Elastic Cloud Server
Elastic Cloud Server
Todos os resultados de "
" dentro deste produto
Todos os resultados de "
" dentro deste produto
Visão geral de serviço
O que é o ECS?
Vantagens de ECS
Cenários de aplicação ECS
Notas e restrições sobre o uso dos ECS
Visão geral
Ciclo de vida do ECS
Tipos de ECS
x86 Especificações e Tipos de ECS
Especificações de ECS
Os ECS de computação geral
Computação geral mais os ECS
Os ECS básicos de computação geral
Os ECS otimizados para memória
Os ECS de memória grande
Os ECS com uso intenso de disco
Os ECS de E/S ultra-altas
Os ECS de computação de alto desempenho
Os ECS acelerados por GPU
Kunpeng ECS Especificações e Tipos
Especificações de ECS
Os ECS de computação-plus geral de Kunpeng
Especificações ECS descontinuadas
Discos EVS
Segurança do hipervisor
Criptografia do usuário
Projeto e Projeto Empresarial
Gerenciamento de permissões
Créditos da CPU
ECS e outros serviços
Histórico de Mudanças
Primeiros passos
Visão geral
Compra de um ECS
Visão geral
Passo 1: configurar configurações básicas
Passo 2: configurar rede
Passo 3: configurar configurações avançadas
Passo 4: confirmar
Fazer logon em um ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
Cenários e partições de disco
Initializing Windows Data Disks Using Script
Initializing Linux Data Disks Using Script
Inicialização de um disco de dados do Windows (Windows Server 2008)
Inicialização de um disco de dados do Windows (Windows Server 2019)
Inicialização de um disco de dados do Linux (fdisk)
Inicialização de um disco de dados do Linux (parted)
Inicialização de um disco de dados do Windows maior que 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
Inicialização de um disco de dados do Windows maior que 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
Inicialização de um disco de dados do Linux maior que 2 TiB (parted)
Guia de usuário
Seleção de uma opção de compra de ECS
Preços anuais/mensais
Preço Pay-per-Use
Preços Spot
Preço Spot ECS
Compra de um preço spot ECS
Instâncias reservadas
Visão geral da instância reservada
Ativação e compra de uma instância reservada
Modificação de atributos de RI
Alteração do Pay-per-Use para Anual/Mensal
Alteração de anual/mensal para pagamento por uso
Comprando um ECS
Compra de mesmo ECS
Exibição de informações do ECS
Exibição de status de criação do ECS
Exibição de falhas
Exibição de detalhes sobre um ECS
Exportação de informações do ECS
Efetuar login em um ECS de Windows
Visão Geral do Login
Acesso usando VNC
Acesso usando MSTSC
Fazer login em um ECS de Windows a partir de um computador Linux
Fazer login em um ECS de Windows a partir de um terminal móvel
Fazer login no ECS de Windows a partir de um Mac
Fazer login em um ECS de Linux
Visão Geral do Login
Login usando VNC
Login usando uma chave SSH
Acesso usando uma senha SSH
Fazer login em um ECS de Linux a partir de um terminal móvel
Fazer login em um ECS de Linux a partir de um computador macOS
Gerenciamento dos ECS
Alteração de um nome do ECS
Reinstalação de SO
Alteração de SO
Gerenciamento de grupos ECS
Alteração de fuso horário de um ECS
Modificação de especificações de memória e vCPU do ECS
Operações gerais para modificar especificações
Alteração de um ECS do Xen para um ECS do KVM (Windows)
Alteração automatica de um ECS do Xen para um ECS do KVM (Linux)
Alteração manual de um Xen ECS para um KVM ECS (Linux)
Migração de um ECS
Obtenção de Metadados e Transmissão de Dados do Usuário
Obtenção de Metadados
Transmissão de dados do usuário para os ECS
(Opcional) Configuração de mapeamento entre nomes de host e endereços IP
(Opcional) Instalação de um driver e um kit de ferramentas
Driver da GPU
Instalação de um driver GRID em um ECS acelerado por GPU
Obtenção de um driver Tesla e um kit de ferramentas CUDA
Instalação de um driver Tesla e um kit de ferramentas CUDA em um ECS acelerado por GPU
Visão geral
Criação de uma imagem
Discos de EVS
Visão geral
Adição de um disco a um ECS
Anexar um disco do EVS a um ECS
Adição de um disco EVS anual/mensal
Desanexar um disco do EVS de um ECS em execução
Expansão de capacidade de um disco EVS
Expansão dos discos locais de um ECS com uso intenso de disco
Ativação de disco avançado
Visão geral
Fazer o backup de dados de um ECS
Visão geral
Adição de uma NIC
Exclusão de uma NIC
Alteração de uma VPC
Modificação de um endereço IP privado
Gerenciamento de endereços IP virtuais
Ativação de NIC Multi-Filas
Atribuição dinâmica de endereços IPv6
Visão geral
Vinculação de um EIP
Desvinculação de um EIP
Alteração de um EIP
Alteração de uma largura de banda EIP
Ativação de conectividade com a Internet para um ECS sem um EIP
Métodos para melhorar a segurança do ECS
Projeto e Projeto Empresarial
Proteção para operações de missão crítica
Senhas e Pares de chaves
Cenários de aplicativo para usar senhas
Redefinição de senha para fazer logon em um ECS no console de gerenciamento
Plug-ins de redefinição de senha com um clique
(Opcional) Instalação de plug-ins de redefinição de senha com um clique
Atualização de plug-ins de redefinição de senha com um clique para um ECS
Pares de chaves
Cenários de aplicativo para usar pares de chaves
(Recomendado) Criação de um par de chaves no console de gerenciamento
Criação de um par de chaves usando o PuTTYgen
Importação de um par de chaves
Obtenção e exclusão de senha de um ECS de Windows
Obtenção de senha para fazer logon em um ECS de Windows
Exclusão de senha inicial para efetuar login em um ECS de Windows
Gerenciamento de permissões
Criação de um usuário e concessão de permissões ao ECS
Políticas personalizadas do ECS
Modelos de lançamento
Visão geral
Criação de um modelo de lançamento
Gerenciamento de modelos de lançamento
Grupos de lançamento automático
Visão geral
Criação de um grupo de inicialização automática
Gerenciamento de grupos de inicialização automática
Recursos e Tags
Gerenciamento de tag
Visão geral
Adição de tags
Pesquisa de recursos por tag
Exclusão de uma tag
Monitorização os ECS
Métricas básicas de ECS
Métricas de monitoramento do sistema operacional suportadas pelos ECS com o agente instalado
Métricas de Monitoramento do SO Suportadas pelos ECS com o Agente Instalado e Usando Métricas de Monitoramento Simplificadas
Configuração de regras de alarme
Exibição de métricas do ECS
Operações CTS suportadas
Exibição de registros de auditoria
Referência de API
Antes de começar
Visão geral
Chamada de API
Seleção do tipo ou versão da API
Consulta de dados em páginas
Visão geral da API
Chamada das API
Feito de uma solicitação de API
As API (recomendado)
Gerenciamento de ciclo de vida
Criação dos ECS
Criação de um ECS (Pay-per-Use)
Exclusão dos ECS
Consulta de detalhes sobre um ECS
Consulta de detalhes sobre os ECS
Modificação de um ECS
Gerenciamento de status
Reinstalação de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem com o Cloud-Init instalado)
Alteração de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem com o Cloud-Init instalado)
Reinstalação de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem sem o Cloud-Init instalado)
Alteração de um SO de ECS (usando uma imagem sem o Cloud-Init instalado)
Migração fria de ECS
Obtenção de endereço de login do VNC
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Modificação das especificações de um ECS (Pay-per-Use)
Adição de um ECS à lista de monitoramento
Operações em lote
Inicialização em massa dos ECS
Reinicialização em massa dos ECS
Interrupções em massa dos ECS
Modificação dos ECS em um lote
Redefinição das senhas para efetuar login nos ECS em um lote
Anexação de um disco EVS compartilhado especificado aos vários ECS
Gerenciamento de variante
Consulta de detalhes sobre variantes e informações estendidas sobre variante
Consulta de variantes de ECS de destino para os quais uma variante pode ser alterado
Gerenciamento de NIC
Adição das NIC a um ECS em um lote
Exclusão das NIC de um ECS em um lote
Consulta das NIC de um ECS
Gerenciamento de disco
Consulta de um único disco anexado a um ECS
Consulta de anexos de disco de um ECS
Consulta de informações sobre discos anexados a um ECS
Anexação de um disco a um ECS
Desinstalação de um disco EVS de um ECS
Modificação de um único disco conectado a um ECS.
Gerenciamento de metadados
Atualização de metadados do ECS
Exclusão de metadados do ECS especificados
Gerenciamento de cota de inquilinos
Consulta de cotas de tenant
Gerenciamento de status da tarefa
Consulta do status de execução da tarefa
Gerenciamento de tags
Tipos de tags
Adição de tags a um ECS em um lote
Exclusão de tags de um ECS em um lote
Consulta dos ECS por marca
Consulta de tags de projeto
Consulta de tags de um ECS
Gerenciamento de senha
Consulta sobre se a redefinição de senha com um clique é suportada
Redefinição da senha para fazer login em um ECS com alguns cliques
Obtenção da senha para efetuar login no ECS
Exclusão da senha para fazer login em um ECS
Gerenciamento de grupo ECS
Criação de um grupo ECS
Remoção de um grupo ECS
Adição de um ECS a um grupo ECS
Remoção de um ECS de um grupo ECS
Consulta de grupos de ECS
Consulta de detalhes sobre um grupo de ECS
As API da Nova do OpenStack
Consulta de versão da API
Consulta de todas as versões da API
Consulta de uma versão de API especificada
Gerenciamento de ciclo de vida
Criação de um ECS
Modificação de Informações de ECS
Exclusão de um ECS
Consulta dos ECS
Consulta de detalhes sobre os ECS
Querying Details About an ECS
Gerenciamento de status
Inicialização de um ECS
Reinicialização de um ECS
Interrupção de um ECS
Bloqueio de um ECS
Desbloqueio de um ECS
Criação de uma imagem usando um ECS
Modificação das especificações de um ECS
Confirmação da modificação das especificações de ECS
Reversão de especificações modificação de ECS
Gerenciamento de rede
Consulta de redes
Consulta das redes de um ECS especificado
Consulta da rede especificada de um ECS
Gerenciamento de grupo de segurança
Adição de um grupo de segurança
Exclusão de um grupo de segurança
Consulta de grupos de segurança para um ECS especificado
Gerenciamento de variante
Consulta de variantes de ECS
Consulta de detalhes sobre variantes de ECS
Consulta de detalhes sobre variante de ECS
Consulta do valor extra_specs para uma variante de ECS
Gerenciamento de NIC
Consulta das NIC
Consulta das NIC de um ECS
Adição de uma NIC a um ECS
Exclusão de uma NIC de um ECS
Gerenciamento de disco
Consulta de discos anexados a um ECS
Consulta de um disco anexado a um ECS
Anexação de um disco a um ECS
Destacamento de um disco de um ECS
Gerenciamento de metadados
Updating ECS Metadata
Configuração de metadados de ECS
Exclusão de metadados do ECS especificado
Consulta de metadados de ECS
Obtenção de metadados de ECS com uma chave especificada
Modificação de metadados de ECS com uma chave especificada
Gerenciamento de cotas de inquilinos
Consulta de limites de cota de locatário
Consulta de cotas de tenant
Consulta de cotas padrão
Gerenciamento de chaves e senhas
Consulta de pares de chaves SSH
Consulta de um par de chaves SSH especificado
Criação e importação de um par de chaves SSH
Exclusão de um par de chaves SSH
Obtenção da senha para efetuar login no ECS.
