Updated on 2024-06-13 GMT+08:00

Error Codes

If an error occurs during API calling, no result will be returned. You can locate the cause of an error using the error code of each API. When an API call fails, HTTPS status code 4xx or 5xx is returned. The returned message body contains a specific error code and error message. If you fail to identify the cause of an error, contact Huawei Cloudcustomer service technical support and provide the error code for quick troubleshooting.

Format of an Error Response Body

If an error occurs during API calling, an error code and a message will be displayed. The following shows an error response body.

    "error_msg": "The input parameter is invalid.", 
    "error_code": "AIS.0101" 

In the response body, error_code indicates the error code, and error_msg provides information about the error.

Error Codes

OCR is deployed on ModelArts and uses API Gateway (APIG). Therefore, OCR error codes may start with ModelArts, APIGW, or APIG.

If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to Error Codes. If an error code starts with APIG, rectify the fault by referring to this table.


Error Code

Error Message





The input parameter is invalid.

The input parameter does not meet the requirements.

Check whether the input parameter is correct. Possible causes are as follows:

  • image and url are both configured or the value format is incorrect.
  • true or false is incorrectly spelled.
  • Incorrect characters are included in the parameter value.

For details about the parameter value format, see the request parameter description of each API.


The image format is not supported.

The image format is not supported, or the value of image is not a Base64 encoded string.

Check the image format. For details about the image formats supported by each service, see Constraints and Limitations.


The image size does not meet the requirements.

The image size does not meet the requirements.

Check the image size. For details about the image size supported by each service, see Constraints and Limitations.


The image is not supported or the image quality is poor.

The image is not supported or is of poor quality.

Check the image type and quality.

Check whether the called API is correct.


Recognition failed.

Algorithm calculation failed.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Input ID does not exist.

The entered ID does not exist.

Check whether classifier_id or template_id is specified.


Service request error or the tax authority's interface was malfunctioning.

The tax agency's interface timed out and did not respond, resulting in an error in the service request.

Wait for the tax agency's interface to recover. (You are advised to try again 2 hours later.)


Template match failed, template_id={xxx}.

The input image failed to match the template.

Check whether the reference fields in the template match the fields in the input image.


Classification failed.

The image category failed to be entered.

Check whether the template in the classifier matches the input image.


The recognition area of template is not configured, template_id={xxx}

No recognition area is configured for the template.

Check whether the recognition area is configured for the template.


The image contains two or more ID cards with the same side.

There are two or more ID cards in the image that are on the same side.

Check if there are multiple ID cards on the same side in the input image. If the side parameter of ID Card OCR is double_side, the image cannot contain two or more ID cards on the same side.



Invalid token.

The token is invalid.

Check whether the token is correct.


Token header cannot be empty.

The token is empty.

The HTTP request header does not contain the token request authentication information of x-auth-token. Check the request.


Parse Token error.

The token failed to be parsed.

The token request authentication information of x-auth-token in the HTTP request header is incorrect. Check the sent request and token.


Invalid Token header.

The token is invalid.

The token request authentication information of x-auth-token in the HTTP request header is incorrect. Check the sent request and token.


Invalid Request Content Length.

The length of the request body is invalid.

Check the request body length. The size cannot exceed 10 MB.


The JSON format of the input data is incorrect.

The JSON format of the request body is incorrect.

Check the JSON format of the request body.

Failed to obtain the temporary AK/SK

The temporary AK/SK failed to be obtained.

Contact technical support. (If OBS is used, check the authorization first.)


Invalid authorization request.

The account is restricted.

Check the user's resources. For details about the account restriction reason, see My Account FAQ in Help Center.


Get user temp ak sk error.

An exception occurred when obtaining the temporary AK/SK.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Request url need service id.

The request URL does not contain the service ID.

Check the service ID in the request URL.


Request url format invalid.

The request URL format is invalid.

Check the request URL format.


Access denied! You do not have permission.

Access permission is unavailable.

Check the access permission.


Request api error! The API XXX is not subscribed.

Failed to request the service because the service has not been subscribed.

