- 最新动态
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- 快速入门
- 用户指南
- 混合云备份特性指南
- 最佳实践
- API参考
- SDK参考
- 场景代码示例
- 故障排除
- 概念类
- 计费类
- 备份时,需要停止服务器吗?
- 包含数据库的服务器是否可以备份?
- 如何区分备份是自动备份还是手动备份?
- 备份支持选择磁盘的某个分区进行备份吗?
- 服务器能否跨区域备份?
- 如何通过云服务器备份实现云服务器数据跨区域迁移?
- 可以将两个磁盘的数据备份至同一个备份副本吗?
- 如何同区域同可用区的复制一个磁盘?
- 支持在存储库之间进行备份迁移吗?
- 删除资源后还可以使用备份恢复数据吗?
- 单个资源可以创建多少个备份?
- 删除全量备份后,还可以使用增量备份恢复数据吗?
- 备份时可以终止备份吗?
- 如何减小备份占用空间?
- 如何查看每个备份的大小?
- 如何查看备份中的数据?
- 备份会保存多久?
- 如何对资源进行周期性全备?
- 如何查询自己哪些资源还未配置备份?
- 数据备份时是否对网络带宽有要求?
- 一个存储库绑定多个资源时,备份保留策略如何生效?
- 数据库服务器备份和云数据库RDS备份有什么区别?
- 容量类
- 恢复类
- 策略类
- 优化类
- 其他类
- 视频帮助
- 文档下载
- 通用参考
- 安装前准备请提前规划备份服务器的相关网络平面参数。
- 已准备跨平台远程访问工具如“PuTTY”。
- 已获取eBackup服务器“root”账号的登录密码。
- 以“root”账号登录待配置的eBackup服务器。
使用跨平台访问工具登录,或在VMware vSphere Client工具中的控制台登录。
- 执行cd 备份软件安装包所在目录命令进入初始配置脚本目录。
- 执行sh ebackup_utilities.sh config命令,开始进行初始化配置。
Please select network type for this machine: 1.ipv4 2.ipv6
- 输入“1”,按“Enter”。
1 Please select a role for this machine: 1.Backup Server 2.Backup Proxy 3.Backup Manager 4.Backup Workflow Server
- 输入“1”,按“Enter”。
1 =================================================================================================== Note: In the following steps you will be required to configure four network planes for eBackup. The definition of each network plane is as follows: Backup management plane: the communication plane for eBackup to provide external services. Internal communication plane: the communication plane between backup server and backup proxy. Production management plane: the communication plane between eBackup and the management plane of the production end. Storage plane: the communication plane between eBackup and the storage plane of the production end and communication plane between eBackup and backup storage. ==================================================================================================== Set network adapter for 'Backup management' network plane: [1] bond1 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F2 IP= MASK= [2] bond2 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F3 IP= MASK= Which network adapter from the above list would you like to bind to the 'Backup management' network plane?
- 配置备份服务器网络平面。
- 选择备份管理平面需要绑定的网卡,按“Enter”。
1 Set network adapter for 'Internal communication' network plane: [1] bond1 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F2 IP= MASK= [2] bond2 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F3 IP= MASK= Which network adapter from the above list would you like to bind to the 'Internal communication' network plane?
- 选择内部通信平面需要绑定的网卡,按“Enter”。
1 Set network adapter for 'Production management' network plane: [1] bond1 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F2 IP= MASK= [2] bond2 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F3 IP= MASK= Which network adapter from the above list would you like to bind to the 'Production management' network plane?
- 选择生产管理平面需要绑定的网卡,按“Enter”。
1 Set network adapter for 'Production Storage' network plane: [1] bond1 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F2 IP= MASK= [2] bond2 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F3 IP= MASK= Which network adapter from the above list would you like to bind to the 'Production Storage' network plane?
- 选择生产存储平面需要绑定的网卡,按“Enter”。
1 Set network adapter for 'Backup Storage' network plane: [1] bond1 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F2 IP= MASK= [2] bond2 MAC=28:6E:D4:88:C6:F3 IP= MASK= Which network adapter from the above list would you like to bind to the 'Backup Storage' network plane?
- 选择备份存储平面需要绑定的网卡,按“Enter”。
2 Enter a floating IP address that is in the same network segment as the internal communication plane.
- 设置浮动IP地址。
回显如下信息,表示配置成功。 Configuration succeeded. grep: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support The ebk_accelerator agent of OceanStor BCManager eBackup was started successfully. Start:ebk_accelerator service succeeded. start reload gaussdb grep: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support The ebk_backup agent of OceanStor BCManager eBackup was started successfully. Start:ebk_backup service succeeded. grep: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support The ebk_copy agent of OceanStor BCManager eBackup was started successfully. Start:ebk_copy service succeeded. grep: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support The ebk_delete agent of OceanStor BCManager eBackup was started successfully. Start:ebk_delete service succeeded. grep: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support The ebk_mgr agent of OceanStor BCManager eBackup was started successfully. Start:ebk_mgr service succeeded. grep: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support The ebk_restore agent of OceanStor BCManager eBackup was started successfully. Start:ebk_restore service succeeded. grep: this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support The ebk_vmware agent of OceanStor BCManager eBackup was started successfully. Start:ebk_vmware service succeeded. service hcp start:completed You can access the eBackup UI using the following link. or Alternatively, you can access the eBackup CLI through SSH session.
- 选择备份管理平面需要绑定的网卡,按“Enter”。
- 依次执行以下命令进行安全加固。
cd /opt/huawei-data-protection/ebackup/bin/StandardHardening
echo -e "yes\nyes\n"|./StandardSuseHardening.sh
- 执行该命令会重启eBackup服务器,如需登录eBackup服务器请您稍后重试。
- 执行安全加固后,执行date命令查看当前时间,需要确保当前时间与选择目标上云region的时间保持一致,如果偏差 10min以上可能会导致备份失败。
- (可选)如果备份上云的带宽小于100Mbits,可能会因网络质量导致备份失败,为了降低失败概率,可以执行如下命令,优化部分参数:
vim /opt/huawei-data-protection/ebackup/microservice/ebk_vmware/conf/hcpconf.ini
ProductStorageMemoryPoolBlockNum 从64修改为8
BackupStorageMemoryPoolBlockNum 从64修改为8
CommonTaskUsingMaxThread4Backup 从8修改为2
cd /opt/huawei-data-protection/ebackup/microservice/ebk_vmware/script
sh ebackup_stop.sh
sh ebackup_start.sh