Exclusão da senha para fazer login em um ECS
ECS Group Management
Criação de um grupo de ECS
Consulta de grupos de ECS
Consulta de detalhes sobre um grupo de ECS
Remoção de um grupo ECS
Gerenciamento da operação de ECS
Consulta de operações em um ECS
Consulta de operações de ECS por ID de solicitação
Gerenciamento do console do ECS
Obtenção de logs do console de gerenciamento do ECS
Obtenção de um endereço de login remoto baseado em VNC (Microversão 2.6 ou posterior)
Consulta das AZ
Gerenciamento de tags
Consulta de tags de um ECS
Adição de tags a um ECS
Exclusão de tags de um ECS
Adição de tags a um ECS
Consulta de uma tag especificada para um ECS
Exclusão de uma tag especificada de um ECS
Versões Históricas
Exemplos de aplicação
Obtenção de um token e verificação do período de validade do token
Problemas comuns na criação dos ECS usando as API
Criação de um ECS
Consulta dos ECS
Modificação das especificações do ECS
Anexação de um disco a um ECS
Anexação de uma NIC a um ECS
Consulta do EIP associado a um ECS
Estrutura de dados
Estrutura de dados para criação dos ECS
Estrutura de dados para consultar detalhes sobre os ECS
Estrutura de dados para detalhes da consulta sobre especificações
Políticas de permissões e ações suportadas
Gerenciamento de ciclo de vida
Gerenciamento de status do ECS
Operações em lote
Gerenciamento de rede
Gerenciamento de imagem
Gerenciamento de grupo de segurança
Consulta de especificações
Gerenciamento de NIC
Gerenciamento de disco
Gerenciamento de metadados
Gerenciamento de cotas de inquilinos
Gerenciamento de chaves SSH
Gerenciamento de senha
Gerenciamento de endereço IP flutuante
Gerenciamento de grupos ECS
Gerenciamento do ECS por meio do console
Gerenciamento de AZ
Gerenciamento de tags
Parâmetros comuns
Valores retornados para solicitações gerais
Obtenção de um ID de projeto
Resultado da solicitação de tarefa
Respostas (Tarefa)
Valores retornados
Solicitação de tarefa em lote
Respostas (Operação em lote)
As API desatualizadas
Gerenciamento de status
Consulta da recuperação automática de um ECS (Descartado)
Gerenciamento da recuperação automática de um ECS (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de variante
Consulta das variantes de destino para os quais uma variante do ECS pode ser alterado (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de NIC
Vinculação de um endereço IP virtual a uma NIC do ECS (Descartado)
Desvinculação de um endereço IP virtual de uma NIC do ECS (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de disco
Consulta do anexo de disco de um ECS (Descartado)
Consulta de um único disco anexado a um ECS (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de tags
Adição de marcas a um ECS em um lote (Descartado)
Exclusão de marcas de um ECS em um lote (Descartado)
Consulta de marcas de projeto (Descartado)
Consulta de tags de um ECS (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de senha
Redefinição da senha para login em um ECS com poucos cliques (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de imagem (as API de Nova de OpenStack)
Consulta de Imagens (Descartado)
Consulta de detalhes da imagem (Descartado)
Consulta de detalhes sobre uma imagem especificada (Descartado)
Consulta dos metadados de uma imagem especificada (Descartado)
Exclusão de uma imagem (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de grupo de segurança (as API de Nova do OpenStack)
Consulta de grupos de segurança (Descartado)
Criação de um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
Consulta de detalhes sobre um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
Atualização de um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
Exclusão de um grupo de segurança (Descartado)
Criação de uma regra de grupo de segurança (Descartado)
Exclusão de uma regra de grupo de segurança (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de disco (as API de Nova do OpenStack)
Consulta de informações breves sobre discos (Descartado)
Consulta de informações detalhadas sobre discos (Descartado)
Consulta de informações sobre um disco (Descartado)
Criação de um disco (Descartado)
Exclusão de um disco (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de endereços IP flutuantes (as API Nova do OpenStack)
Vinculação de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
Desvinculação de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
Atribuição de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
Consulta de endereços IP flutuantes (Descartado)
Consulta de detalhes sobre um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
Liberação de um endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
Consulta de pools de endereço IP flutuante (Descartado)
Gerenciamento de snapshot (as API de Nova do OpenStack)
Criação de um snapshot (Descartado)
Consulta de snapshots (Descartado)
Exclusão de um snapshot (Descartado)
Códigos de status HTTP
Códigos de erro
Estados de ECS
As API de rede
Histórico de alterações
Perguntas frequentes
Tópicos comuns
ECS Overview
Using ECS
What Are the Precautions for Using ECSs?
What Can I Do with ECSs?
Os ECSs podem se recuperar automaticamente depois que o host físico que acomoda os ECSs se torna defeituoso?
License Agreements
Como usar o BYOL?
Regions and AZs
O que é uma AZ?
O que é uma região?
Os produtos são diferentes em diferentes regiões?
Is Data Transmission Between AZs Billed?
Posso alterar a região de um ECS comprado?
Um balanceador de carga pode distribuir tráfego para ECSs em diferentes regiões?
Is Application Disaster Recovery Available in Different Regions?
Existem serviços fornecidos para recuperação de desastres de aplicações?
Can Components Contained in an Application Be Distributed to Different Regions?
Billing Modes
Quais são as diferenças entre os modos de cobrança anual/mensal e pagamento por uso?
Continuarei a ser cobrado depois que os ECSs forem interrompidos?
Posso alternar entre pagamentos anuais/mensais e pagamentos por uso?
Perguntas frequentes sobre o congelamento, a exclusão e o cancelamento de assinatura do ECS
Como impedir que um ECS seja cobrado?
Perguntas frequentes sobre ECSs de preço à vista
Renewal and Unsubscription
Como renovar os ECSs?
Como renovar automaticamente um ECS anual/mensal?
Como cancelar a assinatura de ECSs?
Receberei uma notificação se o saldo da minha conta for insuficiente?
Receberei uma notificação de alterações no saldo da conta?
Creation and Deletion
ECS Creation
Por que meu ECS não é exibido no console de gerenciamento?
O que devo fazer se os recursos do ECS a serem comprados forem esgotados?
What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
Quando um ECS é provisionado?
Por que não consigo visualizar os ECSs que estão sendo criados imediatamente depois de pagar por eles?
Por que demora mais tempo para criar ECSs quando uso uma imagem de ECS completo?
O que eu faço se eu selecionei uma imagem incorreta para o meu ECS?
Devo escolher o SO Windows ou o SO Linux para meu ECS?
Com que rapidez posso obter um ECS?
Como gerenciar ECSs por grupo?
ECS Deletion
O que acontece depois de clicar no botão Delete?
Um ECS excluído pode ser provisionado novamente?
Um ECS excluído pode ser restaurado?
Como excluir ou reiniciar um ECS?
Posso reiniciar ou interromper um ECS à força?
Login and Connection
Login Preparations
Quais são os requisitos de logon para ECSs?
Qual é o nome de usuário e senha para logons remotos?
Posso recuperar minha senha de logon remoto?
Por que não posso usar o nome de usuário e a senha configurados durante a criação de um ECS acelerado por GPU para fazer logon no ECS por meio de SSH?
O que devo fazer se iniciar um ECS permanecer no estado "Waiting for cloudResetPwdAgent"?
Logins Through the Management Console
Por que caracteres distorcidos são exibidos quando faço logon no meu ECS usando o VNC?
What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
Por que uma tela em branco aparece depois que eu tentei fazer logon em um ECS usando o VNC?
O que devo fazer se o código de erro 1006 ou 1000 for exibido quando eu fizer logon em um ECS por meio do console de gerenciamento?
Por que nenhum arquivo de áudio pode ser reproduzido corretamente no meu ECS do Windows conectado usando o VNC?
Como alterar a resolução de um ECS de Windows?
Remote Logins
Por que não consigo fazer logon no meu ECS de Windows?
Por que não consigo fazer logon no meu ECS de Linux?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
Como alterar uma porta de logon remoto?
Por que não posso usar uma porta SSH não padrão para fazer logon no meu ECS de Linux?
Por que não consigo obter a senha para efetuar logon no meu ECS de Windows autenticado usando um par de chaves?
What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
O que devo fazer se eu não puder acessar um SO de Windows Server 2012 depois de desinstalar algum software?
Como fazer logon em um ECS após ele trocar o disco do sistema por outro ECS executando o mesmo SO?
Por que o sistema exibe uma mensagem indicando que a senha para fazer logon em um ECS de Windows não pode ser obtida?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
Por que ocorre uma falha de autenticação depois que tento fazer logon remotamente em um ECS do Windows?
Por que não consigo usar o computador local para me conectar ao meu ECS de Windows?
How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Por que o sistema não exibe Remote Desktop License Servers disponíveis para fornecer uma licença quando faço logon em um ECS de Windows?
Por que o sistema exibe o código de erro 0x112f quando faço logon em um ECS de Windows?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112.. When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
Por que o sistema exibe uma mensagem indicando credenciais inválidas quando tento acessar um ECS de Windows?
Por que ocorre um erro interno quando faço logon no meu ECS de Windows?
Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Por que estou vendo uma mensagem de erro que diz que a conta de usuário não está autorizada para logon remoto quando faço logon em um ECS de Windows?
Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Por que a BSOD ocorre quando eu efetuo logon em um ECS usando a conexão de área de trabalho remota?
Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
Por que estou vendo a mensagem de erro "Module is unknown" quando eu faço logon remotamente em um ECS de Linux?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
O que devo fazer se a mensagem de erro "read: Connection reset by peer" for exibida quando faço logon remotamente em um ECS de Linux?
Por que estou vendo a mensagem de erro "Access denied" quando faço logon remotamente em um ECS de Linux?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
ECS Management
Como um nome do host estático alterado pode ter efeito permanente?
Um nome de host do ECS com sufixo .novalocal é normal?
Por que o nome de host do meu ECS é restaurado para o nome original depois que o ECS é reiniciado?
Como definir nomes de ECS sequenciais ao criar vários ECSs?
Modifying Specifications
Como modificar as especificações do ECS?
O que devo fazer se minha solicitação de modificação de especificações não for enviada?
O que devo fazer se a execução de um script de instalação de driver falhar em um ECS executando o CentOS 5?
O que devo fazer se a execução de um script de instalação de driver falhar quando tentei modificar as especificações de um ECS de Linux?
Por que os discos de um ECS de Windows ficam off-line depois que eu modifico as especificações de ECS?
Por que a anexação de disco de um ECS do Linux falha depois que eu modifico as especificações do ECS?
Usage Errors
Como lidar com mensagens de erro exibidas no console de gerenciamento?
Como recuperar um ECS do Windows com um driver de virtualização anormal?
Why Is My Purchased ECS Not Activated?
O que devo fazer se os e-mails configurados em um ECS não puderem ser enviados?
Por que meu ECS de Windows está silenciado?
Como alterar um SID do ECS?
Por que um ECS de pagamento por uso não consegue ser iniciado?
OS Management
Changing OSs
A alteração do SO incorre em taxas?
Posso instalar ou atualizar o SO de um ECS?
