Updated on 2024-03-18 GMT+08:00

Querying All Resources


On the Resource List page, you can view all resources from the current account.

There is a delay in synchronizing resource data to Config, so if there is a resource change, the change may not be updated in the resource list immediately.

If you have enabled the resource recorder, Config updates resource data within 24 hours after a change is made to a resource. If the resource recorder remains disabled, Config periodically corrects the resource data based on your activities. Resource historical information and message content will also be collectively updated.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page. Under Management & Governance, select Config.

    By default, your services that contain resources are displayed in the Service area, and all your resources are displayed in the list.

    Figure 1 Resource List

  3. To view all services supported by Config, disable Only display cloud services and regions that contain resources.

    Figure 2 Viewing all supported services

  4. To view all supported services and regions, click Supported Services and Regions.