Error Codes
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to the instructions provided in API Gateway Error Codes.
Status Code |
Error Codes |
Error Message |
Description |
Solution |
400 |
ELB.0002 |
RequestBody is null or empty,request is invalid. |
The request body is empty. |
Configure the parameters by following the instructions in the Elastic Load Balance API Reference. |
400 |
ELB.0004 |
Api response is null or invaild. |
The response is empty. |
Ensure that the backend server is healthy. |
400 |
ELB.0230 |
Tenant_id is empty. |
The project ID is left blank. |
Correct the project ID. |
400 |
ELB.1000 |
The loadbalancer URL is too long. |
The URL length exceeds the limit. |
Correct the URL. |
400 |
ELB.1001 |
Request parameters invalid. |
Invalid parameters. |
Enter valid parameters. |
400 |
ELB.1003 |
Lb not exist. |
The load balancer does not exist. |
Check the load balancer ID. |
400 |
ELB.1004 |
Query condition is not valid. |
Invalid query condition. |
Change the query condition. |
400 |
ELB.1005 |
Update request paramters error. |
Failed to modify the load balancer. |
Check the parameters. |
400 |
ELB.1007 |
Query internal ELB error. |
Failed to query details of the private network load balancer. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.1008 |
There is at least one member under the lb. |
Failed to delete the load balancer. |
Change the parameter settings. |
400 |
ELB.1010 |
Query elb quota error. |
Failed to query the quota. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.1011 |
Private_key or certificate content is not valid. |
Invalid private or public key of the server certificate. |
Enter a valid private or public key. |
400 |
ELB.1012 |
Create tenant resource relation error. |
Failed to create the relationship between resources and the user. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.1013 |
Update resource tenant allocation failed, cloud eye warning rule exceeds. |
Failed to modify the quota of a resource because the quota set in the Cloud Eye alarm rule is too large. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.1014 |
Query resouce tenant relation failed. |
Failed to query the relationship between resources and the user. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.1015 |
Lb can not be updated. |
Failed to modify the load balancer. |
Check the parameters. |
400 |
ELB.1018 |
There is at least one member under the lb. |
Failed to delete the load balancer because it has backend servers associated. |
Remove the backend servers from the associated backend server group and delete the backend server group first. |
400 |
ELB.1020 |
Lb ID is not correct. |
Incorrect load balancer ID. |
Change the parameter settings. |
400 |
ELB.1021 |
Request parameters error, name invalid. |
Invalid load balancer name. |
Change the name. |
400 |
ELB.1025 |
Udpate request parameters error, name is too long. |
The load balancer name exceeds the length limit. |
Change the name. |
400 |
ELB.1031 |
Request parameters error, lb len description too long. |
The load balancer description exceeds the length limit. |
Change the description. |
400 |
ELB.1035 |
Update request parameters error, name is not valid. |
Invalid load balancer name. |
Change the name. |
400 |
ELB.1041 |
Request parameters error, lb type is not valid. |
Invalid load balancer type. |
Change the parameter settings. |
400 |
ELB.1045 |
Update request parameters error, description too long. |
The load balancer description exceeds the length limit. |
Change the description. |
400 |
ELB.1051 |
Request parameters error, lb bandwidth is not valid. |
Invalid bandwidth configured for the load balancer. |
Modify the bandwidth. |
400 |
ELB.1061 |
Request parameters error, lb vip_address and vip_subnet_id are nil. |
The EIP or subnet ID is left blank. |
Enter a valid EIP or subnet ID. |
400 |
ELB.1071 |
Request parameters error, lb vip_address is not valid. |
Invalid EIP. |
Enter a valid EIP. |
400 |
ELB.1081 |
Request parameters error, lb vpc_id is empty. |
The VPC ID is left blank. |
Enter a valid VPC ID. |
400 |
ELB.1101 |
Vip address is exist. |
The EIP already exists. |
Enter another EIP. |
400 |
ELB.1110 |
version not found. |
The API version does not exist. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.1201 |
Get Token failed |
Failed to obtain the token. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.1202 |
enterprise_project_id can not be empty |
An error occurred during the verification of ep_id. |
Check the enterprise project ID. |
400 |
ELB.1204 |
Bind fail. |
