更新时间:2024-06-13 GMT+08:00
- FATAL Can't get local ip
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions: No such file or directory
- nginx is stopped
- will_upgrade\old_version:1.4.7
- Need to modify /etc/hosts,but no permission.
- system param fs.nr_open should not less than fs.file-max”or“system param net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range should >=30000
- some permission denied files in /opt/huawei/openresty/nginx/conf/
- Permission denied: '/opt/huawei/release/lf_test/SLB/
- install_slb_failed for /opt/huawei/openresty exists not for slb
- not all conf included in vhosts or slb_conf
- watchdog still running
- job 28e7241e42904334b failed
- [Service proxy.apply_sudo._wrapped_f]: fail to operator sudo,message: send request fail, status code: 400, error: None, message: illegal param\",\"status\":-2}
- some html not in /opt/huawei/openresty/nginx/html
- cannot access /opt/huawei/openresty/nginx/conf/ssl/sample/resty-auto-ssl-fallback.pem.Permission denined
- fail to operator sudo, message: send request fail, status code: 400, task: control sudo permission, status: failed
- some certificate not in /opt/huawei/openresty/nginx/conf/ssl
- crontab -l \n+ echo 'Permission denied crontab'
父主题: 运行时引擎负载均衡