Help Center> Config> Service Overview> Relationships with Other Services
Updated on 2024-03-18 GMT+08:00

Relationships with Other Services

The following describes the relationships between Config and other services.

Table 1 Relationships between Config and other services




Related Operation


You need to specify an SMN topic when you enable the resource recorder.

You will receive a notification if a change is made to your resource.

Enabling, Configuring, or Modifying the Resource Recorder


You need to specify an OBS bucket when you enable the resource recorder.

  • The resource recorder stores resource change notifications into your specified OBS bucket every 6 hours (an SMN topic also needs to be specified).
  • The resource recorder stores your resource snapshots into the OBS bucket every 24 hours.


Required agencies need to be assigned using IAM for configuring the resource recorder.

The agencies must contain the permissions for sending notifications with SMN topics and storing data into an OBS bucket.



With CTS, you can record operations associated with Config for later query, audit, and backtrack.

Recording Config Operations in CTSCTS



You can use a FunctionGraph function configured for a custom policy to evaluate resource compliance.

Custom Policies

Resource Formation Service (RFS)


Conformance packages are created with RFS stacks. You cannot separately delete rules of a conformance package created with RFS stacks.

Conformance packages