Posso mudar o SO de um ECS?
Quanto tempo leva para alterar um SO de ECS?
Reinstalling OSs
Perderei meus dados de disco se eu reinstalar o SO do ECS, alterar o SO ou alterar as especificações do ECS?
Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
Posso selecionar outro SO durante a reinstalação do SO de ECS?
Quanto tempo leva para reinstalar um SO do ECS?
GUI Installation FAQs
Os ECSs suportam GUI?
Como instalar uma GUI em um ECS executando o CentOS 6?
Como instalar uma GUI em um ECS executando o CentOS 7?
Como instalar uma GUI em um ECS executando o Ubuntu?
Como instalar uma GUI em um ECS executando Debian?
OS Faults
Por que o SO falha ao responder quando o kdump ocorre em um ECS de Linux?
Como atualizar o kernel de um ECS de Linux?
Por que meu SO de ECS não pode iniciar corretamente?
Como corrigir as vulnerabilidades de segurança Meltdown e Spectre nos chips do processador Intel?
Como ativar o SELinux em um ECS executando o CentOS?
Por que um ECS de Linux com interrupção forçada não consegue ser reiniciado?
What Should I Do If the Cursor Is Unavailable After a GNOME GUI Is Installed on a Kunpeng ECS Running CentOS 7 or NeoKylin NKASV 7?
How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
File Upload/Data Transfer
Como fazer upload de arquivos para meu ECS?
Como transferir arquivos de um computador de Windows local para um ECS de Windows?
Como usar o OBS para transferir arquivos de um computador de Windows local para um ECS de Windows?
Como usar o WinSCP para transferir arquivos de um computador de Windows local para um ECS de Linux?
Como transferir arquivos de um Mac local para um ECS de Windows?
How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
Como usar o FTP para transferir arquivos de um computador de Windows local para um ECS de Windows ou Linux?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
Como transferir dados entre um computador local e um ECS de Windows?
What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
O que devo fazer se a gravação de dados falhar quando carregar um arquivo usando FTP?
Por que o acesso à Internet a um ECS implementado com FTP falha?
Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Migration
Posso migrar um ECS para outra região ou conta?
Image Source Management
Como usar uma ferramenta automatizada para configurar uma fonte de imagem da HUAWEI CLOUD (x86_64 e Arm)?
How Can I Use an OpenSUSE Image Source (x86_64) Provided by HUAWEI CLOUD?
How Can I Use a CentOS Image Source (x86_64) Provided by HUAWEI CLOUD?
How Can I Use a CentOS-Altarch Image Source (Arm) Provided by HUAWEI CLOUD?
How Can I Use an Ubuntu Image Source (x86_64 or Arm) Provided by HUAWEI CLOUD?
How Can I Use a EulerOS Image Source (x86_64 or Arm) Provided by HUAWEI CLOUD?
How Can I Use an EPEL Image Source (x86_64 or Arm) Provided by HUAWEI CLOUD?
How Can I Use a Pypi Image Source (x86_64 or Arm) Provided by HUAWEI CLOUD?
What Can I Do If the Download Speed Is Slow After the yum makecache Command Is Executed?
How Do I Change a CentOS Image Source to an Official HUAWEI CLOUD Image Source?
Disk Management
Disk Partitions and Virtual Memory
Por que não consigo encontrar meu disco de dados recém-comprado depois de fazer logon no ECS de Windows?
Como ajustar as partições do disco do sistema?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
Como ativar a memória virtual em um ECS do Windows?
Por que a memória de um ECS obtido por meio da execução do comando free é inconsistente com a memória real?
Disk Capacity Expansion
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
Disk Attachment
Posso anexar vários discos a um ECS?
Quais são os requisitos para anexar um disco EVS a um ECS?
Quais ECSs podem ser anexados com discos EVS SCSI?
Como obtenho o nome do meu dispositivo de disco no SO de ECS usando o identificador de dispositivo fornecido no console?
O que devo fazer se a anexação de um disco a um ECS do Windows falhar, mas ainda houver nomes de dispositivos disponíveis?
Por que um ECS de Linux com um disco SCSI anexado falha ao ser reiniciado?
Como verificar se os ECSs anexados com o mesmo disco SCSI compartilhado estão no mesmo grupo de ECS?
Todos os usuários podem usar o recurso de criptografia?
Como adicionar um ECS com discos locais anexados a um grupo do ECS?
Por que um disco anexado a um ECS de Windows fica off-line?
Por que a letra da unidade de disco muda depois que o ECS é reiniciado?
How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
Como corrigir a falha que pode ocorrer em um ECS de Linux com um disco SSD NVMe anexado?
Por que o nome do dispositivo do meu ECS C6 está no formato sd*?
Por que os registros de erros de disco são impressos depois que um disco anexado a um ECS é formatado com o sistema de arquivos ext4?
Passwords and Key Pairs
Como alterar a senha para fazer logon em um ECS de Linux?
Qual é a senha padrão para fazer logon em um ECS de Linux?
How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
Changing the Login Password on an ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS Without Password Reset Plug-ins Installed
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS Without Password Reset Plug-ins Installed
O que devo fazer se o sistema exibir uma mensagem indicando que a senha está incorreta quando faço logon remotamente no meu ECS?
O que devo fazer se não conseguir efetuar logon no meu ECS usando a senha inicial depois de usá-la por um período de tempo?
Por que o logon no meu ECS usando a senha de redefinição falha?
Por que estou vendo a mensagem indicando que a porta é usada por um plug-in de redefinição de senha com um clique?
Por que o plug-in de redefinição de senha com um clique usa muito VIRT e SHR?
Disabling SELinux
O que devo fazer se os plug-ins de redefinição de senha com um clique instalados em um ECS de Linux falharem ao serem iniciados?
Key Pairs
Como obter o par de chaves usado pelo meu ECS?
Como usar um par de chaves?
Posso baixar um par de chaves do meu telefone?
What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
Por que o logon no meu ECS de Linux usando um arquivo de chave falha?
O que devo fazer se não conseguir baixar um par de chaves?
Por que um par de chaves criado usando puttygen.exe não pode ser importado no console de gerenciamento?
Para que é usada a conta de cloudbase-init nos ECSs do Windows?
What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Network Configurations
Vários EIPs podem ser vinculados a um ECS?
Um ECS sem um EIP vinculado pode acessar a Internet?
Por que um EIP não pode ser pingado?
Por que posso acessar remotamente um ECS, mas não consigo fazer ping nele?
Por que o acesso de saída na porta TCP 25 é bloqueado?
DNS and NTP Configurations
Como configurar os servidores NTP e DNS para um ECS?
A HUAWEI CLOUD fornece o servidor NTP e como posso configurá-lo?
Configuração do DNS
O que devo fazer se ocorrer oscilação da NIC depois que minhas especificações do ECS forem modificadas?
Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
Como alterar o bloco CIDR de uma sub-rede do ECS?
Como posso verificar se a comunicação de rede é normal entre dois ECSs equipados com um driver de NIC InfiniBand?
Como configurar manualmente um endereço IP para uma NIC InfiniBand?
Por que a NIC não funciona?
How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
Como adicionar uma rota estática a um SO CentOS 6.5?
Por que meu ECS de Linux não consegue obter metadados?
Website or Application Access Failures
Por que meu ECS de Windows não pode acessar a Internet?
Por que meu ECS de Linux não consegue acessar a Internet?
Como obter o endereço MAC do meu ECS?
Como testar o desempenho da rede?
Por que não posso usar o DHCP para obter um endereço IP privado?
Como visualizar e modificar os parâmetros do kernel de um ECS de Linux?
Como configurar o redirecionamento de porta?
Os ECSs de contas diferentes podem se comunicar através de uma intranet?
Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
Security Configurations
Como um ECS se defende contra ataques DDoS?
Os ECSs com senhas simples são facilmente atacados?
Como a segurança do ECS é garantida?
How Can I Disable Operation Protection?
Resource Management and Tags
Como criar e excluir tags e pesquisar ECSs por tag?
Database Applications
Um banco de dados pode ser implementado em um ECS?
Um ECS oferece suporte a bancos de dados Oracle?
O que devo fazer se ocorrer um erro Msg 823 nos logs do sistema Oracle, MySQL ou SQL Server depois que um script de inicialização de disco for executado?
What's New
Function Overview
Billing Overview
Billing Modes
Yearly/Monthly Billing
Pay-per-Use Billing
Spot Pricing (for Spot Instances)
Spot Pricing (for Spot Block Instances)
Billing Items
Billing Examples
Billing Mode Changes
Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly
Yearly/Monthly to Pay-per-Use
Subscription Renewal
Manually Renewing an ECS
Auto-renewing an ECS
Billing Termination
Cost Management
Billing FAQ
Billing Modes
What Are the Differences Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
Will I Be Billed After ECSs Are Stopped?
Can I Switch Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
FAQs About ECS Frozen, Deletion, and Unsubscription
How Can I Stop an ECS from Being Billed?
FAQs About Spot ECSs
Renewal and Unsubscription
How Can I Renew ECSs?
How Can I Automatically Renew a Yearly/Monthly ECS?
How Do I Unsubscribe from ECSs?
Will I Receive a Notification If My Account Balance Is Insufficient?
Will I Receive a Notification of Account Balance Changes?
