Updated on 2023-11-08 GMT+08:00


After sending a request, you will receive a response, including a status code, response header, and response body.

Status Code

A status code is a group of digits, ranging from 1xx to 5xx. It indicates the status of a request. For more information, see Status Codes.

Response Header

Similar to a request, a response also has a header, for example, Content-Type.

Response Body

The body of a response is often returned in a structured format as specified in Content-Type. The response body transfers content except the response header.

If an error occurs during API calling, an error code and a message will be displayed. The following shows an error response body.

  "error_code": "SVCSTG.0111",
  "error_msg": "xxxxxxxxx"

In the response body, error_code is an error code, and error_msg provides information about the error.