Este conteúdo foi traduzido por máquina para sua conveniência e a Huawei Cloud não pode garantir que o conteúdo foi traduzido com precisão. Para exibir o conteúdo original, use o link no canto superior direito para mudar para a página em inglês.
Visão geral de serviço
- O que é o ECS?
- Vantagens de ECS
- Cenários de aplicação ECS
- Notas e restrições sobre o uso dos ECS
- Instâncias
- x86 Especificações e Tipos de ECS
- Kunpeng ECS Especificações e Tipos
- Especificações ECS descontinuadas
- Imagens
- Discos EVS
- Rede
- Segurança
- Cobrança
- Gerenciamento de permissões
- Créditos da CPU
- ECS e outros serviços
- Histórico de Mudanças
Guia de usuário
- Seleção de uma opção de compra de ECS
- Comprando um ECS
- Exibição de informações do ECS
- Efetuar login em um ECS de Windows
- Fazer login em um ECS de Linux
- Gerenciamento dos ECS
- Modificação de especificações de memória e vCPU do ECS
- Migração de um ECS
- Obtenção de Metadados e Transmissão de Dados do Usuário
- (Opcional) Configuração de mapeamento entre nomes de host e endereços IP
- (Opcional) Instalação de um driver e um kit de ferramentas
- Imagens
- Discos de EVS
- As NIC
- Os EIP
- Segurança
Senhas e Pares de chaves
- Palavras-passe
- Pares de chaves
- Gerenciamento de permissões
- Modelos de lançamento
- Grupos de lançamento automático
- Recursos e Tags
- Monitorização os ECS
- Métricas básicas de ECS
- Métricas de monitoramento do sistema operacional suportadas pelos ECS com o agente instalado
- Métricas de Monitoramento do SO Suportadas pelos ECS com o Agente Instalado e Usando Métricas de Monitoramento Simplificadas
- Configuração de regras de alarme
- Exibição de métricas do ECS
Referência de API
- Antes de começar
- Visão geral da API
- Chamada das API
As API (recomendado)
- Gerenciamento de ciclo de vida
Gerenciamento de status
- Reinstalação de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem com o Cloud-Init instalado)
- Alteração de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem com o Cloud-Init instalado)
- Reinstalação de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem sem o Cloud-Init instalado)
- Alteração de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem sem o Cloud-Init instalado)
- Migração fria de ECS
- Obtenção de endereço de login do VNC
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Modificação das especificações de um ECS (Pay-per-Use)
- Adição de um ECS à lista de monitoramento
- Operações em lote
- Gerenciamento de variante
- Gerenciamento de NIC
- Gerenciamento de disco
- Gerenciamento de metadados
- Gerenciamento de cota de inquilinos
- Gerenciamento de status da tarefa
- Gerenciamento de tags
- Gerenciamento de senha
- Gerenciamento de grupo ECS
As API da Nova do OpenStack
- Consulta de versão da API
- Gerenciamento de ciclo de vida
- Gerenciamento de status
- Gerenciamento de rede
- Gerenciamento de grupo de segurança
- Gerenciamento de variante
- Gerenciamento de NIC
- Gerenciamento de disco
- Gerenciamento de metadados
- Gerenciamento de cotas de inquilinos
- Gerenciamento de chaves e senhas
- ECS Group Management
- Gerenciamento da operação de ECS
- Gerenciamento do console do ECS
- AZ
- Gerenciamento de tags
- Versões Históricas
- Exemplos de aplicação
- Estrutura de dados
Políticas de permissões e ações suportadas
- Introdução
- Gerenciamento de ciclo de vida
- Gerenciamento de status do ECS
- Operações em lote
- Gerenciamento de rede
- Gerenciamento de imagem
- Gerenciamento de grupo de segurança
- Consulta de especificações
- Gerenciamento de NIC
- Gerenciamento de disco
- Gerenciamento de metadados
- Gerenciamento de cotas de inquilinos
- Gerenciamento de chaves SSH
- Gerenciamento de senha
- Gerenciamento de endereço IP flutuante
- Gerenciamento de grupos ECS
- Gerenciamento do ECS por meio do console
- Gerenciamento de AZ
- Gerenciamento de tags
- Parâmetros comuns
As API desatualizadas
- Gerenciamento de status
- Gerenciamento de variante
- Gerenciamento de NIC
- Gerenciamento de disco
- Gerenciamento de tags
- Gerenciamento de senha
- Gerenciamento de imagem (as API de Nova de OpenStack)
Gerenciamento de grupo de segurança (as API de Nova do OpenStack)
- Consulta de grupos de segurança (Descartado)
- Criação de um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
- Consulta de detalhes sobre um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
- Atualização de um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
- Exclusão de um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