User Guide
Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
Creating a User and Granting ECS Permissions
ECS Custom Policies
Selecting an ECS Billing Mode
Yearly/Monthly Billing
Pay-per-Use Billing
Spot Pricing
Spot Pricing ECSs
Reserved Instances
Reserved Instance Overview
Enabling and Purchasing a Reserved Instance
Modifying RI Attributes
Changing Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly
Changing Yearly/Monthly to Pay-per-Use
Purchasing an ECS
Introducing ECS Purchase Options
Purchasing an ECS in Custom Config Mode
Purchasing a Spot ECS
Purchasing a Spot Block ECS
Purchasing an ECS Using a Private Image
Purchasing ECSs Using Auto Launch Groups
Purchasing an ECS in a Shared Subnet
Purchasing the Same ECS
Logging In to a Windows ECS
Login Overview (Windows)
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using MSTSC
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Linux Computer
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Logging In to a Linux ECS
Login Overview (Linux)
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using CloudShell
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Key Pair
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Password
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Managing GPU Drivers of GPU-accelerated ECSs
GPU Driver
Obtaining a Tesla Driver and CUDA Toolkit
Manually Installing a GRID Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Manually Installing a Tesla Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Uninstalling a GPU Driver from a GPU-accelerated ECS
Managing ECS Configurations
Changing the Time Zone for an ECS
Enabling or Disabling Hyper-Threading
Obtaining Metadata and Passing User Data
Obtaining Metadata
Injecting User Data
Changing ECS Names
Migrating an ECS to a DeH
Managing ECS Groups
Configuring Mapping Between Hostnames and IP Addresses in the Same VPC
Starting and Stopping ECSs
Modifying ECS Specifications (vCPUs and Memory)
Modifying Individual ECS Specifications
Changing a Xen ECS to a KVM ECS (Windows)
Automatically Changing a Xen ECS to a KVM ECS (Linux)
Manually Changing a Xen ECS to a KVM ECS (Linux)
Reinstalling or Changing the OS
Reinstalling the OS
Changing the OS
Viewing ECS Information
Viewing ECS Creation Statuses
Viewing Failed Tasks
Viewing ECS Details (List View)
Exporting ECS Information
Searching for ECSs
Creating an Image
Adding a Disk to an ECS
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Initializing Data Disks
Initialization Overview
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (Less Than or Equal to 2 TiB)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (Greater Than 2 TiB)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk
Adding a Yearly/Monthly EVS Disk
Detaching an EVS Disk from a Running ECS
Expanding the Capacity of an EVS Disk
Expanding the Local Disks of a Disk-intensive ECS
Enabling Advanced Disk
Elastic Network Interfaces
Attaching a Network Interface
Detaching a Network Interface
Changing a VPC
Modifying a Private IP Address
Managing Virtual IP Addresses
Enabling NIC Multi-Queue
Enabling IPv6 for a Network Interface
Dynamically Assigning IPv6 Addresses
Binding an EIP
Unbinding an EIP
Changing an EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Enabling Internet Connectivity for an ECS Without an EIP Bound
Methods for Improving ECS Security
Security Groups
Default Security Groups and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Configuring Security Group Rules
Changing a Security Group
Project and Enterprise Project
Protection for Mission-Critical Operations
Backup Using CBR
Backing Up an ECS
Passwords and Key Pairs
Password Reset
Application Scenarios for Using Passwords
Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS on the Management Console
One-Click ECS Password Reset Plug-in
Obtaining the ECS One-Click Password Reset Plug-in
Installing the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in on an ECS
Updating the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in for an ECS
Using Scripts to Batch Update the One-Click Password Reset Plug-ins for Linux ECSs
Using Scripts to Batch Update the One-Click Password Reset Plug-ins for Windows ECSs
Key Pairs
Application Scenarios for Using Key Pairs
(Recommended) Creating a Key Pair on the Management Console
Creating a Key Pair Using PuTTY Key Generator
Importing a Key Pair
Obtaining and Deleting the Password of a Windows ECS
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Deleting the Initial Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Launch Templates
Creating a Launch Template
Managing Launch Templates
Auto Launch Groups
Creating an Auto Launch Group
Managing Auto Launch Groups
Querying an Event
Handling an Event
Handling an Instance Redeployment Event
Handling a Local Disk Replacement Event
Handling a System Maintenance Event
Preprocessing for Local Disk Replacement
Preprocessing for Disk-intensive ECSs
Preprocessing for Ultra-high I/O ECSs
Preprocessing for Bare Metal ECSs
Preprocessing for Instance Redeployment
OS Dump
Configuring OS Dump
Viewing a Dump File
Self-Service O&M
Configuring Custom Policies for ECS Self-Service O&M
Setting Scheduled Tasks for ECSs
Resources and Tags
Tag Management
Adding Tags
Searching for Resources by Tag
Deleting a Tag
Quota Adjustment
Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
Monitoring ECSs
Basic ECS Metrics
OS Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Process Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Setting Alarm Rules
Viewing ECS Metrics
Audit Using CTS
ECS Operations Supported by CTS
Viewing Traces
QingTian Enclave Management
QingTian Enclave Overview
What Is QingTian Enclave?
QingTian Enclave Concepts
Getting Started with QingTian Enclave
Examples of Using QingTian Enclave
Building a QingTian Enclave Image
Launching a QingTian Enclave Instance
Cryptographic Attestation
Attestation Document
Document Signature Verification
Integration with Huawei Cloud KMS
QingTian Enclave Application Development
QingTian Enclave Application Development on Linux
QingTian Enclave Network Proxy
QingTian Enclave Log Forwarding Tool
QingTian CLI (qt CLI)
Installation of the qt CLI
Introduction to qt-enclave-env
Introduction to qt enclave Subcommands
QingTian Error Code
FAQs About QingTian
General Questions
Development and Deployment Questions
Best Practices
Best Practices Summary
Setting Up Websites on ECSs
Configuring an ECS
Setting Up an Environment
Setting Up an LNMP Environment
Manually Deploying LNMP (CentOS 7.2)
Manually Deploying LNMP (CentOS 8.0)
Manually Deploying LNMP (Ubuntu 20.04)
Manually Deploying LNMP (Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.0)
Setting Up an LAMP Environment
Manually Deploying LAMP (CentOS 7.8 PHP 7.0)
Setting Up a Java Web Environment
Setting Up Tomcat-based Java Web Environment (CentOS 7.4)
Setting Up Tomcat-based Java Web Environment (Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.0)
Manually Deploying Node.js (CentOS 7.2)
Setting Up a Website
Setting Up a WordPress Website
Setting Up a WordPress Website (Linux)
Setting Up a Discuz Forum
Requesting Cloud Resources
Building the Website
Configuring Features
Visiting the Website
Setting Up a Magento E-Commerce Website
Manually Setting Up a Magento E-Commerce Website (Linux)
Manually Deploying a Ghost Blog (Ubuntu 20.04)
Setting Up an Application
Setting Up an FTP Site
Setting Up an FTP Site (Windows 2012)
Setting Up an FTP Site (Windows 2019)
Setting Up an FTP Site (Linux)
Setting Up an FTP Site (Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.0)
Building Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016
Purchasing and Logging In to an ECS
Adding AD, DHCP, DNS, and IIS Services
Installing SQL Server
Installing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016
Configuring Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016
Verifying Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016
Deploying Docker
Manually Deploying Docker (CentOS 7.5)
Deploying an ECS for Handling Text Messages from an Official WeChat Account
Manually Deploying GitLab (CentOS 7.2)
Manually Deploying RabbitMQ (CentOS 7.4)
Setting Up Master-Slave Replication on PostgreSQL
Manually Installing a BT Panel (CentOS 7.2)
Installing and Deploying Jenkins on an ECS
Using auditd to Record File Changes (Linux)
Restoring Accidentally Deleted Data Using Extundelete (Linux)
Setting Up a ThinkPHP Framework
Securing an ECS
Enhancing Security for SSH Logins to Linux ECSs
Using a Virtual IP Address and Keepalived to Set Up a High-Availability Web Cluster
Migrating an ECS
Migrating Servers to the Cloud
Migrating ECSs Across Accounts and Regions Through Image Replication
Accessing OBS from an ECS over the Intranet
Accessing OBS over Intranet by Using OBS Browser+ on a Windows ECS
Accessing OBS over Intranet by Using obsutil on a Linux ECS
Using VNC Viewer to Access a Linux ECS
SDK Reference
SDK Overview
General Issues
Why Accessing a Website Outside the Chinese Mainland Is Slow on an ECS?
How Do I Troubleshoot a Ping Failure or Packet Loss Using a Link Test?
How Do I Troubleshoot Slow Connections to a Website Hosted on My ECS?
How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
Why Am I Unable to Connect to a Port on an ECS?
How Can I Resolve High Bandwidth Usage on My ECSs?
Why Is My Windows ECS Running Slowly?
Why Is My Linux ECS Running Slowly?
How Can I Handle Slow ECS Startup?
How Do I Configure Multiple IP Addresses for an ECS with Multiple NICs Attached?
Windows ECS Issues
How Can I Retain a Session on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Fix the Difference Between the System Time and the Local Standard Time?
How Do I Attach an Extension NIC to a Windows ECS for Accessing the Internet?
How Can I Fix Grayed Out Copy and Paste Options?
How Do I Configure File Sharing and Network Disk Mapping for a Windows ECS?
How Do I Troubleshoot an In-Service Port During Tomcat Startup?
How Do I Troubleshoot Unavailable Input Methods?
How Can I Set the Input Method for a Windows ECS?
How Do I Share Files Between Windows ECSs?
How Do I Restore Data in the Event of a Startup Failure on a Windows ECS?
How Do I View Login Logs of a Windows ECS?
What Can I Do If My Windows ECS Can Ping a Website but Cannot Access it?
Why Can't I Open the Start Menu and Search Box on a Windows ECS?
Linux ECS Issues
Why Is My Linux ECS Not Booting and Going Into Emergency Mode?
How Do I Fix a "Read-Only" Error When I Edit the /etc/fstab File?
How Do I Change the Time Zone on ECSs Running CentOS or EulerOS?
How Do I Troubleshoot "nf_conntrack:table full, dropping packet"?
How Do I Change the Default Boot Kernel in Ubuntu?
How Do I Configure atop and kdump on Linux ECSs for Performance Analysis?
Why Is the OS Version of My ECS Not the One in the Image I Selected During ECS Creation?
How Do I Enable My ECS to Boot From the Second Kernel If It Fails to Boot from the First Kernel?
How Can I Make /etc/rc.local Run at Startup in CentOS 7?
What OSs Are Supported If I Want to Install Docker on a Linux ECS?
Why Do the Modifications to /etc/security/limits.conf Not Take Effect After the ECS Restarts?
How Do I Set vCPU Affinity for Processes Using taskset?
What Should I Do If Error "command ´gcc´ failed with exit status 1" Occurs During PIP-based Software Installation
What Can I Do If Switching from a Non-root User to User root Times Out?
What Can I Do If the Permissions on the Root Directory of My CentOS ECS Changed to 777?
What Should I Do If the IP Settings of My Linux ECS Are Lost?
Why Does My Linux ECS Restart Unexpectedly?
What Do I Do If Error "Cannot allocate memory" Is Displayed?
What Can I Do If the Fork Process Failed and New Threads Cannot Be Created?
What Can I Do If the ECS Startup or Remote Login Fails Due to Incorrect System Configurations?
Why Do df and du Commands Show Different Disk Usage?
What Can I Do If NetworkManager Cannot Be Started? (Error Message: Failed to restart NetworkManager.service: Unit NetworkManager.service is masked)
Why Is the IP Address Lost After the System Time of an ECS Is Modified?
Configuring the Network
Why Does My ECS Running CentOS 7 Fail to Obtain an IP Address Using dhclient?
Why Does the NIC Names Change After I Start a Linux ECS?
Why an Entry Is Automatically Added to /etc/hosts After a Linux ECS Is Restarted?
How Do I Fix a Network Startup Failure Due to Multiple NIC Configuration Files?
Why Do I Get the Error "Name or service not known" When I Ping a Public Domain Name Configured for a Linux ECS?
Why Cannot the EIP Bound to the Extension NIC of My ECS Access the Internet?
How Do I Fix Too High Memory Usage by NetworkManager When Multiple Docker Containers Are Running?
Why Is the ECS IP Address Lost After the System Time Changes?
What Can I Do If resolv.conf Gets Reset?
What Can I Do If /etc/resolv.conf Is Restored After an ECS Running Ubuntu Is Restarted?
Disk Space Management Issues
Why Can't I Mount a Disk on an Old Mount Point by Modifying fstab in CentOS 7?
How Do I Create a Swap Partition or File in Linux?
Why Is the Space Not Released After I Delete a Large File on a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If the "Read-only file system" Error Message Is Displayed When I Attempt to Delete a File on a Linux ECS?
How Do I Fix File Creation Failures Due to Inode Exhaustion?
Why Do I Get the Error "No space left on device" When I Create a File on a Linux ECS?
What Can I Do If the Buffer and Cache Occupy Too Much Memory of a Linux ECS?
What Can I Do If the Partition Capacity Fails to Be Expanded Using growpart After the EVS Disk Capacity Is Expanded?
What Can I Do If Disk Scale-Out Fails When There Is Heavy I/O Workload for SCSI Disks?
GPU Driver Issues
Why Is the GPU Driver Abnormal?
Why Is the GPU Driver Unavailable?
Why Is the GPU Display Abnormal?
Why Is the T4 GPU Display Abnormal?
How Do I Troubleshoot GPU Start Failures Caused by NULL Pointer Dereference on NVIDIA?