Failed to associate the load balancer with the enterprise project. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.2002 |
Delete member input param error. |
Failed to remove the backend server because the parameters are invalid. |
Change the parameter settings. |
400 |
ELB.2003 |
Query member failed. |
Failed to query the backend server. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.2005 |
Update member failed. |
Failed to update the backend server. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.2010 |
Member listener ID length is not correct. |
The listener ID exceeds the length limit. |
Change the listener ID. |
400 |
ELB.2011 |
Add member listener is not exist. |
The listener does not exist. |
Ensure that the listener exists. |
400 |
ELB.2012 |
This member is not exist. |
The backend server does not exist. |
Ensure that the backend server exists. |
400 |
ELB.2020 |
Member listener ID content is not correct. |
Invalid listener ID. |
Change the listener ID. |
400 |
ELB.2021 |
Request parameters error, member address is null. |
Invalid backend server IP address. |
Check the backend server IP address. |
400 |
ELB.3001 |
Create floating IP failed. |
Failed to assign the EIP. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.3002 |
Delete floating IP failed. |
Failed to release the EIP. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.3003 |
Query floating IP failed. |
Failed to query the EIP. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.3004 |
Query floating IP list failed. |
Failed to query EIPs. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.4001 |
Create elastic IP failed. |
Failed to assign the EIP. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.4002 |
Delete elastic IP failed. |
Failed to release the EIP. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.4003 |
Query elastic IP failed. |
Failed to query the EIP. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.4004 |
Query elastic IP list failed. |
Failed to query EIPs. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.4005 |
Update elastic IP failed. |
Failed to update the EIP. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.5002 |
Failed to delete the certificate. |
Failed to delete the certificate. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.5003 |
Query bandwidth failed. |
Failed to query the bandwidth. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.5004 |
Invalid search criteria. |
Invalid query condition. |
Change the query condition. |
400 |
ELB.5005 |
Update bandwidth failed. |
Failed to modify the bandwidth. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.5013 |
Private_key or certificate content is not valid. |
Invalid public or private key of the server certificate. |
Enter a valid public or private key. |
400 |
ELB.5020 |
The certificate ID must be 32 characters. |
The certificate ID is not a 32-character string. |
Enter a valid certificate ID. |
400 |
ELB.5033 |
Failed to update certificate. |
Failed to modify the certificate. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.5040 |
The certificate does not exist. |
The certificate does not exist. |
Ensure that the certificate exists. |
400 |
ELB.5051 |
CA certificate content is not valid. |
Invalid CA certificate body. |
Enter a valid certificate body. |
400 |
ELB.5053 |
CA certificate content is not valid. |
Invalid CA certificate body. |
Enter a valid certificate body. |
400 |
ELB.5131 |
Failed to query the certificate quota. |
Failed to query the certificate quota. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.5141 |
Failed to query the user certificate quota. |
Failed to query the used certificate quota. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.5151 |
The certificate quantity exceeds the quota. |
The certificate quota has been used up. |
Delete the certificates that are no longer used or request a higher quota. |
400 |
ELB.6010 |
Listener ID content is not correct. |
Invalid listener ID. |
Change the listener ID. |
400 |
ELB.6011 |
Request parameters error, listener name too long. |
The listener name exceeds the length limit. |
Change the name. |
400 |
ELB.6015 |
This listener prerty cannot be updated |
The listener property cannot be modified. |
Select a property that can be modified. |
400 |
ELB.6021 |
Request parameters error, listener name is not valid. |
Invalid listener name. |
Change the name. |
400 |
ELB.6025 |
Udpate request parameters error, listener len name too long. |
The listener name exceeds the length limit. |
Change the name. |
400 |
ELB.6030 |
Listener is not associated with loadbalancer id. |
The listener does not belong to any load balancer. |