- Criação de uma regra de grupo de segurança (Descartado)
- Exclusão de uma regra de grupo de segurança (Descartado)
- Gerenciamento de disco (as API de Nova do OpenStack)
Gerenciamento de endereços IP flutuantes (as API Nova do OpenStack)
- Vinculação de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
- Desvinculação de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
- Atribuição de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
- Consulta de endereços IP flutuantes (Descartado)
- Consulta de detalhes sobre um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
- Liberação de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
- Consulta de pools de endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
- Gerenciamento de snapshot (as API de Nova do OpenStack)
- Apêndice
- Histórico de alterações
- No momento, o conteúdo não está disponível no seu idioma selecionado. Consulte a versão em inglês.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
- Overview
- Selecting an ECS Billing Mode
- Purchasing an ECS
- Logging In to a Windows ECS
- Logging In to a Linux ECS
- Managing GPU Drivers of GPU-accelerated ECSs
- Managing ECS Configurations
- Modifying ECS Specifications (vCPUs and Memory)
- Reinstalling or Changing the OS
- Viewing ECS Information
- Images
- Disks
- Elastic Network Interfaces
- EIPs
- Security
- Backup Using CBR
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Launch Templates
- Auto Launch Groups
- Events
- OS Dump
- Self-Service O&M
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
- Audit Using CTS
- QingTian Enclave
Best Practices
- Best Practices Summary
- Setting Up Websites on ECSs
- Configuring an ECS
- Setting Up an Environment
- Setting Up a Website
Setting Up an Application
- Setting Up an FTP Site
- Building Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016
- Deploying Docker
- Deploying an ECS for Handling Text Messages from an Official WeChat Account
- Manually Deploying GitLab (CentOS 7.2)
- Manually Deploying RabbitMQ (CentOS 7.4)
- Setting Up Master-Slave Replication on PostgreSQL
- Manually Installing a BT Panel (CentOS 7.2)
- Installing and Deploying Jenkins on an ECS
- Using auditd to Record File Changes (Linux)
- Restoring Accidentally Deleted Data Using Extundelete (Linux)
- Setting Up a ThinkPHP Framework
- Securing an ECS
- Migrating an ECS
- Accessing OBS from an ECS over the Intranet
- Using VNC Viewer to Access a Linux ECS
- SDK Reference
- Common FAQ
- Product Consulting FAQ
ECS Creation FAQ
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find My ECSs?
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
- What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- What Should I Do If the ECS Fails to Be Provisioned After I Have Paid the Order?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- ECS Deletion and Unsubscription FAQ
Remote Login FAQ
Login Preparations
- What Are the Login Requirements for ECSs?
- What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
- Can I Retrieve My Remote Login Password?
- Why Cannot I Use the Username and Password Configured During the Creation of a GPU-accelerated ECS to Log In to the ECS Through SSH?
- What Should I Do If Starting an ECS Remains in "Waiting for cloudResetPwdAgent" State?
Remote Logins
- Can I Troubleshoot ECSs By Myself?
- How Do I Log In to My ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Access a Windows Server 2012 OS After Uninstalling Some Software?
- How Can I Log In to an ECS After It Exchanged the System Disk with Another ECS Running the Same OS?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to an ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
VNC Login
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does BSOD Occur When I Log In to an ECS Using Remote Desktop Connection?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Login Preparations
Billing FAQ
- What Are the Differences Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
- Will I Be Billed After ECSs Are Stopped?
- Can I Switch Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
- FAQs About ECS Frozen, Deletion, and Unsubscription
- How Can I Stop an ECS from Being Billed?
- FAQs About Spot ECSs
- How Can I Renew ECSs?
- How Can I Automatically Renew a Yearly/Monthly ECS?
- Will I Receive a Notification If My Account Balance Is Insufficient?
- Will I Receive a Notification of Account Balance Changes?
Region and AZ FAQ
- What Is AZ and How Can I Select and View an AZ?