  • Go to the OCR console, select an appropriate region, and subscribe to the API you need.
  • If the service has been subscribed to, check whether the region (or account) where the service is subscribed to is the same as the region (or account) where the service is called. If they are the same, check whether the URL of the API is spelled correctly.


Have error when get ai-service admin token.

Failed to obtain the admin token of the service.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Gateway forwarding error.

The serviced failed to be accessed.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Max concurrency error.

The number of concurrent requests exceeds the upper limit.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Backend service timeout error.

Service processing timed out.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Backend service unavailable error.

The service is unavailable because it failed to respond or its failure rate is high.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Backend service response error.

The service failed to respond.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Backend service found error.

The service does not exist.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Backend service api not found.

The API to be accessed does not exist.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Backend service internal error.

The internal service error occurs.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


SubService service found error.

The subservice corresponding to the API does not exist.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Service not start.

The service does not exist or is stopped.

Contact Huawei Cloud support personnel.


Failed to download the file because the file path is not valid, please check it format.

The external URL is invalid.

Check the format of the entered download address.


Obtaining the file from the URL failed.

The file failed to be downloaded from the external URL.

Check the network and URL.


Query Obs agency failed.

The OBS agency failed to be queried.

Check whether the OBS agency has been enabled for the service.


The Obs URL is invalid.

The OBS URL is invalid.

Check the OBS URL.


Obtaining the file from the OBS failed.

The OBS file failed to be obtained.

Check the OBS file.


The file stored on the OBS is oversized.

The OBS file is oversized.

Check the size of the OBS file and ensure that the file does not exceed the size limit.


The Obs file is not exist.

The OBS file does not exist.

Check whether the corresponding file exists.


The user account has been suspended. Please check if you have an outstanding balance.

The user account has been frozen.

Check if your account has been frozen. Check your account balance and top up your account if necessary.



The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment.

The API does not exist or has not been published.

  • Check whether the API URL is correct. For example, check whether the project ID is included in the URL.
  • Check whether the region in the URI is the same as that configured for calling the service by referring to Endpoints.

  • Check whether the HTTP request method (such as POST and GET) is correct.
  • For details about the URI, see the corresponding API page.


Backend timeout.

Request timed out.

  • Check whether the original API call requests are excessively frequent. If so, use the retry mechanism to rectify the fault by checking the return value in the code and retrying the requests after a short period of time (for example, 2 to 5 seconds). Alternatively, check whether the result of the previous request is returned at the backend. If it is, send the next request. This helps prevent excessively frequent requests.
  • Check whether the image is too large or the network delay is too long. If the image is too large, compress the image in proportion while ensuring the image definition. If the network delay is long, you can increase the network transmission speed.


Incorrect IAM authentication information.

The IAM authentication information is incorrect.

  • decrypt token fail: The token fails to be parsed.
  • token expires: The token expires.
  • verify aksk signature fail: The AK/SK authentication fails.
  • x-auth-token not found: The x-auth-token parameter is not found.
  • If the token fails to be parsed, check the method for obtaining the token, whether the request body is correct, whether the token is correct, and whether the environment for obtaining the token is the same as the environment for calling the token.
  • If the token expires, obtain a new token that is valid permanently.
  • Check whether the AK/SK pair is correct. For example, the SK corresponding to the AK is incorrect; an extra space is entered in the AK/SK pair.
  • AK/SK-based authentication errors occur frequently. If an AK/SK pair fails to be authenticated for more than five consecutive times, the AK/SK pair is locked for 5 minutes (the AK/SK-based authentication is considered as an abnormal authentication request within 5 minutes). After 5 minutes, the AK/SK pair is unlocked and re-authenticated.
  • Check the account permissions, for example, whether the account is in arrears or frozen.
  • Check whether the spelling of X-Auth-Token in the request header is correct.


The throttling threshold has been reached: policy user over ratelimit,limit:XX,time:1 minute.

The request exceeds the default rate limit of the service.

Rectify the fault by following the instructions provided in Why Is a Message Stating "APIG.0308" Displayed When the OCR API Is Called?


If other error codes are displayed, contact us.