Check the listener ID. |
400 |
ELB.6031 |
Request parameters error, listener len description too long. |
The listener description exceeds the length limit. |
Change the description. |
400 |
ELB.6035 |
Udpate request parameters error, listener name is not valid. |
Invalid listener name. |
Change the name. |
400 |
ELB.6040 |
The loadbalaner that the listener belongs to is not exist. |
The load balancer to which the listener is added does not exist. |
Check the load balancer ID. |
400 |
ELB.6041 |
Request parameters error, listener port is not in 1 ~ 65535. |
Invalid port number. |
Change the port number. |
400 |
ELB.6045 |
Update request parameters error, listener len description too long. |
The listener description exceeds the length limit. |
Change the description. |
400 |
ELB.6051 |
Request parameters error, listener lb algorithm is not valid. |
Invalid load balancing algorithm. |
Change the load balancing algorithm. |
400 |
ELB.6061 |
Request parameters error, listener protocol is not valid. |
Invalid listener protocol. |
Change the protocol. |
400 |
ELB.6071 |
Request parameters error, listener backend protocol is not valid. |
Invalid backend server protocol. |
Change the protocol. |
400 |
ELB.6200 |
Load Balaner *** already has a listener with protocol_port of ***. |
The port number is in use. |
Change the port number. |
400 |
ELB.7000 |
Listener_id must not be null. |
The listener ID is left blank. |
Change the listener ID. |
400 |
ELB.7001 |
Healthcheck_interval is illegal. |
Invalid query condition. |
Change the query condition. |
400 |
ELB.7002 |
Healthcheck delete condition is not valid. |
Invalid query condition. |
Change the query condition. |
400 |
ELB.7004 |
Healthcheck query condition is not valid. |
Invalid query condition. |
Change the query condition. |
400 |
ELB.7010 |
Healthcheck listener is not exist. |
The listener with which the health check is associated does not exist. |
Change the listener ID. |
400 |
ELB.7014 |
Healthcheck configuration not exist. |
The health check does not exist. |
Check the health check ID. |
400 |
ELB.7020 |
This healthcheck is not exist. |
The health check does not exist. |
Change the health check ID. |
400 |
ELB.8001 |
Create a SG error. |
Failed to create the security group. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8101 |
Create VPC error. |
Failed to create the VPC. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8102 |
Delete VPC error. |
Failed to delete the VPC. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8103 |
Query VPC error. |
Failed to query the VPC. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8201 |
Create subnet error. |
Failed to create the subnet. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8202 |
Delete subnet error. |
Failed to delete the subnet. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8203 |
Query subnet error. |
Failed to query the subnet. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8902 |
Invalid input for '%s' is not in %s. |
Invalid input parameters. |
Check input parameters. |
400 |
ELB.8909 |
Certificate with multi domain not supported by guaranteed listener. |
Multiple domain certificate is not supported by dedicated loadbalancer. |
Check input parameters. |
400 |
ELB.8934 |
The number of available IP addresses in the subnet on the downstream plane is insufficient. |
The elb_virsubnet_ids %s is expected to use %s ipv4 addresses but only %s ipv4 addresses are available, Please reselect. |
Check your request based on the error message. |
400 |
ELB.8938 |
The ip member just support when pool's protocol is %s. |
Invalid input parameters. |
Change the value of pool_id in url to other suppprted pool or pass parameter 'subnet_cidr_id' when create member. |
400 |
ELB.8939 |
The loadbalancer's ip_target_enable must be true when add ip member. |
Invalid input parameters. |
Disable ip target of the loadbalancer or pass parameter 'subnet_cidr_id' when create member. |
400 |
ELB.8950 |
Cannot allocate resource for the loadbalancer. |
Cannot allocate resource for the loadbalancer. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.8959 |
The %s flavor field does not support update from %s to %s. |
Invalid input parameters when updating flavor. |
Check input parameters. |
400 |
ELB.9001 |
Interval ELB create VM error. |
Failed to create the VM. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9002 |
Internal ELB delete VM error. |
Failed to delete the VM. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9003 |
Internal ELB query VM error. |
Failed to query details of the VM. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9006 |