- What Is a Region?
- Are Products Different in Different Regions?
- Is Data Transmission Between AZs Billed?
- Can I Change the Region or AZ After an ECS Is Purchased?
- Can I Migrate an ECS to Another Region, AZ, or Account?
- Can a Load Balancer Distribute Traffic to ECSs in Different Regions?
- Is Application Disaster Recovery Available in Different Regions?
- Are There Any Services Provided for Application Disaster Recovery?
- Can Components Contained in an Application Be Distributed to Different Regions?
- How Do I Use BYOL?
- Do ECSs Support GUI?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Fix the Meltdown and Spectre Security Vulnerabilities on Intel Processor Chips?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- What Should I Do If the Cursor Is Unavailable After a GNOME GUI Is Installed on a Kunpeng ECS Running CentOS 7 or NeoKylin NKASV 7?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
- Why Does the NVIDIA Kernel Crashes on a GPU-accelerated ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion FAQ
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add an ECS with Local Disks Attached to an ECS Group?
- How Can I Delete or Unsubscribe from a Yearly/Monthly Disk?
- Will My EVS Disk Be Unsubscribed or Deleted When I Unsubscribe from or Delete Its Server?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
- Data Backup and Restoration FAQ
Network Configuration FAQ
- How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
- Does HUAWEI CLOUD Provide the NTP Server and How Can I Configure It?
- How Do I Configure DNS for an ECS?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- How Do I Change the CIDR Block of an ECS Subnet?
- How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- Why Is the NIC Not Working?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
- How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
- Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
- Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
- Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
- Why Is Outbound Access on TCP Port 25 Blocked?
- How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
- Why My EIPs Are Frozen? How Do I Unfreeze My EIPs?
Password and Key Pair FAQ
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS in the OS
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS Without the Password Reset Plug-in Installed
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS Without the Password Reset Plug-in Installed
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Why Does Login to My ECS Using the Reset Password Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message Indicating That the Port Is Used by a One-Click Password Reset Plug-in?
- Why Does the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in Use Too Much VIRT and SHR?
- Disabling SELinux
- What Should I Do If the One-Click Password Reset Plug-ins Installed on a Linux ECS Fail to Be Started?
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- Can I Download a Key Pair from My Phone?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
- Application Deployment and Software Installation FAQ
File Upload/Data Transfer FAQ
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use OBS to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure FAQ
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- What Should I Do If Emails Configured on an ECS Cannot Be Sent?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
- Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
- Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Slow ECS Response FAQ
Specification Modification FAQ
- How Do I Upgrade or Downgrade the Specifications of an ECS and Do I Need to Stop the ECS?
- What Should I Do If My Specifications Modification Request Failed to Submit?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed on an ECS Running CentOS 5?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed When I Attempted to Modify the Specifications of a Linux ECS?
- Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
- Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Change FAQ
- Does OS Change Incur Fees?
- Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
- Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
- Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
- Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
- Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
- How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
- ECS Security Check FAQ
- Resource Management and Tag FAQ
Image Source Management FAQ
- How Can I Use an Automated Tool to Configure a Huawei Cloud Image Source (x86_64 and Kunpeng)?
- How Can I Use an EPEL Image Source (x86_64 or Kunpeng) Provided by Huawei Cloud?
- How Can I Use a Pypi Image Source (x86_64 or Kunpeng) Provided by Huawei Cloud?
- What Can I Do If the Download Speed Is Slow After the yum makecache Command Is Executed?
- Internet Inaccessible FAQ
- Website or Application Inaccessible FAQ
- Slow Website or Application Response FAQ
General Issues
- Why Accessing a Website Outside the Chinese Mainland Is Slow on an ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Ping Failure or Packet Loss Using a Link Test?
- How Do I Troubleshoot Slow Connections to a Website Hosted on My ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
- Why Am I Unable to Connect to a Port on an ECS?
- How Can I Resolve High Bandwidth Usage on My ECSs?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Running Slowly?
- Why Is My Linux ECS Running Slowly?
- How Can I Handle Slow ECS Startup?
- How Do I Configure Multiple IP Addresses for an ECS with Multiple NICs Attached?
Windows ECS Issues
- How Can I Retain a Session on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Fix the Difference Between the System Time and the Local Standard Time?