SSH Connection Issues
How Do I Keep an SSH Session Alive?
How Can I Allow or Deny Login from Specific Users or IP Addresses to an ECS Using SSH?
Why Can't I Access an ECS Running CentOS 7 Using SSH After I Changed the Default SSH Port?
How Can I Resolve ECS Login Failures Due to Corrupt /etc/passwd?
Why Does It Takes a Long Time to Connect to an ECS Using SSH After UseDNS Is Enabled?
Why Does sshd Fail to Be Started on a Linux ECS?
How Do I Disable Login to an ECS Using SSH Password?
Why Are Connections to a Linux ECS Using SSH or to Applications on the ECS Interrupted Occasionally?
What Do I Do If "Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /root" Is Displayed and I Can't Log In to an ECS Using SSH Key?
What Do I Do If I Can Log In to an Ubuntu 16.04 ECS Using SSH But the VNC Login Page Cannot Be Displayed?
Multi-User Login Issues
How Do I Configure Multi-User Logins for an ECS Running Windows Server 2012?
Why Does a Browser Launch Error Occur in Multi-User Login?
How Do I Apply for a License for Authenticating Multi-User Sessions and Activate an ECS?
How Do I Troubleshoot Login Screen Flickering After Configuring Multi-User Login?
Passwords and Key Pairs Issues
How Do I Reset the Password for User root in Single-User Mode on a Linux ECS?
How Do I Reset the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
How Do I Fix the "Authentication token manipulation error" When I Reset the Password Using passwd on a Linux ECS?
How Do I Change the Key Pair for a Linux ECS?
How Do I Change the Login Mode of a Linux ECS from Key Pair to Password?
Firewall Configuration Issues
How Do I Disable a Windows ECS Firewall and Add a Port Exception on a Windows ECS Firewall?
How Do I Disable a Linux ECS Firewall and Add a Port Exception on a Linux ECS Firewall?
Why Does My Linux ECS Fail to Access the Internet After Port 80 Is Allowed by the Firewall Rules?
BSOD Issues
How Do I Fix a BSOD on a Windows ECS?
How Do I Troubleshoot Blue Screen or Black Screen Errors After an ECS Is Started?
Why Does BSOD Occur When I Log In to an ECS Using Remote Desktop Connection?
IIS Installation Issues
How Do I Install IIS on a Windows ECS?
Why Does an Error Occur When I Attempt to Change a Domain Name on IIS Manager?
How Do I Redirect Web Pages?
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Service Overview
What Is ECS?
ECS Advantages
ECS Application Scenarios
Notes and Constraints on Using ECSs
ECS and Other Services
ECS Overview
ECS Lifecycle
ECS Types
x86 ECS Specifications and Types
A Summary List of x86 ECS Specifications
General-Purpose ECSs
Dedicated General-Purpose ECSs
Memory-optimized ECSs
Large-Memory ECSs
Disk-intensive ECSs
Ultra-high I/O ECSs
GPU-accelerated ECSs
AI-accelerated ECSs
Image Types
EVS Disks
Data Protection
User Encryption
Fault Recovery
Permissions Management
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Creating an ECS
Step 1: Configure Basic Settings
Step 2: Configure Network
Step 3: Configure Advanced Settings
Step 4: Confirm
Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
Scenarios and Disk Partitions
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
Selecting an ECS Billing Mode
Pay-per-Use Billing
Reserved Instances
Reserved Instance Overview
Enabling and Purchasing a Reserved Instance
Modifying RI Attributes
Creating an ECS
Creating the Same ECS
Logging In to a Windows ECS
Login Overview (Windows)
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using MSTSC
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Linux Computer
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Logging In to a Linux ECS
Login Overview (Linux)
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Key Pair
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Password
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Managing GPU Drivers of GPU-accelerated ECSs
GPU Driver
Obtaining a Tesla Driver and CUDA Toolkit
Installing a GRID Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Installing a Tesla Driver and CUDA Toolkit on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Uninstalling a GPU Driver from a GPU-accelerated ECS
Managing ECSs
Changing the Time Zone for an ECS
Obtaining Metadata
Passing User Data to ECSs
Changing ECS Names
Migrating an ECS
Managing ECS Groups
Automatically Recovering ECSs
(Optional) Configuring Mapping Between Hostnames and IP Addresses
Starting and Stopping ECSs
Modifying ECS Specifications
General Operations
Reinstalling or Changing the OS
Reinstalling the OS
Changing the OS
Viewing ECS Information
Viewing ECS Creation Statuses
Viewing Failed Tasks
Viewing ECS Details (List View)
Exporting ECS Information
Creating an Image
EVS Disks
Adding a Disk to an ECS
Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from a Running ECS
Expanding the Capacity of an EVS Disk
Expanding the Local Disks of a Disk-intensive ECS
Enabling Advanced Disk
Elastic Network Interface
Attaching a Network Interface
Detaching a Network Interface
Changing a VPC
Modifying a Private IP Address
Managing Virtual IP Addresses
Enabling NIC Multi-Queue
Dynamically Assigning IPv6 Addresses
Binding an EIP
Unbinding an EIP
Changing an EIP
Changing an EIP Bandwidth
Enabling Internet Connectivity for an ECS Without an EIP
Methods for Improving ECS Security
Security Groups
Default Security Group and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Configuring Security Group Rules
Changing a Security Group
Project and Enterprise Project
Protection for Mission-Critical Operations
Backing Up an ECS
Passwords and Key Pairs
Application Scenarios for Using Passwords
Changing the Login Password on an ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS
Key Pairs
Application Scenarios for Using Key Pairs
(Recommended) Creating a Key Pair on the Management Console
Creating a Key Pair Using PuTTYgen
Importing a Key Pair
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting ECS Permissions
ECS Custom Policies
Resources and Tags
Tag Management
Adding Tags
Searching for Resources by Tag
Deleting a Tag
Quota Adjustment
Monitoring ECSs
Basic ECS Metrics
OS Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Process Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Setting Alarm Rules
Viewing ECS Metrics
Key Operations Supported by CTS
Viewing Traces
Common Topics
ECS Overview
What Are the Precautions for Using ECSs?
What Can I Do with ECSs?
Can ECSs Automatically Recover After the Physical Host Accommodating the ECSs Becomes Faulty?
Regions and AZs
What Is an AZ?
How Can I Stop an ECS from Being Billed?
Creation and Deletion
What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
What Happens After I Click the Delete Button?
Can a Deleted ECS Be Provisioned Again?
Can a Deleted ECS Be Restored?
How Do I Delete or Restart an ECS?
Can I Forcibly Restart or Stop an ECS?
Login and Connection
What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
Why Cannot I Use the Username and Password Configured During the Creation of a GPU-accelerated ECS to Log In to the ECS Through SSH?
Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
How Do I Change an ECS SID?
Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
ECS Management
How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
How Can I Modify ECS Specifications?
Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Management
Does OS Change Incur Fees?
Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
Do ECSs Support GUI?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
File Upload/Data Transfer
How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Migration
Can I Migrate an ECS to Another Region, AZ, or Account?
Disk Management
Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
How Can I Add an ECS with Local Disks Attached to an ECS Group?
Will My EVS Disk Be Deleted When I Delete Its Server?
Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Passwords and Key Pairs
How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
Changing the Login Password on an ECS
What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
Disabling SELinux
How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
How Can I Use a Key Pair?
What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Network Configurations
Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
How Do I Change the CIDR Block of an ECS Subnet?
How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
Why Is the NIC Not Working?
How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
Why Can't My Windows ECS Access the Internet?
Why Does My Linux ECS Fail to Access the Internet?
How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
Why Did I See "Invalid argument" or "neighbour table overflow" During an Access to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
How Can I Configure Port Redirection?
Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
Security Configurations
Are ECSs with Simple Passwords Easily Attacked?
How Is ECS Security Ensured?
How Can I Disable Operation Protection?
Resource Management and Tags
How Can I Create and Delete Tags and Search for ECSs by Tag?
Resource Monitoring
Why Is My Windows ECS Running Slowly?
Why Is My Linux ECS Running Slowly?
Database Applications
Can a Database Be Deployed on an ECS?
Does an ECS Support Oracle Databases?
What Should I Do If a Msg 823 Error Occurs in Oracle, MySQL, or SQL Server System Logs After a Disk Initialization Script Is Executed?
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Selecting an API Type or Version
Querying Data in Pages
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
APIs (Recommended)
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Deleting ECSs
Querying Details About an ECS
Querying Details About ECSs
Modifying ECS Details
Status Management
Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
Cold Migrating an ECS
Obtaining the VNC Login Address
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (V1.1)
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Batch Operations
Starting ECSs in a Batch
Restarting ECSs in a Batch
Stopping ECSs in a Batch
Modifying ECS Details in a Batch
Attaching a Specified Shared EVS Disk to Multiple ECSs
Flavor Management
Querying Details About Flavors and Extended Flavor Information
Querying the Target ECS Flavors to Which a Flavor Can Be Changed
NIC Management
Adding NICs to an ECS in a Batch
Deleting NICs from an ECS in a Batch
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an ECS NIC
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an ECS NIC
Querying NICs of an ECS
Disk Management
Querying a Single Disk Attached to an ECS
Querying Disk Attachments of an ECS
Querying Information About Disks Attached to an ECS
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from an ECS
Metadata Management
Updating ECS Metadata
Deleting Specified ECS Metadata
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quotas
Task Status Management
Querying Task Execution Status
Password Management
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to an ECS
Deleting the Password for Logging In to an ECS
ECS Group Management
Creating an ECS Group
Deleting an ECS Group
Adding an ECS to an ECS Group
Removing an ECS from an ECS Group
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
API Version Query
Querying All API Versions
Querying a Specified API Version
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Modifying ECS Details
Deleting an ECS
Querying ECSs
Querying Details About ECSs
Querying Details About an ECS
Status Management
Starting an ECS
Restarting an ECS
Stopping an ECS
Locking an ECS
Unlocking an ECS
Creating an Image Using an ECS
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Confirming ECS Specifications Modification
Rolling Back ECS Specifications Modification
Adding an ECS to the Monitoring List
Network Management
Querying Networks
Querying the Networks of a Specified ECS
Querying the Specified Network of an ECS
Security Group Management
Adding an ECS to a Security Group
Removing a Security Group
Querying Security Groups of a Specified ECS
Flavor Management
Querying ECS Flavors
Querying Details About ECS Flavors
Querying Details About an ECS Flavor
Querying the extra_specs Value for an ECS Flavor
NIC Management
Querying NICs of an ECS
Querying Details About a Specified NIC of an ECS
Adding a NIC to an ECS
Deleting a NIC from an ECS
Disk Management
Querying Disks Attached to an ECS
Querying a Disk Attached to an ECS
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching a Disk from an ECS
Metadata Management
Updating ECS Metadata
Configuring ECS Metadata
Deleting Specified ECS Metadata
Querying ECS Metadata
Obtaining ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Modifying ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quota Limits
Querying Tenant Quotas
Querying Default Quotas
Key and Password Management
Querying SSH Key Pairs
Querying a Specified SSH Key Pair
Creating and Importing an SSH Key Pair
Deleting an SSH Key Pair
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to an ECS
Deleting the Password for Logging In to an ECS
ECS Group Management
Creating an ECS Group
Querying ECS Groups
Querying Details About an ECS Group
Deleting an ECS Group
ECS Operation Management
Querying Operations on an ECS
Querying ECS Operations by Request ID
ECS Console Management
Obtaining ECS Management Console Logs
Obtaining a VNC-based Remote Login Address (Microversion 2.6 or Later)
Querying AZs
Tag Management
Querying Tags of an ECS
Adding Tags to an ECS
Deleting Tags from an ECS
Adding a Tag to an ECS
Querying a Specified Tag for an ECS
Deleting a Specified Tag from an ECS
Historical Versions
Application Examples
Creating an ECS
Data Structure
Data Structure for Creating ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About Specifications
Permissions and Supported Actions
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
Lifecycle Management
ECS Status Management
Batch Operations
Network Management
Image Management
Security Group Management
Specifications Query
NIC Management
Disk Management
Metadata Management
Tenant Quota Management
SSH Key Management
Password Management
Floating IP Address Management
ECS Group Management
ECS Management Through Console
AZ Management
Tag Management
Resource-Level Authorization
Common Parameters
Returned Values for General Requests
Obtaining a Project ID
Task Request Result
Responses (Task)
Returned Values
Batch Task Request
Responses (Batch Operation)
Out-of-Date APIs
Status Management
Querying Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Managing Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Flavor Management
Querying the Target Flavors to Which an ECS Flavor Can Be Changed (Discarded)
Disk Management
Querying Disk Attachment of an ECS (Discarded)
Querying a Single Disk Attached to an ECS (Discarded)
Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Images (Discarded)
Querying Image Details (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Specified Image (Discarded)
Querying the Metadata of a Specified Image (Discarded)
Deleting an Image (Discarded)
Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Security Groups (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Security Group (Discarded)
Updating a Security Group (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Brief Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Detailed Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Information About a Disk (Discarded)
Creating a Disk (Discarded)
Deleting a Disk (Discarded)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Creating a Snapshot (Discarded)
Querying Snapshots (Discarded)
Deleting a Snapshot (Discarded)
HTTP Status Codes
Error Codes
ECS Statuses
Network APIs
User Guide (Paris Regions)
Service Overview
What Is ECS?