Internal ELB update port fail. |
Failed to update the port bound to the VM. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9007 |
Intenal ELB bind port fail. |
Failed to bind the port to the VM. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9023 |
Internal ELB get image error. |
Failed to query the image. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9033 |
Internal ELB get flavour error. |
Failed to query the VM specifications. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9043 |
Internal ELB get interface error. |
Failed to query the port bound to the VM. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9061 |
Internal ELB query topic fail. |
Failed to query the SMN topic. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9062 |
Internal ELB create topic fail. |
Failed to create the SMN topic. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9063 |
Internal ELB query subscription fail. |
Failed to query the SMN subscription. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9064 |
Internal ELB create subscription fail. |
Failed to create the SMN subscription. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
ELB.9800 |
Resource could not be found. |
The specified load balancer does not exist when ep_id is queried. |
Ensure that the load balancer belongs to the enterprise project. |
400 |
ELB.9801 |
Not be list action, enterprise_project_id must not be null. |
In fine-grained authorization, the enterprise ID is not passed in the request for querying load balancers. |
Ensure that the parameters in the request for querying load balancers are correct. |
400 |
ELB.9805 |
RequestBody listener[protocol] is null, this is a required parameter. |
ep_id in the URI is not a valid UUID. |
Check the enterprise project ID. |
400 |
ELB.9807 |
Quota exceeded for resources: %s |
No enought quota for resource. |
Contact customer to expand quota. |
400 |
ELB.9899 |
Invalid parameter. For details about the error, see the returned information. |
Invalid parameter. For details about the error, see the returned information. |
Please check parameters. |
401 |
ELB.1103 |
Token invalid |
Invalid token. |
Contact customer service. |
401 |
ELB.1104 |
Token invalid |
Invalid token. |
Contact customer service. |
401 |
ELB.1105 |
Token invalid |
Invalid token. |
Contact customer service. |
401 |
ELB.1109 |
Authentication failed. |
Real-name authentication failed. |
Contact customer service. |
403 |
ELB.1091 |
Lb number larger than quota. |
The number of load balancers exceeds the quota. |
Request a higher quota or delete load balancers that are no longer needed. |
403 |
ELB.1102 |
Token is error, Authentication required. |
The token is empty. |
Enter a token that has not expired. |
403 |
ELB.2001 |
Create member failed, the total amount of members exceeds the system setting. |
Failed to add the backend server because the number of backend servers reaches the limit. |
Check the maximum number of backend servers. |
403 |
ELB.6091 |
Request lb has more than user listener quota. |
The number of listeners reaches the limit. |
Request a higher quota or delete listeners that are no longer needed. |
403 |
ELB.8962 |
tenant %s does not support %s. |
The feature is not supported. |
Contact customer service. |
403 |
ELB.9802 |
Policy doesn't allow elb:logtanks:create to be performed. |
Authentication failed. |
Ensure that you have the permission to perform this operation. |
403 |
ELB.9803 |
Policy doesn't allow elb:loadbalancers:list to be performed. |
Authentication failed. |
Ensure that you have the permission to perform this operation. |
403 |
ELB.9804 |
Policy doesn't allow elb:loadbalancers:list to be performed. |
Authentication failed. |
Ensure that you have the permission to perform this operation. |
404 |
ELB.1002 |
Find lb failed. |
The load balancer does not exist. |
Change the load balancer ID. |
404 |
ELB.8904 |
%s %s could not be found. |
Resource could not be found. |
Please check the parameters. |
409 |
ELB.8905 |
Quota exceeded for resources: %s |
No enough quota for resource. |
Contact customer to expand quota. |
409 |
ELB.8907 |
Data conflict. For details about the error, see the returned information. |
Data conflict. For details about the error, see the returned information. |
Check your request based on the error message. |
500 |
ELB.8906 |
Internal error. For details about the error, see the returned information. |
Internal error. For details about the error, see the returned information. |
Contact customer service. |
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