- How Do I Attach an Extension NIC to a Windows ECS for Accessing the Internet?
- How Can I Fix Grayed Out Copy and Paste Options?
- How Do I Configure File Sharing and Network Disk Mapping for a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot an In-Service Port During Tomcat Startup?
- How Do I Troubleshoot Unavailable Input Methods?
- How Can I Set the Input Method for a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Share Files Between Windows ECSs?
- How Do I Restore Data in the Event of a Startup Failure on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I View Login Logs of a Windows ECS?
- What Can I Do If My Windows ECS Can Ping a Website but Cannot Access it?
- Why Can't I Open the Start Menu and Search Box on a Windows ECS?
Linux ECS Issues
- Why Is My Linux ECS Not Booting and Going Into Emergency Mode?
- How Do I Fix a "Read-Only" Error When I Edit the /etc/fstab File?
- How Do I Change the Time Zone on ECSs Running CentOS or EulerOS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot "nf_conntrack:table full, dropping packet"?
- How Do I Change the Default Boot Kernel in Ubuntu?
- How Do I Configure atop and kdump on Linux ECSs for Performance Analysis?
- Why Is the OS Version of My ECS Not the One in the Image I Selected During ECS Creation?
- How Do I Enable My ECS to Boot From the Second Kernel If It Fails to Boot from the First Kernel?
- How Can I Make /etc/rc.local Run at Startup in CentOS 7?
- What OSs Are Supported If I Want to Install Docker on a Linux ECS?
- Why Do the Modifications to /etc/security/limits.conf Not Take Effect After the ECS Restarts?
- How Do I Set vCPU Affinity for Processes Using taskset?
- What Should I Do If Error "command ´gcc´ failed with exit status 1" Occurs During PIP-based Software Installation
- What Can I Do If Switching from a Non-root User to User root Times Out?
- What Can I Do If the Permissions on the Root Directory of My CentOS ECS Changed to 777?
- What Should I Do If the IP Settings of My Linux ECS Are Lost?
- Why Does My Linux ECS Restart Unexpectedly?
- What Do I Do If Error "Cannot allocate memory" Is Displayed?
- What Can I Do If the Fork Process Failed and New Threads Cannot Be Created?
- What Can I Do If the ECS Startup or Remote Login Fails Due to Incorrect System Configurations?
- Why Do df and du Commands Show Different Disk Usage?
- What Can I Do If NetworkManager Cannot Be Started? (Error Message: Failed to restart NetworkManager.service: Unit NetworkManager.service is masked)
- Why Is the IP Address Lost After the System Time of an ECS Is Modified?
Configuring the Network
- Why Does My ECS Running CentOS 7 Fail to Obtain an IP Address Using dhclient?
- Why Does the NIC Names Change After I Start a Linux ECS?
- Why an Entry Is Automatically Added to /etc/hosts After a Linux ECS Is Restarted?
- How Do I Fix a Network Startup Failure Due to Multiple NIC Configuration Files?
- Why Do I Get the Error "Name or service not known" When I Ping a Public Domain Name Configured for a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot the EIP Bound to the Extension NIC of My ECS Access the Internet?
- How Do I Fix Too High Memory Usage by NetworkManager When Multiple Docker Containers Are Running?
- Why Is the ECS IP Address Lost After the System Time Changes?
- What Can I Do If resolv.conf Gets Reset?
- What Can I Do If /etc/resolv.conf Is Restored After an ECS Running Ubuntu Is Restarted?
Disk Space Management Issues
- Why Can't I Mount a Disk on an Old Mount Point by Modifying fstab in CentOS 7?
- How Do I Create a Swap Partition or File in Linux?
- Why Is the Space Not Released After I Delete a Large File on a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If the "Read-only file system" Error Message Is Displayed When I Attempt to Delete a File on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Fix File Creation Failures Due to Inode Exhaustion?
- Why Do I Get the Error "No space left on device" When I Create a File on a Linux ECS?
- What Can I Do If the Buffer and Cache Occupy Too Much Memory of a Linux ECS?
- What Can I Do If the Partition Capacity Fails to Be Expanded Using growpart After the EVS Disk Capacity Is Expanded?
- What Can I Do If Disk Scale-Out Fails When There Is Heavy I/O Workload for SCSI Disks?
