00

Initializing a Linux Data Disk (Less Than or Equal to 2 TiB)


This section describes how to initialize a Linux data disk manually. The operations may vary depending on the server OS. Perform initialization operations based on your server OS.

Table 1 Initialization instructions


Partition Style

File System Format

Partitioning Tool

Example Configuration

Not limited

  • GPT
  • MBR

ext* (such as ext2, ext3, and ext4), xfs, and btrfs

  • fdisk
  • parted
  • Partitioning tool: fdisk
  • Device name: /dev/vdb
  • File system format: ext4
  • Mount points: /mnt/sdc and /mnt/sdd
  • Partition 1: /dev/vdb1
    • Size: 40 GiB
    • Partition style: MBR
  • Partition 2: /dev/vdb2
    • Size: 60 GiB
    • Partition style: MBR


You have attached the disk to a server.

Notes and Constraints

  • A disk created from a data source does not need to be initialized. Such a disk contains the source data in the beginning. Initializing the disk may clear the initial data on it. If you need to re-initialize the disk, you are advised to back up the disk data first.
  • Initializing a disk does not delete the snapshots created for the disk, so you can still use snapshots to roll back data to the source disk after the disk is initialized.


MBR supports a maximum of four primary partitions or a maximum of three primary partitions plus one extended partition. Multiple logical partitions can be created in the extended partition.

For example, if you want to create four partitions, you have the following options:

  • Create four primary partitions.
  • Create one primary partition and one extended partition (three logical partitions).
  • Create two primary partitions and one extended partition (two logical partitions).
  • Create three primary partitions and one extended partition (one logical partition).

The following example shows you how to use fdisk to create two primary MBR partitions (/dev/vdb1: 40 GiB; /dev/vdb2: 60 GiB) on the /dev/vdb data disk.

  1. Log in to the server.

    For how to log in to an ECS, see Logging In to an ECS.

    For how to log in to a BMS, see Logging In to a BMS.

  2. Create two primary partitions, /dev/vdb1 and /dev/vdb2 for data disk /dev/vdb.

    1. Check that the capacity of the /dev/vdb data disk is 100 GiB.
      [root@ecs-centos76 ~]# lsblk
      vda    253:0    0  40G  0 disk
      ├vda1 253:1    0   1G  0 part /boot
      └vda2 253:2    0  39G  0 part /
      vdb    253:16   0  100G 0 disk
    1. Create the first primary partition /dev/vdb1.

      fdisk /dev/vdb



      • Entering p for Partition type creates a primary partition, and entering e creates an extended partition.
      • Value 1 is the primary partition number.
      [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# fdisk /dev/vdb
      Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2).
      Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
      Be careful before using the write command.
      Device does not contain a recognized partition table
      Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x38717fc1.
      Command (m for help): n
      Partition type:
         p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
         e   extended
      Select (default p): p
      Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1

      Set First sector to 2048 and Last sector to 83886079 for partition /dev/vdb1 (40 GiB).

      First sector (2048-209715199, default 2048): 2048
      Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-209715199, default 209715199):83886079
      Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 40 GB is set
    1. Create the second primary partition /dev/vdb2.




      Command (m for help): n
      Partition type:
         p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
         e   extended
      Select (default p): p
      Partition number (1-4, default 2): 2

      Set the First sector to 83886080 and Last sector to 209715199 for partition /dev/vdb2.

      First sector (83886080-209715199, default 83886080): 83886080
      Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (83886080-209715199, default 209715199):209715199
      Partition 2 of type Linux and of size 60 GB is set

      First and last sectors of the partitions in this example are calculated as follows:

      Sector value = Capacity/512 bytes, 1 GiB = 1073741824 bytes

      • First sector (2048-209715199, default 2048) shows the sector value range of the /dev/vdb data disk (100 GiB).

        First sector = 2048

        Last sector = Sector value – 1 = (100 x 1073741824/512) – 1 = 209715200 – 1=209715199

      • For the first partition /dev/vdb1 (40 GiB) of the /dev/vdb data disk:

        First sector = 2048 (The start sector of the /dev/vdb data disk is used.)

        Last sector = Sector value – 1 = (40 x 1073741824/512) – 1 = 83886079

      • For the second partition /dev/vdb2 (60 GiB) of the /dev/vdb data disk:

        First sector = Last sector of /dev/vdb1 + 1 = 83886079 + 1 = 83886080

        Last sector = First sector + Sector value – 1 = 83886080 + (60 x 1073741824/512) – 1 = 209715199

  3. Check the sizes and partition styles of the new partitions.

    1. Check whether the partitioning is successful.
      Command (m for help): p
      Disk /dev/vdb: 107.4 GB, 107374182400 bytes, 209715200 sectors
      Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
      I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
      Disk label type: dos
      Disk identifier: 0x994727e5
         Device Boot       Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
      /dev/vdb1             2048    83886079    41942016   83  Linux
      /dev/vdb2         83886080   209715199    62914560   83  Linux
      Command (m for help):

      In case that you want to discard the changes made before, you can exit fdisk by entering q and press Enter. Then, re-create the partitions by referring to step 1.

    1. Write the changes to the partition table and synchronize the new partition table to the OS.



      If error message -bash: partprobe: command not found is returned, the system cannot identify the command. In this case, run yum install -y parted to install the command. Then run the command again.

