Updated on 2022-12-20 GMT+08:00

Deleting a Snapshot


If a snapshot is no longer needed, you can delete the snapshot to release the virtual resources. Snapshot deletion has the following constraints:


  • The snapshot status must be Available or Error.
  • If a disk is deleted, all the snapshots created for this disk will also be deleted.
  • If a snapshot is deleted, disks rolled back and created from this snapshot are not affected.
  • If you have reinstalled or changed the server OS, snapshots of the system disk are automatically deleted. Snapshots of the data disks can be used as usual.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Under Storage, click Elastic Volume Service.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Elastic Volume Service > Snapshots.

    The snapshot list page is displayed.

  4. In the snapshot list, locate the row that contains the target snapshot and click Delete in the Operation column.
  5. (Optional) If multiple snapshots are to be deleted, select in front of each snapshot and click Delete in the upper area of the list.
  6. In the displayed dialog box, confirm the information and click Yes.

    If the snapshot is no longer displayed in the snapshot list, the snapshot is deleted successfully.