- GPU Driver Issues
SSH Connection Issues
- How Do I Keep an SSH Session Alive?
- How Can I Allow or Deny Login from Specific Users or IP Addresses to an ECS Using SSH?
- Why Can't I Access an ECS Running CentOS 7 Using SSH After I Changed the Default SSH Port?
- How Can I Resolve ECS Login Failures Due to Corrupt /etc/passwd?
- Why Does It Takes a Long Time to Connect to an ECS Using SSH After UseDNS Is Enabled?
- Why Does sshd Fail to Be Started on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Disable Login to an ECS Using SSH Password?
- Why Are Connections to a Linux ECS Using SSH or to Applications on the ECS Interrupted Occasionally?
- What Do I Do If "Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /root" Is Displayed and I Can't Log In to an ECS Using SSH Key?
- What Do I Do If I Can Log In to an Ubuntu 16.04 ECS Using SSH But the VNC Login Page Cannot Be Displayed?
Multi-User Login Issues
- How Do I Configure Multi-User Logins for an ECS Running Windows Server 2012?
- Why Does a Browser Launch Error Occur in Multi-User Login?
- How Do I Apply for a License for Authenticating Multi-User Sessions and Activate an ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot Login Screen Flickering After Configuring Multi-User Login?
Passwords and Key Pairs Issues
- How Do I Reset the Password for User root in Single-User Mode on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Reset the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Fix the "Authentication token manipulation error" When I Reset the Password Using passwd on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Change the Key Pair for a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Change the Login Mode of a Linux ECS from Key Pair to Password?
- Firewall Configuration Issues
- BSOD Issues
- IIS Installation Issues
General Issues
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Instances
- Images
- EVS Disks
- Elastic Network Interface
- Security
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Permissions Management
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring
- Common Topics
- ECS Overview
- Regions and AZs
- Billing
Creation and Deletion
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- What Happens After I Click the Delete Button?
- Can a Deleted ECS Be Provisioned Again?
- Can a Deleted ECS Be Restored?
- How Do I Delete or Restart an ECS?
- Can I Forcibly Restart or Stop an ECS?
Login and Connection
- What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
- Why Cannot I Use the Username and Password Configured During the Creation of a GPU-accelerated ECS to Log In to the ECS Through SSH?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
ECS Management
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
- How Can I Modify ECS Specifications?
- Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
- Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Management
- Does OS Change Incur Fees?
- Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
- Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
- Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
- Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
- Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
- How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
- Do ECSs Support GUI?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
File Upload/Data Transfer
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
- ECS Migration
Disk Management
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add an ECS with Local Disks Attached to an ECS Group?
- Will My EVS Disk Be Deleted When I Delete Its Server?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Passwords and Key Pairs
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Changing the Login Password on an ECS
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Disabling SELinux
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Network Configurations
- Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
- Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
- Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
- How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
- How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
- What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Do I Change the CIDR Block of an ECS Subnet?
- How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
- How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
- Why Is the NIC Not Working?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Why Can't My Windows ECS Access the Internet?
- Why Does My Linux ECS Fail to Access the Internet?
- How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
- Why Did I See "Invalid argument" or "neighbour table overflow" During an Access to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Configure Port Redirection?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- Security Configurations
- Resource Management and Tags
- Resource Monitoring
- Database Applications
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
APIs (Recommended)
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Cold Migrating an ECS
- Obtaining the VNC Login Address
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (V1.1)
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Batch Operations
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Task Status Management
- Password Management
- ECS Group Management
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
- Status Management
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- AZ
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Management Through Console
- AZ Management
- Tag Management
- Resource-Level Authorization
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Flavor Management
- Disk Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Instances
- Images
- EVS Disks
- NICElastic Network Interface
- Security
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Permissions Management
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring
- Troubleshooting
- Common Topics
- ECS Overview
Regions and AZs
- What Is an AZ?
- What Is a Region?
- Are Products Different in Different Regions?
- Is Data Transmission Between AZs Billed?
- Can a Load Balancer Distribute Traffic to ECSs in Different Regions?
- Is Application Disaster Recovery Available in Different Regions?
- Are There Any Services Provided for Application Disaster Recovery?
- Can Components Contained in an Application Be Distributed to Different Regions?
- Billing
Creation and Deletion
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- What Happens After I Click the Delete Button?
- Can a Deleted ECS Be Provisioned Again?