    1. Confirm that the partition style is MBR.

      parted /dev/vdb


      If Partition Table: msdos is returned, the partition style is MBR.

      [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# parted /dev/vdb
      GNU Parted 3.1
      Using /dev/vdb
      Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
      (parted) p
      Model: Virtio Block Device (virtblk)
      Disk /dev/vdb: 107GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
      Partition Table: msdos
      Disk Flags:
      Number  Start   End      Size     Type     File system  Flags
       1      1049kB  42.9GB   42.9GB   primary
       2      42.9GB  107GB    64.4GB   primary             
      (parted) q
      [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# 

      Enter q and press Enter to exit parted.

  4. Create ext4 file systems for partitions /dev/vdb1 (40 GiB) and /dev/vdb2 (60 GiB).

    mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb1

    mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb2

    It takes some time to create file systems. Do not exit before the system returns the following information:

    [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb1
    mke2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
    Filesystem label=
    OS type: Linux
    Block size=4096 (log=2)
    Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
    Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
    2621440 inodes, 10485504 blocks
    524275 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
    First data block=0
    Maximum filesystem blocks=2157969408
    320 block groups
    32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
    8192 inodes per group
    Superblock backups stored on blocks:
            32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
            4096000, 7962624
    Allocating group tables: done
    Writing inode tables: done
    Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
    Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

    Check whether the file system format is ext4.

    parted /dev/vdb


    [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# parted /dev/vdb
    GNU Parted 3.1
    Using /dev/vdb
    Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
    (parted) p
    Model: Virtio Block Device (virtblk)
    Disk /dev/vdb: 107GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Disk Flags:
    Number  Start   End      Size     Type     File system  Flags
     1      1049kB  42.9GB   42.9GB   primary  ext4
     2      42.9GB  107GB    64.4GB   primary  ext4            
    (parted) q
    [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]#

    Enter q and press Enter to exit parted.

  5. Create directories (mount points) and mount the new partitions on the created mount points.

    mkdir -p /mnt/sdc

    mkdir -p /mnt/sdd

    mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt/sdc

    mount /dev/vdb2 /mnt/sdd


    View the mount results.

    [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# lsblk
    vda    253:0    0  40G  0 disk
    ├vda1 253:1    0  40G  0 part /
    vdb    253:16   0 100G  0 disk
    ├vdb1 253:17   0  40G  0 part /mnt/sdc
    ├vdb2 253:18   0  60G  0 part /mnt/sdd

    You should now see that partitions /dev/vdb1 and /dev/vdb2 are mounted on /mnt/sdc and /mnt/sdd.

  6. Use the partition UUIDs to configure auto mount at startup.

    • Mounts become invalid after a system reboot. You can configure auto mount at startup by adding information of the new partition into the /etc/fstab file.
    • You are advised not to use device names to identify disks in the /etc/fstab file because device names are assigned dynamically and may change (for example, from /dev/vdb1 to /dev/vdb2) after a stop or start. This can even prevent your server from booting up.
    • UUIDs are the unique character strings for identifying partitions in Linux.
    • This operation will not affect the existing data on the ECS.
    1. Query the partition UUIDs.

      blkid /dev/vdb1

      blkid /dev/vdb2

      [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# blkid /dev/vdb1
      /dev/vdb1: UUID="0b3040e2-1367-4abb-841d-ddb0b92693df" TYPE="ext4"
      /dev/vdb2: UUID="0d6769k2-1745-9dsf-453d-hgd0b34267dj" TYPE="ext4"

      The UUIDs of partitions /dev/vdb1 and /dev/vdb2 are 0b3040e2-1367-4abb-841d-ddb0b92693df and 0d6769k2-1745-9dsf-453d-hgd0b34267dj.

    1. Configure auto mount at startup.

      vi /etc/fstab

      Press i to enter the editing mode, move the cursor to the end of the file, press Enter, and add the following content:

      UUID=0b3040e2-1367-4abb-841d-ddb0b92693df    /mnt/sdc     ext4    defaults     0    2
      UUID=0d6769k2-1745-9dsf-453d-hgd0b34267dj    /mnt/sdd     ext4    defaults     0    2

      Press Esc, enter :wq, and press Enter to save the settings and exit the vi editor.

      Table 2 Parameter description

      Example Value



      The UUID of the partition.


      The mount point of the partition.


      The file system format of the partition.


      The partition mount option. Normally, this parameter is set to defaults.


      • The Linux dump backup option.
        • 0: Linux dump backup is not used. Usually, dump backup is not used, and you can set this parameter to 0.
        • 1: Linux dump backup is used.


      • The fsck option, which means whether to use fsck to check the disk during startup.
        • 2: The check starts from the partitions whose mount points are non-root directories. / is the root directory.
        • 1: The check starts from the partitions whose mount points are root directories.
        • 0: The fsck option is not used.

  7. Verify that auto mount takes effect.

    umount /dev/vdb1

    umount /dev/vdb2

    mount -a

    The system reloads all the content in the /etc/fstab file.

    Query file system mounting information.

    mount | grep /mnt/sdc

    mount | grep /mnt/sdd

    If information similar to the following is displayed, auto mount has taken effect:

    root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# mount | grep /mnt/sdc
    /dev/vdb1 on /mnt/sdc type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
    root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# mount | grep /mnt/sdd
    /dev/vdb2 on /mnt/sdd type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)