Updated on 2024-03-29 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to an OCR Service

  1. Register a Huawei Cloud account on the Huawei Cloud official website and use it to log in. The account cannot be in arrears or frozen.
  2. (Optional) Create an IAM user.

    1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud management console, hover your cursor over the username in the upper right corner of the page, and choose Identity and Access Management from the drop-down list.
      Figure 1 Identity and Access Management
    2. On the Users page, click Create User. On the page displayed, set the username and password to create an IAM user.
      Figure 2 Create User
      Figure 3 Setting the username and password
    3. Grant permissions to the IAM user. For details, see Permissions Management.
      Figure 4 Adding the IAM user to a user group

  3. Subscribe to a service.

    1. On the management console, click Service List and choose EI Enterprise Intelligence > Optical Character Recognition to access the OCR console.
      Figure 5 Accessing the OCR console
    2. On the Overview page of the OCR console, select the endpoint where you want to subscribe to a service. For details about OCR service availability in different regions, see Endpoints.
      Figure 6 Selecting an endpoint
    3. Select a product type, for example, General and Certificate, and select your desired service to subscribe to it. Set Billing Mode to Pay-per-use.
      Figure 7 Subscribing to a service
      Figure 8 Subscription Management
      • If a master account grants the OCR FullAccess permission to an IAM user, both the master account and the IAM user can subscribe to OCR services. IAM users without this permission cannot subscribe to OCR services on their own.
      • If a master account only grants the OCR ReadOnlyAccess permission or no permission at all to an IAM user, only the master account (or IAM users with the OCR FullAccess permission) can subscribe to OCR services for that IAM user.

      Alternatively, you can click Buy Package to subscribe to a service. The billing is on a package basis.

      Figure 9 Buy Package
    4. Once the service is successfully subscribed to, check that the status is Subscribed.
      Figure 10 Subscribed
      • OCR services are billed in pay-per-use mode by default. In this billing mode, you only need to pay for what you use. If you have purchased a package, see Billing for package deduction rules. Packages cannot be refunded once being purchased.
      • If you have not subscribed to an OCR service yet, an error message with error code "ModelArts.4204" will be displayed when you call the OCR API.
      • If you want to use data stored on OBS, you can authorize OCR to access OBS. You only need to configure the authorization once. For details, see Configuring Access Permissions of OBS.