Updated on 2024-02-29 GMT+08:00

Deleting a ServiceComb Engine

You can delete an exclusive ServiceComb engine if it is no longer used.

  • Deleted engines cannot be recovered. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
  • For engine 1.x, if the cse_admin_trust agency is missing, deleting the engine will cause residual DNS, VPC, and security group resources on the tenant side. You need to delete them by yourself.


You can delete exclusive ServiceComb engines in the following states:
  • Available
  • Unavailable
  • Creation failed
  • Resizing failed
  • Upgrade failed


  1. Log in to CSE.
  2. Choose Exclusive ServiceComb Engines.
  3. Click Delete in the Operation column of the target engine. Alternatively, click the target engine and click Delete in the ServiceComb Engine Information area.
  4. In the displayed dialog box, enter DELETE and click OK.

    If the deletion fails, click Force Delete.