Updated on 2024-05-21 GMT+08:00

Billing Overview

In this document, you will learn about the main billing information for Optical Character Recognition (OCR), including billing modes, billed items, renewals, and arrears.

  • Billing Modes

    OCR provides two billing modes, pay-per-use and package, to meet the needs in different scenarios. Pay-per-use: It is a postpaid mode where payment is made after usage, and billing is based on the number of successful API calls. Package: It is a prepaid model where payment is made before usage, and settlement is based on the purchase period of the order. So, you must ensure that your account balance is sufficient before making a purchase. For more information on the two billing modes, see Overview.

    After purchasing the OCR service, if you find that the current billing mode cannot meet your business needs, you can change the billing mode. For details, see Overview.

  • Billed Items

    OCR is charged based on the number of API calls. For billing details, see Price Calculator.

    Only successful API calls are counted, where a 2xx status code indicates a successful call, and failed calls are not charged.

    For examples of billing scenarios and the cost calculation process for different billed items under different billing modes, refer to Billing Examples.

  • Renewing Subscriptions

    After a package expires, the system will automatically switch to pay-per-use billing. If you want to continue using a package, you need to renew the service. Renewals can be done manually or automatically, depending on your needs. For more information on renewals, see Overview.

  • Viewing Bills

    You can choose Billing & Costs > Bills to check the OCR transactions and bills. For details, see Bills.

  • Arrears

    If there is not a sufficient account balance to pay for your bill and there is no other payment method configured, your account will go into arrears. After arrears, it may affect the normal operation of cloud service resources, and timely recharge is required. For details, see Arrears.

  • Stopping Billing

    When cloud service resources are no longer in use, they can be disabled to avoid further charges. For details, see Billing Termination.

  • Managing Costs

    You can manage costs from four dimensions: cost composition, cost allocation, cost analysis, and cost optimization. For more details, refer to Cost Management.