ECS Advantages
ECS Application Scenarios
ECS Types and Specifications
ECS Overview
ECS Lifecycle
ECS Types
ECS Specifications
A Summary List of ECS Specifications
General-Purpose ECSs
Dedicated General-Purpose ECSs
Memory-optimized ECSs
Disk-intensive ECSs
Ultra-high I/O ECSs
GPU-accelerated ECSs
Discontinued ECS Specifications
Image Types
EVS Disks
Identity Authentication and Access Control
Access Control for ECS
Data Protection
User Encryption
Fault Recovery
License Types
Notes and Constraints
ECS and Other Services
User Permissions
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Creating an ECS
Step 1: Configure Basic Settings
Step 2: Configure Network
Step 3: Configure Advanced Settings
Step 4: Confirm
Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
Scenarios and Disk Partitions
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
Creating a User and Granting ECS Permissions
ECS Custom Policies
Logging In to a Windows ECS
Login Overview (Windows)
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using MSTSC
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Linux Computer
Logging In to a Linux ECS
Login Overview (Linux)
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Key Pair
Managing GPU Drivers of GPU-accelerated ECSs
GPU Driver
Obtaining a Tesla Driver and CUDA Toolkit
Manually Installing a GRID Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Manually Installing a Tesla Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Uninstalling a GPU Driver from a GPU-accelerated ECS
Managing ECS Configurations
Changing the Time Zone for an ECS
Obtaining Metadata and Passing User Data
Obtaining Metadata
Injecting User Data
Changing ECS Names
Migrating an ECS to a DeH
Managing ECS Groups
Configuring Mapping Between Hostnames and IP Addresses in the Same VPC
Starting and Stopping ECSs
Modifying ECS Specifications (vCPUs and Memory)
Modifying Individual ECS Specifications
Changing a Xen ECS to a KVM ECS (Windows)
Automatically Changing a Xen ECS to a KVM ECS (Linux)
Manually Changing a Xen ECS to a KVM ECS (Linux)
Reinstalling or Changing the OS
Reinstalling the OS
Changing the OS
Viewing ECS Information
Viewing ECS Creation Statuses
Viewing Failed Tasks
Viewing ECS Details (List View)
Exporting ECS Information
Creating an Image
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from a Running ECS
Expanding the Capacity of an EVS Disk
Expanding the Local Disks of a Disk-intensive ECS
NICsElastic Network Interfaces
Adding a NIC
Deleting a NIC
Changing a VPC
Managing Virtual IP Addresses
Enabling NIC Multi-Queue
Dynamically Assigning IPv6 Addresses
Binding an EIP
Unbinding an EIP
Changing an EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Enabling Internet Connectivity for an ECS Without an EIP Bound
Methods for Improving ECS Security
Security Groups
Default Security Groups and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Configuring Security Group Rules
Changing a Security Group
Backup Using CBR
Backing Up an ECS
Passwords and Key Pairs
Password Reset
Application Scenarios for Using Passwords
Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS in the OS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS
Key Pairs
Application Scenarios for Using Key Pairs
(Recommended) Creating a Key Pair on the Management Console
Creating a Key Pair Using PuTTY Key Generator
Importing a Key Pair
Obtaining and Deleting the Password of a Windows ECS
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Deleting the Initial Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Resources and Tags
Tag Management
Adding Tags
Searching for Resources by Tag
Deleting a Tag
Quota Adjustment
Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
Monitoring ECSs
Basic ECS Metrics
OS Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Process Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Setting Alarm Rules
Viewing ECS Metrics
Audit Using CTS
ECS Operations Supported by CTS
Viewing Traces
What Can I Do If Switching from a Non-root User to User root Times Out?
What Should I Do If Error "command ´gcc´ failed with exit status 1" Occurs During PIP-based Software Installation?
What Should I Do If Packages Are Downloaded Using PIP or wget at a Low Rate?
How Can I Handle Slow ECS Startup?
Common FAQ
Product Consulting
What Are the Precautions for Using ECSs?
What Can I Do with ECSs?
ECS Creation
What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
What Is the Creation Time and Launch Time of an ECS?
Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
ECS Deletion and Unsubscription
What Happens After I Click the Delete Button?
Can a Deleted ECS Be Provisioned Again?
Can a Deleted ECS Be Restored?
How Do I Delete or Restart an ECS?
Can I Forcibly Restart or Stop an ECS?
Remote Login
Login Preparations
What Are the Login Requirements for ECSs?
What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
What Should I Do If Starting an ECS Remains in "Waiting for cloudResetPwdAgent" State?
Remote Logins
Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
How Can I Log In to an ECS After It Exchanged the System Disk with Another ECS Running the Same OS?
Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to an ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
VNC Login
Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
Why Are Characters Entered Through VNC Still Incorrect After the Keyboard Language Is Switched?
Why Cannot I Use the French Keyboard to Enter Characters When I Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Are ECS Billing Modes?
Will I Be Billed After ECSs Are Stopped?
How Can I Stop an ECS from Being Billed?
Region and AZ
What Is AZ and How Can I Select and View an AZ?
What Is a Region?
Are Products Different in Different Regions?
Is Data Transmission Between AZs Billed?
Can I Migrate an ECS to Another Region, AZ, or Account?
Can a Load Balancer Distribute Traffic to ECSs in Different Regions?
Is Application Disaster Recovery Available in Different Regions?
Are There Any Services Provided for Application Disaster Recovery?
Can Components Contained in an Application Be Distributed to Different Regions?
Do ECSs Support GUI?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion
Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
How Can I Add ECSs Using Local Disks to an ECS Group?
Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Network Configuration
How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
How Do I Configure DNS for an ECS?
Can the ECSs of Different Accounts in Different VPCs Communicate over an Intranet?
Will My ECSs Be Deployed in the Same Subnet?
How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
Why Is the NIC Not Working?
Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
Password and Key Pair
How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS in the OS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS
What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
Disabling SELinux
How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
How Can I Use a Key Pair?
What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Application Deployment and Software Installation
Can a Database Be Deployed on an ECS?
Does an ECS Support Oracle Databases?
What Should I Do If a Msg 823 Error Occurs in Oracle, MySQL, or SQL Server System Logs After a Disk Initialization Script Is Executed?
File Upload/Data Transfer
How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure
How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
How Do I Change an ECS SID?
Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
Slow ECS Response
Why Is My Windows ECS Running Slowly?
Why Is My Linux ECS Running Slowly?
Specification Modification
How Do I Upgrade or Downgrade the Specifications of an ECS and Do I Need to Stop the ECS?
What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed on an ECS Running CentOS 5?
What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed When I Attempted to Modify the Specifications of a Linux ECS?
Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Change
Does OS Change Incur Fees?
Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
ECS Security Check
How Is ECS Security Ensured?
Resource Management and Tag
How Can I Create and Delete Tags and Search for ECSs by Tag?
Internet Inaccessible
Why Can't My Windows ECS Access the Internet?
Why Does My Linux ECS Fail to Access the Internet?
Website or Application Inaccessible
How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
Why Did I See "Invalid argument" or "neighbour table overflow" During an Access to a Linux ECS?
API Reference (Paris Regions)
Before You Start
API Overview
Selecting an API Type or Version
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
APIs (Recommended)
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Deleting ECSs
Status Management
Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Cold Migrating an ECS
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Batch Operations
Starting ECSs in a Batch
Restarting ECSs in a Batch
Stopping ECSs in a Batch
Flavor Management
Querying Details About Flavors and Extended Flavor Information
NIC Management
Adding NICs to an ECS in a Batch
Deleting NICs from an ECS in a Batch
Disk Management
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from an ECS
Querying Disk Attachment of an ECS
Querying a Single Disk Attached to an ECS
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quotas
Task Status Management
Querying Task Execution Status
Tag Management
Tag Types
Querying ECSs by Tag
Adding Tags to an ECS in a Batch
Deleting Tags from an ECS in a Batch
Querying Project Tags
Querying Tags of an ECS
ECS Group Management
Creating an ECS Group
Deleting an ECS Group
Adding an ECS to an ECS Group
Removing an ECS from an ECS Group
Querying ECS Groups
Querying Details About an ECS Group
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
API Version Query
Querying All API Versions
Querying a Specified API Version
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Modifying an ECS
Deleting an ECS
Querying the ECS List
Querying Details About ECSs
Querying Details About an ECS
Status Management
Starting an ECS
Restarting an ECS
Disabling an ECS
Locking an ECS
Unlocking an ECS
Rebuilding an ECS
Creating an Image Using an ECS
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Confirming the Specifications Modification of an ECS
Rolling Back ECS Specifications Modification
Adding an ECS to the Monitoring List
Network Management
Querying Networks
Querying the Networks of a Specified ECS
Querying the Specified Network of an ECS
Security Group Management
Adding a Security Group
Removing a Security Group
Querying Security Groups of a Specified ECS
Flavor Management
Querying ECS Flavors
Querying Details About ECS Flavors
Querying Details About an ECS Flavor
Querying the extra_specs Value for an ECS Flavor
NIC Management
Querying NICs of an ECS
Querying Details About a Specified NIC of an ECS
Adding a NIC to an ECS
Deleting a NIC from an ECS
Disk Management
Querying Disks Attached to an ECS
Querying a Disk Attached to an ECS
Attaching an ECS Data Disk
Detaching a Disk from an ECS
Metadata Management
Updating ECS Metadata
Configuring ECS Metadata
Deleting Specified ECS Metadata
Querying ECS Metadata
Obtaining ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Modifying ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quota Limits
Querying Tenant Quotas
Querying Default Quotas
Key and Password Management
Querying SSH Key Pairs
Querying a Specified SSH Key Pair
Creating and Importing an SSH Key Pair
Deleting an SSH Key
Obtaining the Password of an ECS
Deleting the Password of an ECS
ECS Group Management
Creating an ECS Group
Querying ECS Groups
Querying Details About an ECS Group
Deleting an ECS Group
ECS Operation Management
Querying Operations on an ECS
Querying ECS Operations by Request ID
ECS Console Management
Obtaining ECS Management Console Logs
Tag Management
Querying All Tags of an ECS
Adding Tags to an ECS
Deleting All Tags of an ECS
Adding a Tag to an ECS
Querying a Specified Tag for an ECS
Deleting a Specified Tag from an ECS
Historical Versions
Application Examples
Creating an ECS
Data Structure
Data Structure for Creating ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About Specifications
Permissions and Supported Actions
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
Lifecycle Management
ECS Status Management
Batch Operations
Network Management
Image Management
Security Group Management
Specifications Query
NIC Management
Disk Management
Metadata Management
Tenant Quota Management
SSH Key Management
Password Management
Floating IP Address Management
ECS Group Management
Tag Management
Common Parameters
Returned Values for General Requests
Obtaining a Project ID
Task Request Result
Responses (Task)
Returned Values
Batch Task Request
Responses (Batch Operation)
Out-of-Date APIs
Status Management
Querying Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Managing Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Images (Discarded)
Querying Image Details (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Specified Image (Discarded)
Querying the Metadata of a Specified Image (Discarded)
Deleting an Image (Discarded)
Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Security Groups (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Security Group (Discarded)
Updating a Security Group (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Brief Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Detailed Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Information About a Disk (Discarded)
Creating a Disk (Discarded)
Deleting a Disk (Discarded)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Creating a Snapshot (Discarded)
Querying Snapshots (Discarded)
Deleting a Snapshot (Discarded)
HTTP Status Codes
Error Codes
ECS Statuses
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Service Overview
What Is ECS?
