Help Center> Config> User Guide> Resource Recorder> Configuring the Resource Recorder
Updated on 2024-05-29 GMT+08:00

Configuring the Resource Recorder


You must enable the resource recorder for Config to track changes to your resource configurations.

You can modify or disable the resource recorder at any time.

This section includes the following content:

Enabling the Resource Recorder

After the resource recorder is enabled, Config will notify you of any resource changes (creations, modifications, deletions, or relationship changes) and periodically store your notifications and resource snapshots.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner. Under Management & Governance, click Config.
  3. In the left navigation, choose Resource Recorder.
  4. Toggle on the resource recorder. In the dialog box, click Yes.

    Figure 1 Enabling the resource recorder

  5. Select the monitoring scope.

    By default, the resource recorder records all supported resources. You can specify a resource scope for the resource recorder.

    Figure 2 Selecting the monitoring scope

  6. Specify an OBS bucket.

    Specify an OBS bucket to store notifications of resource changes and resource snapshots.

    • Select an OBS bucket from the current account:

      Click Your bucket. If the OBS bucket name has a prefix, you need to enter the prefix. If no OBS buckets are available of the current account, create one. For details about how to create an OBS bucket, see Object Storage Service User Guide.

    • Select an OBS bucket from another account:

      Select Other users' bucket, then configure Region ID and Bucket Name. If the OBS bucket name has a prefix, you need to enter the prefix. If you select a bucket from another account, you need required permissions granted by the account. For details, see Cross-Account Authorization.

    After you specify an OBS bucket, Config will write an empty file named ConfigWritabilityCheckFile to the OBS bucket to verify whether resources can be written to the OBS bucket.

    Figure 3 Specifying an OBS bucket

  7. Specify a data retention period.

    Select Seven years (2557 days) or select A custom period and enter a retention period from 30 days to 2557 days.

    The data retention period only applies to resource configuration data and snapshots reserved by Config. It will not affect your data storage with SMN or OBS.

    Config will delete data that has been reserved for a longer time than the specified retention period.

    Figure 4 Specifying a data retention period

  8. Select an SMN topic.

    Toggle on Topic, then select a region and an SMN topic for receiving notifications of resource changes.

    • Select a topic from the current account:

      Select Your topic, then select a region and an SMN topic. If no SMN topics are available, create one. For details about how to create an SMN topic, see Simple Message Notification User Guide.

    • Select a topic from another account.

      Select Topic under other account, then enter a topic URN. If you select a topic from another account, you need required permissions granted by the account. For details, see Cross-Account Authorization.

    After you create a topic, you must add subscriptions to the topic and confirm the subscriptions. For details, see Simple Message Notification User Guide.

    Figure 5 Selecting an SMN topic

  9. Grant permissions.

    • Quick granting: This option will automatically create an agency named rms_tracker_agency to grant the required permissions for the resource recorder to work properly. The agency contains permissions, including the SMN Administrator for sending notifications and the OBS OperateAccess permission for writing data into an OBS bucket. The agency created by quick granting doesn't contain KMS permissions, and the resource recorder is unable to store resource change notifications and snapshots to an OBS bucket that is encrypted using KMS. If you need to use an encrypted bucket, you can add the KMS Administrator permission to the agency or use custom authorization. For details, see Storing Resource Change Notifications and Resource Snapshots to an Encrypted OBS Bucket.
    • Custom granting: You can create an agency using IAM to customize authorization for RMS. The agency must include permissions for sending notifications using an SMN topic and for writing data into an OBS bucket. To store resource changes and snapshots to an OBS bucket that is encrypted using KMS, you need the KMS Administrator permission. For details, see Storing Resource Change Notifications and Resource Snapshots to an Encrypted OBS Bucket. For details about how to create an agency, see Identity and Access Management User Guide.

      This agency grants Config related SMN and OBS permissions that are required for sending resource change notifications using an SMN topic and storing resource snapshots into an OBS bucket.

      Figure 6 Grant permissions

  10. Click Save.
  11. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes.

Modifying the Resource Recorder

You can modify the resource recorder at any time.

  1. In the left navigation, choose Resource Recorder.
  2. Click Modify Resource Recorder.

    Figure 7 Modifying the resource recorder

  3. Modify configurations.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes.

Disabling the Resource Recorder

You can disable the resource recorder at any time.

  1. In the left navigation, choose Resource Recorder.
  2. Toggle off the resource recorder.
  3. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

    Figure 8 Disabling the resource recorder

Cross-Account Authorization

  • Granting SMN topic permissions to another account
    1. Sign in to the management console with the authorizing account and go to the SMN console.
    2. Attach related SMN permissions to target accounts based on Configuring Topic Policies.
  • Granting OBS bucket permissions to another account
    1. Sign in to the management console with the authorizing account and go to the OBS console.
    2. Attach related OBS permissions to target accounts based on Creating a Custom Bucket Policy (JSON View).

      Add the following bucket policy:

          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "org-bucket-policy",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": {
                      "ID": [
                          "domain/account ID:agency/rms_tracker_agency"  //account IDindicates the domain ID of the account to be authorized. rms_tracker_agency indicates the name of the agency to be authorized.
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [

      You need to set Principal to the agency required for enabling the resource recorder. Set Resource to the path where the resource recorder dumped files. If the OBS bucket name has a prefix, include the prefix. Set Action to PutObject.

Storing Resource Change Notifications and Resource Snapshots to an Encrypted OBS Bucket

  • Using an OBS bucket that is encrypted with SSE-OBS

    If you need to store resource change notifications and snapshots to an OBS bucket encrypted using SSE-OBS, you only need to select the corresponding OBS bucket and no other operations are required.

  • Using an OBS bucket that is encrypted with a default key of SSE-KMS

    If you need to store resource change notifications and snapshots to an OBS bucket encrypted using a default key of SSE-KMS, you need to add the KMS Administrator permission to the agency assigned to the resource recorder.

  • Using an OBS bucket that is encrypted with a custom key of SSE-KMS

    If you need to store resource change notifications and snapshots to an OBS bucket that is encrypted using a custom key of SSE-KMS from another account, you need to add the KMS Administrator permission to the agency assigned to the resource recorder.

    If you need to store resource change notifications and snapshots to an OBS bucket that is from another account, and that is encrypted using a custom key of SSE-KMS, you need to add the KMS Administrator permission to the agency assigned to the resource recorder, and set the cross-account permission for the key at the same time. The procedure is as follows:

    1. Sign in to the Data Encryption Workshop (DEW) console and go to the Key Management Service page.
    2. In the Custom Keys tab, click the alias of a target key to go to its details page and create a grant on it.
    3. Grant the account the permission for using the key based on Creating a Grant.
      • Select Account for User or Account and enter an account ID.
      • Select Create Data Key for Granted Operations.