- Can a Deleted ECS Be Restored?
- How Do I Delete or Restart an ECS?
- Can I Forcibly Restart or Stop an ECS?
Login and Connection
- What Are the Login Requirements for ECSs?
- What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
- What Should I Do If Starting an ECS Remains in "Waiting for cloudResetPwdAgent" State?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- How Can I Log In to an ECS After Its System Disk Is Exchanged with That Attached to Another ECS Running the Same OS?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- Why Are Characters Entered Through VNC Still Incorrect After the Keyboard Language Is Switched?
- Why Cannot I Use the French Keyboard to Enter Characters When I Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
ECS Management
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
- How Can I Modify ECS Specifications?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed on an ECS Running CentOS 5?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed When I Attempted to Modify the Specifications of a Linux ECS?
- Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
- Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Management
- Does OS Change Incur Fees?
- Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
- Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
- Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
- Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
- Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
- How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
- Do ECSs Support GUI?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
File Upload/Data Transfer
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
- ECS Migration
Disk Management
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add an ECS with Local Disks Attached to an ECS Group?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Passwords and Key Pairs
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Changing the Login Password on an ECS
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Disabling SELinux
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Network Configurations
- Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
- Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
- Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
- How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
- How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
- Configuring DNS
- What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- Why Is the NIC Not Working?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Why Can't My Windows ECS Access the Internet?
- Why Does My Linux ECS Fail to Access the Internet?
- How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
- Why Did I See "Invalid argument" or "neighbour table overflow" During an Access to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Configure Port Redirection?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- Security Configurations
- Resource Management and Tags
- Resource Monitoring
- Database Applications
API Reference (Paris Regions)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- APIs (Recommended)
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
- Status Management
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- Tag Management
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Instances
- Images
- EVS Disks
- Security
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Permissions Management
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring
- Common Topics
- ECS Overview
Creation and Deletion
ECS Creation
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- ECS Deletion
ECS Creation
Login and Connection
- Login Preparations
Remote Logins
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
Logins Through the Management Console
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
- ECS Management
OS Management
- Changing OSs
- Reinstalling OSs
- GUI Installation FAQs
OS Faults
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
File Upload/Data Transfer
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
- ECS Migration
Disk Management
Disk Partitions and Virtual Memory
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- Disk Capacity Expansion
Disk Attachment
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add an ECS with Local Disks Attached to an ECS Group?
- Will My EVS Disk Be Deleted When I Delete Its Server?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Disk Partitions and Virtual Memory
Passwords and Key Pairs
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Changing the Login Password on an ECS
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Disabling SELinux
Key Pairs
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Network Configurations
- EIPs
- DNS and NTP Configurations
- NICs
- Routing
- Website or Application Access Failures
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Configure Port Redirection?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- Security Configurations
- Resource Management and Tags
- Resource Monitoring
- Database Applications
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
APIs (Recommended)
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Cold Migrating an ECS
- Obtaining the VNC Login Address
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (V1.1)
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Batch Operations
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Task Status Management
- Password Management
- ECS Group Management
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
- Status Management
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- AZ
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Management Through Console
- AZ Management
- Tag Management
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Flavor Management
- Disk Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
- Instances
- Images
- Disks
- Elastic Network Interfaces
- EIPs
- Security
- Backup Using CBR
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Resources
- Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
- Product Consulting FAQ
- ECS Creation FAQ
- ECS Deletion and Unsubscription FAQ
Remote Login FAQ
- Login Preparations
- Remote Logins
- VNC Login
Remote Login Errors on Windows
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion FAQ
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
Network Configuration FAQ
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
- How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
Password and Key Pair FAQ
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Why Does Login to My ECS Using the Reset Password Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message Indicating That the Port Is Used by a One-Click Password Reset Plug-in?
- Why Does the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in Use Too Much VIRT and SHR?
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
- Application Deployment and Software Installation FAQ
File Upload/Data Transfer FAQ
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure FAQ
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- Why Does the System Display a Question Mark When I Attempt to Obtain Console Logs?
- Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Slow ECS Response FAQ
- Specification Modification FAQ
- OS Change FAQ
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
APIs (Recommended)
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Batch Operations
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Task Status Management
- Tag Management
- Password Management
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
- Status Management
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- AZ
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Management Through Console
- AZ Management
- Tag Management
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Tag Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
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