ECS Advantages
ECS Application Scenarios
Notes and Constraints on Using ECSs
ECS and Other Services
ECS Overview
ECS Lifecycle
ECS Types
ECS Specifications and Types
A Summary List of ECS Specifications
General-Purpose ECSs
General Computing-plus ECSs
Memory-optimized ECSs
Large-Memory ECSs
GPU-accelerated ECSs
Image Types
EVS Disks
Data Protection
User Encryption
Permissions Management
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Creating an ECS
Step 1: Configure Basic Settings
Step 2: Configure Network
Step 3: Configure Advanced Settings
Step 4: Confirm
Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
Scenarios and Disk Partitions
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
Creating an ECS
Creating the Same ECS
Logging In to a Windows ECS
Login Overview (Windows)
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using MSTSC
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Linux Computer
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Logging In to a Linux ECS
Login Overview (Linux)
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Key Pair
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Password
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Managing GPU Drivers of GPU-accelerated ECSs
GPU Driver
Obtaining a Tesla Driver and CUDA Toolkit
Installing a GRID Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Installing a Tesla Driver and CUDA Toolkit on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Uninstalling a GPU Driver from a GPU-accelerated ECS
Managing ECSs
Changing the Time Zone for an ECS
Obtaining Metadata
Passing User Data to ECSs
Changing ECS Names
Migrating an ECS
Managing ECS Groups
(Optional) Configuring Mapping Between Hostnames and IP Addresses
Starting and Stopping ECSs
Modifying ECS Specifications
General Operations
Reinstalling or Changing the OS
Reinstalling the OS
Changing the OS
Viewing ECS Information
Viewing ECS Creation Statuses
Viewing Failed Tasks
Viewing ECS Details (List View)
Exporting ECS Information
Creating an Image
EVS Disks
Adding a Disk to an ECS
Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from a Running ECS
Expanding the Capacity of an EVS Disk
Expanding the Local Disks of a Disk-intensive ECS
Enabling Advanced Disk
Adding a NIC
Deleting a NIC
Changing a VPC
Modifying a Private IP Address
Managing Virtual IP Addresses
Enabling NIC Multi-Queue
Dynamically Assigning IPv6 Addresses
Binding an EIP
Unbinding an EIP
Changing an EIP
Changing an EIP Bandwidth
Enabling Internet Connectivity for an ECS Without an EIP
Security Groups
Default Security Group and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Configuring Security Group Rules
Changing a Security Group
Project and Enterprise Project
Protection for Mission-Critical Operations
Backing Up an ECS
Passwords and Key Pairs
Application Scenarios for Using Passwords
Changing the Login Password on an ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS
Key Pairs
Application Scenarios for Using Key Pairs
(Recommended) Creating a Key Pair on the Management Console
Creating a Key Pair Using PuTTYgen
Importing a Key Pair
Obtaining and Deleting the Password of a Windows ECS
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Deleting the Initial Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting ECS Permissions
ECS Custom Policies
Resources and Tags
Tag Management
Adding Tags
Searching for Resources by Tag
Deleting a Tag
Quota Adjustment
Monitoring ECSs
Basic ECS Metrics
OS Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Setting Alarm Rules
Viewing ECS Metrics
Key Operations Supported by CTS
Viewing Traces
Common Topics
ECS Overview
Using ECS
What Are the Precautions for Using ECSs?
What Can I Do with ECSs?
Can ECSs Automatically Recover After the Physical Host Accommodating the ECSs Becomes Faulty?
Creation and Deletion
ECS Creation
What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
ECS Deletion
What Happens After I Click the Delete Button?
Can a Deleted ECS Be Provisioned Again?
Can a Deleted ECS Be Restored?
How Do I Delete or Restart an ECS?
Can I Forcibly Restart or Stop an ECS?
Login and Connection
Login Preparations
What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
Why Cannot I Use the Username and Password Configured During the Creation of a GPU-accelerated ECS to Log In to the ECS Through SSH?
Remote Logins
Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
Logins Through the Management Console
Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
How Do I Change an ECS SID?
Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
ECS Management
How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
Modifying Specifications
How Can I Modify ECS Specifications?
Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Management
Changing OSs
Does OS Change Incur Fees?
Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
Reinstalling OSs
Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
GUI Installation FAQs
Do ECSs Support GUI?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
OS Faults
Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
File Upload/Data Transfer
How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Migration
Can I Migrate an ECS to Another Region, AZ, or Account?
Disk Management
Disk Partitions and Virtual Memory
Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
Disk Capacity Expansion
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
Disk Attachment
Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
How Can I Add an ECS with Local Disks Attached to an ECS Group?
Will My EVS Disk Be Deleted When I Delete Its Server?
Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Passwords and Key Pairs
How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
Changing the Login Password on an ECS
What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
Disabling SELinux
Key Pairs
How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
How Can I Use a Key Pair?
What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Network Configurations
Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
DNS and NTP Configurations
How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
How Do I Change the CIDR Block of an ECS Subnet?
How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
Website or Application Access Failures
Why Can't My Windows ECS Access the Internet?
Why Does My Linux ECS Fail to Access the Internet?
How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
Why Did I See "Invalid argument" or "neighbour table overflow" During an Access to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
How Can I Configure Port Redirection?
Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
Security Configurations
Are ECSs with Simple Passwords Easily Attacked?
How Is ECS Security Ensured?
How Can I Disable Operation Protection?
Resource Management and Tags
How Can I Create and Delete Tags and Search for ECSs by Tag?
Resource Monitoring
Why Is My Windows ECS Running Slowly?
Why Is My Linux ECS Running Slowly?
Database Applications
Can a Database Be Deployed on an ECS?
Does an ECS Support Oracle Databases?
What Should I Do If a Msg 823 Error Occurs in Oracle, MySQL, or SQL Server System Logs After a Disk Initialization Script Is Executed?
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Selecting an API Type or Version
Querying Data in Pages
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
APIs (Recommended)
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Deleting ECSs
Querying Details About an ECS
Querying Details About ECSs
Modifying ECS Details
Status Management
Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
Cold Migrating an ECS
Obtaining the VNC Login Address
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (V1.1)
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Batch Operations
Starting ECSs in a Batch
Restarting ECSs in a Batch
Stopping ECSs in a Batch
Modifying ECS Details in a Batch
Attaching a Specified Shared EVS Disk to Multiple ECSs
Flavor Management
Querying Details About Flavors and Extended Flavor Information
Querying the Target ECS Flavors to Which a Flavor Can Be Changed
NIC Management
Adding NICs to an ECS in a Batch
Deleting NICs from an ECS in a Batch
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an ECS NIC
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an ECS NIC
Querying NICs of an ECS
Disk Management
Querying a Single Disk Attached to an ECS
Querying Disk Attachments of an ECS
Querying Information About Disks Attached to an ECS
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from an ECS
Metadata Management
Updating ECS Metadata
Deleting Specified ECS Metadata
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quotas
Task Status Management
Querying Task Execution Status
Password Management
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to an ECS
Deleting the Password for Logging In to an ECS
ECS Group Management
Creating an ECS Group
Deleting an ECS Group
Adding an ECS to an ECS Group
Removing an ECS from an ECS Group
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
API Version Query
Querying All API Versions
Querying a Specified API Version
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Modifying ECS Details
Deleting an ECS
Querying ECSs
Querying Details About ECSs
Querying Details About an ECS
Status Management
Starting an ECS
Restarting an ECS
Stopping an ECS
Locking an ECS
Unlocking an ECS
Creating an Image Using an ECS
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Confirming ECS Specifications Modification
Rolling Back ECS Specifications Modification
Adding an ECS to the Monitoring List
Network Management
Querying Networks
Querying the Networks of a Specified ECS
Querying the Specified Network of an ECS
Security Group Management
Adding an ECS to a Security Group
Removing a Security Group
Querying Security Groups of a Specified ECS
Flavor Management
Querying ECS Flavors
Querying Details About ECS Flavors
Querying Details About an ECS Flavor
Querying the extra_specs Value for an ECS Flavor
NIC Management
Querying NICs of an ECS
Querying Details About a Specified NIC of an ECS
Adding a NIC to an ECS
Deleting a NIC from an ECS
Disk Management
Querying Disks Attached to an ECS
Querying a Disk Attached to an ECS
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching a Disk from an ECS
Metadata Management
Updating ECS Metadata
Configuring ECS Metadata
Deleting Specified ECS Metadata
Querying ECS Metadata
Obtaining ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Modifying ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quota Limits
Querying Tenant Quotas
Querying Default Quotas
Key and Password Management
Querying SSH Key Pairs
Querying a Specified SSH Key Pair
Creating and Importing an SSH Key Pair
Deleting an SSH Key Pair
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to an ECS
Deleting the Password for Logging In to an ECS
ECS Group Management
Creating an ECS Group
Querying ECS Groups
Querying Details About an ECS Group
Deleting an ECS Group
ECS Operation Management
Querying Operations on an ECS
Querying ECS Operations by Request ID
ECS Console Management
Obtaining ECS Management Console Logs
Obtaining a VNC-based Remote Login Address (Microversion 2.6 or Later)
Querying AZs
Tag Management
Querying Tags of an ECS
Adding Tags to an ECS
Deleting Tags from an ECS
Adding a Tag to an ECS
Querying a Specified Tag for an ECS
Deleting a Specified Tag from an ECS
Historical Versions
Application Examples
Creating an ECS
Data Structure
Data Structure for Creating ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About Specifications
Permissions and Supported Actions
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
Lifecycle Management
ECS Status Management
Batch Operations
Network Management
Image Management
Security Group Management
Specifications Query
NIC Management
Disk Management
Metadata Management
Tenant Quota Management
SSH Key Management
Password Management
Floating IP Address Management
ECS Group Management
ECS Management Through Console
AZ Management
Tag Management
Common Parameters
Returned Values for General Requests
Obtaining a Project ID
Task Request Result
Responses (Task)
Returned Values
Batch Task Request
Responses (Batch Operation)
Out-of-Date APIs
Status Management
Querying Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Managing Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Flavor Management
Querying the Target Flavors to Which an ECS Flavor Can Be Changed (Discarded)
Disk Management
Querying Disk Attachment of an ECS (Discarded)
Querying a Single Disk Attached to an ECS (Discarded)
Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Images (Discarded)
Querying Image Details (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Specified Image (Discarded)
Querying the Metadata of a Specified Image (Discarded)
Deleting an Image (Discarded)
Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Security Groups (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Security Group (Discarded)
Updating a Security Group (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Brief Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Detailed Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Information About a Disk (Discarded)
Creating a Disk (Discarded)
Deleting a Disk (Discarded)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Creating a Snapshot (Discarded)
Querying Snapshots (Discarded)
Deleting a Snapshot (Discarded)
HTTP Status Codes
Error Codes
ECS Statuses
Network APIs
User Guide (Ankara Region)
Service Overview
What Is ECS?
