Updated on 2024-05-16 GMT+08:00


If you need to assign different permissions to employees in your enterprise, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a good choice for fine-grained permissions management. IAM provides identity authentication, permissions management, and access control, helping you flexibly manage resource access.

You can create users using IAM and grant users permissions to implement access control. For example, if you want some of your employees to have the permissions for configuring the resource recorder, you can create IAM users for them and grant them with the required permissions.

If your Huawei Cloudaccount does not need individual IAM users for permissions management, skip this chapter.

IAM can be used free of charge. You pay only for the resources in your account. For more details, see IAM Service Overview.

Config Permissions

By default, new IAM users do not have permissions. You need to add a user to one or more groups and attach permissions policies or roles to these groups. Users in a group inherit permissions from the group, so that they can perform operations on cloud services based on the permissions.

Config is a global service. Your access will not be affected across different regions. So, users with related permissions can access Config and other global services in all regions.

A user with Config read-only permissions can view all resources on the Resource List page.

  • Roles: A coarse-grained authorization strategy that defines permissions by job responsibility. Only a limited number of service-level roles are available for authorization. When using roles to grant permissions, you must also assign other roles which the permissions depend on to take effect. However, roles are not an ideal choice for fine-grained authorization and secure access control.
  • Policy: A type of fine-grained authorization method that defines permissions required to perform operations on specific cloud resources under certain conditions. Authorization using policies is more flexible and help you implement least privilege. Most policies define permissions based on APIs. API actions are the minimum granularity of permissions. For API actions supported by Config, see the Permissions Policies and Supported Actions section in Config API Reference.

Table 1 lists all the system-defined permissions supported by Config.

Table 1 System-defined permissions supported by Config.




RMS ConsoleFullAccess

Grants full access to Config console. This policy grants you the permissions to perform all actions on the resource list, resource recorder, resource compliance, advanced queries, aggregators, and conformance packages.

RF FullAccess

RMS FullAccess

Grants full access to Config. This policy grants you the permissions to perform all actions on the resource list, resource recorder, resource compliance, advanced queries, aggregators, and conformance packages.

RF FullAccess

RMS ReadOnlyAccess

Grants read-only access to Config. This policy grants you read access to the resource list, resource recorder, resource compliance, advanced queries, aggregators, and conformance packages.


An IAM user or IAM Identity Center user may still be denied specific operations on resource recorders, rules, or conformance packages even if they have been granted the RMSConsoleFullAccess permission. This is because specific operations require IAM agencies. To perform these operations, you need related IAM agencies. The following lists the details.

To create IAM agencies, you need the iam:agencies:createAgency and iam:permissions:grantRoleToAgency permissions. To grant the permission iam:permissions:grantRoleToAgency, specific actions need to be specified.

Table 2 lists the common operations and the system-defined permissions of Config. √ indicates that an operation is supported, and × indicates not supported.

Table 2 Common operations supported by system-defined permissions


RMS ConsoleFullAccess

RMS FullAccess

RMS ReadOnlyAccess

Querying all resources

Query details about a resource.

Filtering resources

Exporting resources

Viewing resource compliance data

Viewing relationships of a resource

Viewing resource change history

Querying the resource recorder

Enabling, configuring, or modifying the resource recorder


Disabling the resource recorder


Querying a compliance policy

Modifying rules


Adding rules


Querying rules

Deleting rules


Creating organization rules


Modifying organization rules


Viewing organization rules

Deleting organization rules


Viewing resource compliance evaluation results

Triggering a resource compliance evaluation


Updating compliance evaluation results


Running advanced queries


Creating advanced queries


Querying advanced queries

Listing advanced queries

Updating advanced queries


Deleting advanced queries


Creating a resource aggregator


Viewing a resource aggregator

Modifying a resource aggregator


Deleting a resource aggregator


Viewing aggregated rules

Viewing aggregated resources

Authorizing a resource aggregator account


Deleting authorization for an aggregator account


Deleting resource aggregation requests


Viewing resource aggregation requests

Running advanced queries to aggregators


Viewing an authorization list

Creating conformance packages

√ (depends on RF FullAccess)

√ (depends on RF FullAccess)


Viewing conformance packages

Listing conformance packages

Deleting conformance packages

√ (depends on RF FullAccess)

√ (depends on RF FullAccess)


Updating conformance packages

√ (depends on RF FullAccess)

√ (depends on RF FullAccess)


Listing conformance package sample templates

Creating organization conformance packages


Viewing organization conformance packages

Listing organization conformance packages

Deleting organization conformance packages


Updating organization conformance packages