ECS Advantages
ECS Application Scenarios
ECS Types and Specifications
ECS Overview
ECS Lifecycle
ECS Types
x86 ECS Specifications
General-Purpose ECSs
General Computing-plus ECSs
Memory-optimized ECSs
Disk-intensive ECSs
Ultra-high I/O ECSs
High-Performance Computing ECSs
GPU-accelerated ECSs
AI-accelerated ECSs
Kunpeng ECS Specifications and Types
Kunpeng General Computing ECSs
Kunpeng General Computing-plus ECSs
Kunpeng Memory-optimized ECSs
Kunpeng Ultra-high I/O ECSs
Kunpeng AI Inference-accelerated ECSs
Image Types
EVS Disks
Fault Recovery
ECS and Other Services
Permissions Management
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Creating an ECS
Step 1: Configure Basic Settings
Step 2: Configure Network
Step 3: Configure Advanced Settings
Step 4: Confirm
Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
Scenarios and Disk Partitions
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
Creating a User and Granting ECS Permissions
ECS Custom Policies
Logging In to a Windows ECS
Login Overview (Windows)
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Windows ECS Using MSTSC
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Linux Computer
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Windows ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Logging In to a Linux ECS
Login Overview (Linux)
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using VNC
Logging In to a Linux ECS Using an SSH Password
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a macOS Server
Logging In to a Linux ECS from a Mobile Terminal
Managing GPU Drivers of GPU-accelerated ECSs
GPU Driver
Obtaining a Tesla Driver and CUDA Toolkit
Manually Installing a GRID Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Manually Installing a Tesla Driver on a GPU-accelerated ECS
Managing ECS Configurations
Changing the Time Zone for an ECS
Obtaining Metadata and Passing User Data
Obtaining Metadata
Passing User Data
Changing ECS Names
Managing ECS Groups
Automatically Recovering ECSs
Obtaining ECS Console Logs
Configuring Mapping Between Hostnames and IP Addresses in the Same VPC
Modifying ECS Specifications (vCPUs and Memory)
Modifying Individual ECS Specifications
Reinstalling or Changing the OS
Reinstalling the OS
Changing the OS
Viewing ECS Information
Viewing ECS Creation Statuses
Viewing Failed Tasks
Viewing ECS Details (List View)
Exporting ECS Information
Creating an Image
Adding a Disk to an ECS
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from a Running ECS
Expanding the Capacity of an EVS Disk
Enabling Advanced Disk
Elastic Network Interfaces
Attaching a Network Interface
Detaching a Network Interface
Modifying a Private IP Address
Managing Virtual IP Addresses
Enabling NIC Multi-Queue
Dynamically Assigning IPv6 Addresses
Binding an EIP
Unbinding an EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Enabling Internet Connectivity for an ECS Without an EIP
Security Groups
Default Security Groups and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Configuring Security Group Rules
Changing a Security Group
Backup Using CBR
Backing Up an ECS
Passwords and Key Pairs
Password Reset
Application Scenarios for Using Passwords
Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS on the Management Console
Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS in the OS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS
One-Click ECS Password Reset Plug-in
Installing the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in on an ECS
Key Pairs
Application Scenarios for Using Key Pairs
(Recommended) Creating a Key Pair on the Management Console
Creating a Key Pair Using PuTTY Key Generator
Importing a Key Pair
Obtaining and Deleting the Password of a Windows ECS
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Deleting the Initial Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
Quota Adjustment
Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
Monitoring ECSs
Basic ECS Metrics
OS Monitoring Metrics Supported by ECSs with the Agent Installed
Setting Alarm Rules
Viewing ECS Metrics
Product Consulting FAQ
What Are the Precautions for Using ECSs?
What Can I Do with ECSs?
ECS Creation FAQ
Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
ECS Deletion and Unsubscription FAQ
What Happens After I Click the Delete Button?
Can a Deleted ECS Be Provisioned Again?
Can I Forcibly Restart or Stop an ECS?
Remote Login FAQ
Login Preparations
What Should I Do If Starting an ECS Remains in "Waiting for cloudResetPwdAgent" State?
Remote Logins
What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
VNC Login
What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion FAQ
Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
Network Configuration FAQ
Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
Password and Key Pair FAQ
How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
Why Does Login to My ECS Using the Reset Password Fail?
Why Am I Seeing the Message Indicating That the Port Is Used by a One-Click Password Reset Plug-in?
Why Does the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in Use Too Much VIRT and SHR?
How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Application Deployment and Software Installation FAQ
Can a Database Be Deployed on an ECS?
Does an ECS Support Oracle Databases?
File Upload/Data Transfer FAQ
How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure FAQ
How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
Why Does the System Display a Question Mark When I Attempt to Obtain Console Logs?
Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
Slow ECS Response FAQ
Why Is My Windows ECS Running Slowly?
Why Is My Linux ECS Running Slowly?
Specification Modification FAQ
Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Change FAQ
Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
API Reference (Ankara Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Selecting an API Type or Version
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
APIs (Recommended)
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Deleting ECSs
Querying Details About an ECS
Querying Details About ECSs
Status Management
Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Batch Operations
Starting ECSs in a Batch
Restarting ECSs in a Batch
Stopping ECSs in a Batch
Modifying ECS Details in a Batch
Resetting the Passwords for Logging In to ECSs in a Batch
Attaching a Specified Shared EVS Disk to Multiple ECSs
Flavor Management
Querying Details About Flavors and Extended Flavor Information
Querying the Target Flavors to Which an ECS Flavor Can Be Changed
NIC Management
Adding NICs to an ECS in a Batch
Deleting NICs from an ECS in a Batch
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an ECS NIC
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an ECS NIC
Querying NICs of an ECS
Disk Management
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching an EVS Disk from an ECS
Querying Disk Attachment of an ECS
Querying a Single Disk Attached to an ECS
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quotas
Task Status Management
Querying Task Execution Status
Tag Management
Tag Types
Adding Tags to an ECS in a Batch
Deleting Tags from an ECS in a Batch
Querying ECSs by Tag
Querying Project Tags
Querying Tags of an ECS
Password Management
Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS with a Few Clicks
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
API Version Query
Querying All API Versions
Querying a Specified API Version
Lifecycle Management
Creating an ECS
Modifying ECS Details
Deleting an ECS
Querying ECSs
Querying Details About ECSs
Querying Details About an ECS
Status Management
Starting an ECS
Restarting an ECS
Stopping an ECS
Locking an ECS
Unlocking an ECS
Creating an Image Using an ECS
Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
Confirming ECS Specifications Modification
Rolling Back ECS Specifications Modification
Adding an ECS to the Monitoring List
Network Management
Querying Networks
Querying the Networks of a Specified ECS
Querying the Specified Network of an ECS
Security Group Management
Adding an ECS to a Security Group
Removing a Security Group
Querying Security Groups of a Specified ECS
Flavor Management
Querying ECS Flavors
Querying Details About ECS Flavors
Querying Details About an ECS Flavor
Querying the extra_specs Value for an ECS Flavor
NIC Management
Querying NICs of an ECS
Querying Details About a Specified NIC of an ECS
Adding a NIC to an ECS
Deleting a NIC from an ECS
Disk Management
Querying Disks Attached to an ECS
Querying a Disk Attached to an ECS
Attaching a Disk to an ECS
Detaching a Disk from an ECS
Metadata Management
Updating ECS Metadata
Configuring ECS Metadata
Deleting Specified ECS Metadata
Querying ECS Metadata
Obtaining ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Modifying ECS Metadata with a Specified Key
Tenant Quota Management
Querying Tenant Quota Limits
Querying Tenant Quotas
Querying Default Quotas
Key and Password Management
Querying SSH Key Pairs
Querying a Specified SSH Key Pair
Creating and Importing an SSH Key Pair
Deleting an SSH Key Pair
Obtaining the Password for Logging In to an ECS
Deleting the Password for Logging In to an ECS
ECS Group Management
Creating an ECS Group
Querying ECS Groups
Querying Details About an ECS Group
Deleting an ECS Group
ECS Operation Management
Querying Operations on an ECS
Querying ECS Operations by Request ID
ECS Console Management
Obtaining ECS Management Console Logs
Querying AZs
Tag Management
Tag Types
Querying Tags of an ECS
Adding Tags to an ECS
Deleting Tags from an ECS
Adding a Tag to an ECS
Querying a Specified Tag for an ECS
Deleting a Specified Tag from an ECS
Historical Versions
Application Examples
Creating an ECS
Data Structure
Data Structure for Creating ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About ECSs
Data Structure for Querying Details About Specifications
Permissions and Supported Actions
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
Lifecycle Management
ECS Status Management
Batch Operations
Network Management
Image Management
Security Group Management
Specifications Query
NIC Management
Disk Management
Metadata Management
Tenant Quota Management
SSH Key Management
Password Management
Floating IP Address Management
ECS Group Management
ECS Management Through Console
AZ Management
Tag Management
Common Parameters
Returned Values for General Requests
Obtaining a Project ID
Task Request Result
Responses (Task)
Returned Values
Batch Task Request
Responses (Batch Operation)
Out-of-Date APIs
Status Management
Querying Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Managing Automatic Recovery of an ECS (Discarded)
Tag Management
Adding Tags to an ECS in a Batch (Discarded)
Deleting Tags from an ECS in a Batch (Discarded)
Querying Project Tags (Discarded)
Querying Tags of an ECS (Discarded)
Querying ECSs by Tag (Discarded)
Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Images (Discarded)
Querying Image Details (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Specified Image (Discarded)
Querying the Metadata of a Specified Image (Discarded)
Deleting an Image (Discarded)
Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Security Groups (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Security Group (Discarded)
Updating a Security Group (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group (Discarded)
Creating a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Deleting a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Querying Brief Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Detailed Information About Disks (Discarded)
Querying Information About a Disk (Discarded)
Creating a Disk (Discarded)
Deleting a Disk (Discarded)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Creating a Snapshot (Discarded)
Querying Snapshots (Discarded)
Deleting a Snapshot (Discarded)
HTTP Status Codes
Error Codes
ECS Statuses
Network APIs